Wow Ahmed, congradulations on getting the chance to have such an amazing experience! 👍 First you get the GT5P cockpit now you get to see KY in Japan must be some kind of sensory overload!
I can imagine that when your in that situation is hard to remember what to ask and everything must seem like a blur but I really enjoyed your write up which asked some decient questions compared to those geneic ones gaming journalists ask..... and those pictures! WOW! He really knows how to do a cracking signature on that PS3
How much of PD's studio did you get to see?, did you stay in one specific area or did he take you on a tour... must be quite a large building. Who knows whats hidden is some rooms in that place! Maybe a master car list, or even a game build with damage...

Anything else catch your eye which looked unusual or maybe unreleased?
Hahaha, all this has really wet my appetite, oh well its good to know that Spec 3 updates will continue and its extra good to know PD and Porshe are talking although I would prefer Lambo to be thier priority.