Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

  • Thread starter Delirious
Just remember...freedom of religion, not freedom FROM religion...

There's the rub. :lol: ...except in schools... please, freedom from OFFICIALLY TAUGHT religion in schools.
At the risk of opening another can of worms:

Holidays = Holy days.

So, does it really matter?

I like the mobilephone commercial from last year.
"Happy Christma-Hanu-Kwanza-kah."
And with Hanukkah starting on Christmas this year, everyone is covered.
Just remember...freedom of religion, not freedom FROM religion...
This is the most tired old saw in the book.

You don't seem to want to deal with other people's religions at this time of year... yet you don't seem to think twice about expecting them to deal with yours.
Alright...I've had enough of this...I've been meaning to put this out...but enough is enough

Tolerance...Accepting others without agreeing with or sharing their beliefs or lifestyle choices
Accepting that every individuals beliefs, values, lifestyles, and truth claims are equal

Respect...Giving due consideration to others
Wholeheartedly approving of others' beliefs or lifestyle choices

Acceptance...Embracing people for who they are, not necessairly for what they say or do
Endorsing and even praising others for their beliefs or lifestyles

Moral Judgments...Certain things are morally right or wrong, as determined by God.
We have no right to judge another person's view or behavior

Personal preference
Perferences of color, food, clothing style, hobbies, etc., are personally determined
Perferences of sexual behaviors, value systems, and beliefs are personally determined

Personal rights
Everyone has the right to be treated justly under the law
Everyone has the right to do what they believe is best for them

Being free to do what you know you ought to do
Being able to do anything you want to do

An absolute standard of right and wrong
Whatever is right for you.

So much has changed between the gap of generations...such as this whole bogus Christmas conterversey...

Should people who go caroling to peoples houses be stricted to secular Christmas songs now??
This is the most tired old saw in the book.

You don't seem to want to deal with other people's religions at this time of year... yet you don't seem to think twice about expecting them to deal with yours.
Happy Winter Solstice, Duke.

Burn the Yule? Went to neighbors as mummers?

I don't care what anyone calls it. I'll just keep doin' what I do best. Livin' well & growing fat.

R.I.P. Fatman. ( MGS2)
Solid Lifters
Happy Winter Solstice, Duke.

Burn the Yule? Went to neighbors as mummers?
Yes to the first, no to the second. And thank you! I planned to post a thread at 1:35p EST today (the moment of Solstice) but I was to steamed at a few members elsewhere to do so in a holiday spirit.
The way I see it, Christmas has become such a cultural thing, it's silly to be offended by someone wishing you a Merry Christmas if you aren't a devout Christian. I'm an atheist, but I still appreciate Christmas as a time to visit family and exchange gifts. It's probably the only day of the year when everything else disappears, except for the people I most care about. I know a girl from college who is from India, and even though her entire family is Hindu, they LOVE Christmas. They love getting together, cooking great food, spending time together, and exchanging gifts. Likewise, if I were to move a country halfway around the world, and have people telling me "Happy [insert holiday name here]" it wouldn't bother me in the least. I really don't understand why people get so upset over Merry Christmas.
For my part I would say "happy new year" because christmas for me will be boring AGAIN !!! But this new year will be good for a lot of things. My girlfriend will be with me, I will start back school next summer, and I will start taking my life back where I left it 4 years ago when I drown into the internet's addiction.

Thank God, I know you wit mey !!! !!!!!
Christmas in America is crazy. You can't escape it, except at synagogue. To me Christmas is is somewhat offensive and annoying. I hate the fact that people just assume that you're christian. "Happy Holidays" is not PC, it's common courtesy.

What is offensive or annoying about Santa, reindeer and gift giving?
If you get super offended by being wished a merry x-mas, to the point where you would go on a santa hunting rampage, don't live in a western country where christmas is such a strong tradition. When in Rome do as the Romans do... and all that.
I just send this picture out in email to everyone I know and then wish them all a Merry Christmas since that is what I celebrate.

I havent read this thread, but I just dont get why christians get their knickers up in a bunch about people saying happy holidays rather then merry christmas. Damn conservatives only caring about themselves again... Dear god dont offend them only everyone else that lives here with us...

What really makes me sick is that holiday is a contracion of "holy day." Is christmas not a holy day? Is it not ment to celebrate the birth of jesus christ, the most holy man to ever live?

So I say that everyone should say holiday. It makes more sense.
Nothing, but it's the over-christians that ruin it.

Actually, I have noting at all against santa and all of that. My problem is when people let that overshadow what Christmas is really about.

So I say that everyone should say holiday. It makes more sense.

Actually, it doesn't since holiday literally means holy-day.

And we don't "just care about ourselves" It's not about someone else calling it happy holidays, it's about some telling ME I shouldn't say merry christmas, but happy holidays. :yuck:
As my pastor said, The people that celebrate the holiday without believing in the true meaning are christmas hackers. they hack into the holiday to give gifts and party but dont really care what its about.

Actually, it doesn't since holiday literally means holy-day.

thats what I just said. its a contraction of the two words. christmas is a holy day so I dont see why its not right to say holy day.

No one is telling you that you want say merry christmas. We just arent telling it to you...

On a side note though I was at best buy today and they did say merry christmas.
I don’t think Christians do that with Christmas, they simply wish people well and invite them to celebrate. What’s wrong with that?
What's wrong with that is that there are people that have nothing better to do but complain about things that no one else really gives a damn about. I'm not religious at all (I just don't believe in religion as the greater purpose, but I digress), but it doesn't offend me at all. I'm not saying that peopel should force their beliefs on others, but I find it rather silly to act like an ass to someone because they apparently "slighted you" when all they really did was wish you a Merry Christmas, which, regardless of if you celebrate it or not,only says that they hope your next few weeks are filled with joy. It seems ratehr redundant to me to draw out something for the sake of drawing it out when the person meant no harm in the original statement anyways.
@ Swift: The problem with treating it as "what it really is about" is that few actually treat it like that anymore or (in my case), believe that is what it was really originally about anyways. In America in particular, it is at best usually treated as a time for forgetting past differences within society, and at worst a time of gluttony. Now, I don't see why anyone would have any problem with them being wished a Merry anything if it is thought of as the former. And I honestly don't think there can possibly be anyone intelligent who thinks that the majority of the time it isn't. It's the twits that think it is now only a time of gluttony that are the ones that pull stupid arguements like that.
@ Vonie: I don't think that is fair. Just because many people expect you to believe in Christmas does not mean it's because of eccentricity around their religion. Nor is it not a factor. It is. But ignorance (not arrogance) is more of a factor than anything else is, because I could just as easily say that there are no good women drivers. The scenario is practically identical in scope, because all it takes is absence of knowledge to to project false conclusions. Bias can only add to that.
Actually, why the hell should someone care if I say Merry Christmas or Happy holidays? If you're offended by it, then you you're A) of weak faith, or B) an idiot.
Actually, why the hell should someone care if I say Merry Christmas or Happy holidays? If you're offended by it, then you you're A) of weak faith, or B) an idiot.
The problem is, though, that there are some people who deliberatly go out of there way to make sure that people celebrate Christmas. There is also the simple fact that saying "Happy Holidays" says that you are tolerant enough to the twits to aknowledge that Christmas isn't the only holiday of the time of year, which is admirable. The problem is that many people take it too far, offending the Christians and starting fights and lawsuits. You are right, but the problem is that not everyone that objects to it objects to it for those reasons. Just the majority.