Meeting with Kazanori Yamauchi him self

  • Thread starter super_fla
Aha! Finally the truth about damage...exactly what I read (as an opinion) 10 years ago with the original Gran Turismo!

Haha, exactly what I read 10 years ago as an interview with Mr. Yamauchi...
same old excuse, only back then it was BMW
I think. Why in the world does he take Manufactorers in that won´t allow damage ( if he really wanted it) and more suspicious why have other games damage featuring the Ferrari brand? :odd:
I was wondering that too (PGR 2 & Forza come to mind).

I think money has something to do with it! :sly: Im sure if you chuck money at everyone (which MS tends to do a lot of) then they will let you have some sort of damage. Maybe the damage Ferrari are willing to allow is not the level PD wishes for. Forza and PGR damage is far from realistic.

TBH I would be happy with even one car at first getting damage and that being put in prologue.. KY could just choose one company which has given consent for full on damage and just show us something!... ANYTHING!

As for damage on all cars... I can wait!

well I think we still got about a year wait for the full GT5 so they better put an update with some new tracks cus it starts to get a bit boring ;)
When it comes to damage, cant they just have damage races, only those cars allowing damage are allowed to enter? Those brands would be the most talked about and popular I am sure, and maybe those manufacturers not allowing damage would come around?
I think money has something to do with it! :sly: Im sure if you chuck money at everyone (which MS tends to do a lot of) then they will let you have some sort of damage. Maybe the damage Ferrari are willing to allow is not the level PD wishes for. Forza and PGR damage is far from realistic.


I would agree on that. Companies like MS and EA just throw money and it does everything else whereas PD makes these collaborative relationships as can be seen with the NIKE 2012 concept, Nissan's GT-R and Citroen's GT.
I think money has something to do with it! :sly: Im sure if you chuck money at everyone (which MS tends to do a lot of) then they will let you have some sort of damage. Maybe the damage Ferrari are willing to allow is not the level PD wishes for. Forza and PGR damage is far from realistic.

TBH I would be happy with even one car at first getting damage and that being put in prologue.. KY could just choose one company which has given consent for full on damage and just show us something!... ANYTHING!

As for damage on all cars... I can wait!


Forza 2, and PGR are both ARCADE racers.. agree or not, they are, but forza is pretty much both Arcade/sim, but its still on arcade side. GT games are always calming to be true driving simulator, I think they are, but still with flaws, but GT games do dominate in SIM level on all console games and IS THE BIGGEST seller/franchise out there. So this is HUGE reputation that MANUFACTURERS receive feedback from people that play GT games, that's why PD always have biggest privlages to have new cars and concepts to be in their game. GT5 now takes LASER scanned cars, pushing the envelope even higher, so I bet Ferrari and other companies don't wish to have damange done on their cars since it is sooooo easy to make mistakes (PRO levle) People would crash every 5 minutes, and then say that Ferrari is a not a SOILID car. Yes GT5 wishes to have the very best, true to life damage.
So for now, I think we will only see damage on RACE CARS only. This RACE CAR only damage idea is thought the net for over 2 years. Once they started to work on GT4 HD the rumors spread. I also think a year or two ago, interview with KAZ, he himself mention that maybe race cars will receive damage only.

I think this is another good EXAMPLE why Ferrari, and other manufacturers wont allow damage.
Ferrari cars are not reliable. It suber UBER expensive parts, very high and frequent maintenance. You hit something LIGHTLY, and some part will fail on you. In a tank car like the Mercedes-Benz or any other GERMAN cars, you really worry less about these things. You can always push the car, hit something, go over a ditch and nothing will brake. So yeah, Ferrari are good fast cars, but they know they are very fragile, there for wont allow damage.
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When it comes to damage, cant they just have damage races, only those cars allowing damage are allowed to enter? Those brands would be the most talked about and popular I am sure, and maybe those manufacturers not allowing damage would come around?

Good idea.
Good idea, I bet GT5 stock cars would be 50 % manufacturers with damage, other 50 % without. Tell the truth, just stick to 100% race car damage. I think in order to scan a race car, lets say F430 race car build from some team other then Ferrari team, they don't really need permission from Ferrari for this car to have damage. All PD needs is precision from the Race Team that build the car. Is that the formula that GTR1 and 2 use?
I think this is another good EXAMPLE why Ferrari, and other manufacturers wont allow damage.
Ferrari cars are not reliable. It suber UBER expensive parts, very high and frequent maintenance. You hit something LIGHTLY, and some part will fail on you. In a tank car like the Mercedes-Benz or any other GERMAN cars, you really worry less about these things. You can always push the car, hit something, go over a ditch and nothing will brake. So yeah, Ferrari are good fast cars, but they know they are very fragile, there for wont allow damage.

