Metal Gear Solid 4 - Advent Palace Escape Crash

  • Thread starter JR98
United Kingdom
The UK
Just picked up MGS4 for the first time yesterday and am currently stuck on the Advent Palace Escape level.

After meeting up with the Rat Patrol team, and the FROG soldiers ambush the hotel I get a good bit through the fight with them until I get through a bar and down some stairs (where Akiba suddenly needs the bathroom) and then the game suddenly crashes, booting me back to the XMB. No idea why this is happening, although I think it could be a cutscene trying to trigger.

It's the Greatest Hits version on PS3, with the 2.00 update done and a full install for all acts (I even tried reinstalling it and it still crashes at this part of the game)
Could it be because of the disc? Or maybe the kind of PS3 you're using.

Try reinstalling once more. I didn't have problems plus mine was the PSN version.
Must be a disc error.

It could also be a hard drive read error, since MGS4 writes so much to the HDD it's hard to say which is at fault. So it could be a bad disc, disc drive or HDD... But then again if he's tried deleting the game data and reinstalling it might not be the HDD since the reinstalled game data would be written to different sectors and should, maybe, crash at a different point. In any case, the best thing to do is try a different disc in your PS3, try your disc in a different PS3 and maybe make a backup of your PS3's HDD just in case.