This reminds of a while back when I had my Civic SiR, I was waiting for some friends to play paintball. When I pulled into the parking lot I was very wary of the large parking curbs. However when some young hot shot pulled in with his Ferrari 360 he drove straight into the curb, he hopped out grabbed his laser sighted paintball gun and gear and walked away (looking a little white in the face) without looking at the damage. On a normal car I would say there was about $1500 worth of damage, so I would estimate $10-15k?
wow, excellent thread

im really happy that Kaz implied that GT5 is coming sometime in late 2009/early2010. that doesnt seem too bad now, i can wait 1 year :)
Good idea, I bet GT5 stock cars would be 50 % manufacturers with damage, other 50 % without. Tell the truth, just stick to 100% race car damage. I think in order to scan a race car, lets say F430 race car build from some team other then Ferrari team, they don't really need permission from Ferrari for this car to have damage. All PD needs is precision from the Race Team that build the car. Is that the formula that GTR1 and 2 use?

I like the idea of 100% Race Car damage...that is if we can't get production car damage. In a way, yes it is understandable as to why manufacturers don't want their objects of beauty to be annihilated. So if we could get it for race cars, I could probably live with that, although the ultimate would be every car obviously. As far as permission from race team manufacturers, I'm not exactly sure how that works. As far as getting the Lambo race car in GT3, there was some controversy about that method because even though PD got the license from the race team to use the car, it did not make Lamborghini happy, so I thought there was some conflict with that. I could be wrong on that story, but it would seem to me that asking race teams only for damage of the car may cause a similar situation. But I don't know for sure. Maybe we'll get lucky.

This reminds of a while back when I had my Civic SiR, I was waiting for some friends to play paintball. When I pulled into the parking lot I was very wary of the large parking curbs. However when some young hot shot pulled in with his Ferrari 360 he drove straight into the curb, he hopped out grabbed his laser sighted paintball gun and gear and walked away (looking a little white in the face) without looking at the damage. On a normal car I would say there was about $1500 worth of damage, so I would estimate $10-15k?

:ouch: Wow what a way to pay attention in a ride that's over a couple hundred grand! Hahaha.
The primadonna, marketting department crap about no car crashes harks waaay back to the 16 bit days. I remember the classic 2-d Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge on the Amiga (yes it looked 3d but trust me it was a vertical scroller)

Basically Lotus let them use the brand but the car wasn't allowed to crash and it's been downhill ever since.

I have thought of two counter-propaganda solutions that might help remedy this but, unfortunately, you'd need participation on such a massive scale that it'll probably never happen.

Anyway, in the interests of venting and living a pipedream I'll outline them here.

1) Petition/Email flood each of the manufacturers begging that they allow the cars to be demolished and turned on their roofs with a caveat that, if we're ever thinking of buying a Ferrari or whatever, that the memory of seeing the car destroyed in a video game will not affect our purchasing decision.

2) Find someone who's survived a car wreck and convince them to threaten a lawsuit against the manufacturer and Polyphony digital for giving the impression that the vehicle was indestructible in a 200mph head-on collision. If we could manage to get the media circus involved, by decrying the car manufacturers as irresponsible and dangerously misleading then all the better.

Of course option two could backfire and result in all the car companies withdrawing the rights to use their car in any videogame but I still think it'd be funny as hell, cos that's the way my brain's wired.

Anyroad, like I said - pie in the sky - never gonna happen. :grumpy:
The primadonna, marketting department crap about no car crashes harks waaay back to the 16 bit days. I remember the classic 2-d Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge on the Amiga (yes it looked 3d but trust me it was a vertical scroller)

Basically Lotus let them use the brand but the car wasn't allowed to crash and it's been downhill ever since.

I have thought of two counter-propaganda solutions that might help remedy this but, unfortunately, you'd need participation on such a massive scale that it'll probably never happen.

Anyway, in the interests of venting and living a pipedream I'll outline them here.

1) Petition/Email flood each of the manufacturers begging that they allow the cars to be demolished and turned on their roofs with a caveat that, if we're ever thinking of buying a Ferrari or whatever, that the memory of seeing the car destroyed in a video game will not affect our purchasing decision.

2) Find someone who's survived a car wreck and convince them to threaten a lawsuit against the manufacturer and Polyphony digital for giving the impression that the vehicle was indestructible in a 200mph head-on collision. If we could manage to get the media circus involved, by decrying the car manufacturers as irresponsible and dangerously misleading then all the better.

Of course option two could backfire and result in all the car companies withdrawing the rights to use their car in any videogame but I still think it'd be funny as hell, cos that's the way my brain's wired.

Anyroad, like I said - pie in the sky - never gonna happen. :grumpy:

Hahaha well that's one way to kill the video game racing industry :lol:
You did a great job in the interview. Thanks for asking so many questions that (real) fans have been waiting to hear the answers for.

I guess you didn't ask about Bathurst :P. No worries.
Great interview man. La Sarthe looks amazing, even from that one screen shot. Just a few questions to you.

1) Did you mention weather or day/night cycles at all? These aren't my top concerns, but I think playing on la Sarthe would have brought up the 24 hour aspect.

2) Why didn't you ask to play in a full blown racecar, boy? They have the Xanavi Nismo done at least, don't they? You should've asked for a purpose built racer. :(

Once again, thanks for asking the questions we wanted to hear the answers to, even though Kaz said pretty predictable stuff.
I gotta admit the right man got the gig. I'm sure if I'd have been interviewing KY the transcript would be a tech nerd failfest about how they did the netcode and what challenges did multithread cell architecture throw up with this version of the franchise
i dont buy the story about manufacturers not allowing their car to be damaged.... look at (forgive me) Forza... it has both ferrari and porshce and incluldes damage on all cars.
i dont buy the story about manufacturers not allowing their car to be damaged.... look at (forgive me) Forza... it has both ferrari and porshce and incluldes damage on all cars.

And guess who it is made by?
I gotta admit the right man got the gig. I'm sure if I'd have been interviewing KY the transcript would be a tech nerd failfest about how they did the netcode and what challenges did multithread cell architecture throw up with this version of the franchise

:lol::lol::lol: Hey, but some people would have been really interested in that 👍. And I haven't seen it covered in any other interview :)

This is possibly one of the best GT5/5p interview so far... all the Qs that fans would want to ask & not the marketing bulls**t that magazines dish out.. Great job! You're the MAN.... hope to see the photos you've taken of your Japan trip soon.


+1 to that. Great questions. As soon as I started reading this I thought my god what a great opportunity to ask some questions that have been begging to be asked for months. You asked them super_fla, kudos to you sir for putting those who get paid to do it to absolute shame.
Wow! never saw this until now and like everyone else I'm gobsmacked at this brilliant adventure you had super_fla :crazy: Congrats mate 👍

From a great interview to the great feedback and also a well detailed post for all us GT addicts :cheers: You done the GT communities proud with your indepth questions 👍 ... and those pics are more than enough to drive us less fortunate gamers crazy with jealousy at your amazing encounter :ill:

Well done mate it's without a doubt the best GT story yet :cheers:

ps ... will you pick my lottery numbers for next week as you seem to be the luckiest guy on two legs :sly:
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Damage, is it really important? to me the culprit of all these heavily request is comes from US gamers after playing FPS 👎..btw congrats Superfla :)..hmm just want to know is it GT5 comes with rain/wet race/ weather changing features?
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Great interview man. La Sarthe looks amazing, even from that one screen shot. Just a few questions to you.

1) Did you mention weather or day/night cycles at all? These aren't my top concerns, but I think playing on la Sarthe would have brought up the 24 hour aspect.

2) Why didn't you ask to play in a full blown racecar, boy? They have the Xanavi Nismo done at least, don't they? You should've asked for a purpose built racer. :(

Once again, thanks for asking the questions we wanted to hear the answers to, even though Kaz said pretty predictable stuff.

1- no i didn't , sorry :( its one along with other questions i forgot to ask
the simplest question i wanted to ask and forgot it was why the cross-hand movement while steering isn't there yet? its important to every one who drifts alot like myself.

2-the truth is i didn't really know how far i can ask for. the guy was super nice to me and i didnt want to ask much (which i already did :D) and act rude.

I'm going to prepare an illustration with your name(and usename),
Gran Turismo 5 logo & Porshce stream out.

I'll pm you & I'll post it here too.

thanks alot , that would be nice of you :)
And guess who it is made by?

Now is that your answer for everything, I guess? :sly:

I don't get it that most people can't see this is just a lame excuse to not to disappoint the fans!?
It's almost granted with every new game of the series.
^^Same for day/night and weather effects... btw that's the most shocking part for me with GT5P - no effects at all, everything looks lifeless like there has been a nuclear wipeout or something. And now you think it was possible to implement damage effects, on PS3? LOL there's just no way for that... get it!?:irked:
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Now is that your answer for everything, I guess? :sly:
And what exactly do you mean by that? That I'm making up excuses, kinda like everyone thats complaining?

I don't get it that most people can't see this is just a lame excuse to not to disappoint the fans!?
And you don't get it? I'm amazed that people like you continually come up with these claims as if you've done all this stuff before and whenever I say something about, some crybaby acts like I'm being the apoligetic staff when I'm simply pointing the lack of logic in the complaints repetitively made, like your question made at me.

^^Same for day/night and weather effects... btw that's the most shocking part for me with GT5P - no effects at all, everything looks lifeless like there has been a nuclear wipeout or something. And now you think it was possible to implement damage effects, on PS3? LOL there's just no way for that... get it!?:irked:

Seeing as PD has Never done Physical damage or Weather effects, I honestly don't see how they are suddenly expected to throw it in just like that. Not sure how its completely lifeless seeing as the crowd moves(that looks quite alive to me), but its game. Sounds like your complaints are made simply out of frustraition because guys like you expect too much. Now your response will come in the form of something like "They promised this!", but here is my question: You gonna believe EVERYTHING? Promises are almost always made to be broken so why believe everthing? Whenever they promised something, I've hoped but never fully expected it to happen because there is always a chance that despite it should have and should be, it might not happen. For instance, I should have had a PS3 by now, but guess what? It never happened. I've gotten promised a PS3, but again, it never happened. I'm hoping this time it comes, but like with all these features you are so fruatraited from not seeing, I'm not expecting it to happen. Perhaps you shouldn't try to keep up since its obvious your gonna complain on excuse this, excuse that and even funnier, you aren't the guy that has met Kaz, are you? So let me ask you: Is your answer to everything complaining?
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