Blame Konami.
I get you, but Kojima had 5 years to make Phantom Pain but he barely made a Chapter 2, the first chapter was good. Also, the ending was stupid.
Just imagine if they gave him an extra year to work on chapter 2 though, the missions would have been better however I think the overall ending would have been more or less the same.
Yeah, remember the guy had 5 years! plus chapter 2 was just spam, I respect him for chapter one but they just killed of Skull face too quick and the showtime on Quite is ridiculous, it's as if the studio spent most the time gazing on her. Also, her plot is just silly.
I think to be honest he got a little carried away with it all, instead of sticking to the working formula he tried to be so far out of the box it just fell flat in many areas. Still we always have Metal Gear Survive to look forward too![]()
Just imagine if they gave him an extra year to work on chapter 2 though, the missions would have been better however I think the overall ending would have been more or less the same.
Guys... Guys. If you're on PC, you have to try Infinite Heaven. I've got it set up for free roam semi-subsistence (no guns or items but wormholes, stealth suit and buddies) with all my side ops reset, all types of vehicles patrolling (I turned helicopters off, though, because launchers are rare...), extra minefields, roaming patrols and a few other things tweaked. It's a lot of fun, but I also got the S++ soldiers mod so I actually have a reason to free roam. I've got a graphical mod too that increases the high LOD draw distance, it reduces visible pop-in and draws shadows in the distance, it looks amazing.
There's a mod that adjusts camo effectiveness, it basically fixes camo so that suitable patterns work in the proper environments, I might get that. Beyond that I can't think of any other mods I'd want - item unlockers and modification de-restrictors don't interest me - but I haven't had a good look yet.
I honestly wonder why we don't see armored vehicle patrols and the like? Mother Base itself feels lifeless too, no training? No seeing soldiers returning from missions or deploying to missions? Or other choppers flying around? No boat patrols?
With Infinite Heaven you can configure it to have helicopters (both combat and transport, apparently) flying around, I saw options to have soldiers move between struts, too. I haven't actually been there since I installed the mod though, I guess I should. You can also have custom MB events like Skull or XOF attacks with helicopters, war games (where it makes your staff hostile to you) and others. It's a shame the vanilla game couldn't have all these things in it, but at least this mod has enabled some customisation in that regard.
Just build a nuclear warhead. You'll automatically get Demon Snake.Might as well go full mayhem for Demon Snake since I haven't attained that status yet.
Just build a nuclear warhead. You'll automatically get Demon Snake.
But I've read the guidebook and it said the enemy will start actively deploying armored vehicles if you yourself caused a lot of combat alerts whilst using your APC or tank or even Pequod. I think I'll try that later. Might as well go full mayhem for Demon Snake since I haven't attained that status yet.
As an avid user of the support helicopter, I can confirm that the only change in enemy equipment when using it frequently is that they start handing out manpads to their soldiers. I haven't used IFV's and tanks that much, but I suppose it's possible that the AI might start employing those in response to you doing such a thing. Certainly makes sense.
I've heard outpost guards talk about HQ sending armored vehicles to outposts, but outside of specific missions, I've never seen it. But as we've been over previously, the world and its inhabitants feel horribly underused. I want to facepalm whenever I see a lone supply truck driving about in enemy territory... The two man LRRP's you encounter in a lot of missions also don't make a whole lot of sense, as it would be far too easy for enemy forces to take them out. 8-12 man teams would make more sense.
I had hoped that the patrols you can configure in IH would be of the four-man type you see in armoured vehicle side op teams, but they're just the two-man ones you see in missions. Also I found IH can be set to add more interrogation outcomes; sometimes they tell you about the LRRPs, armoured vehicle patrol routes and every now and then you find one who tells you about someone at a different outpost who has a stash, then when you get there and find the right person they'll "tell you where it is", except (I suppose due to limitations in what the mod can do) the stash doesn't exist and instead you get some extra items with your next delivery to MB. I got 1x mist parasite, so it's hardly anything game breaking.
Also I played a number of hours of high chaos free roam and I never saw a single tank. There isn't an icon in the enemy prep display (you know, the coloured squares that show things like night vision, shields, cameras, snipers and such) for armoured vehicles, anyway; I expect it was cut at the last minute or never finished which would explain why there's dialogue and a guide book mention for it.
There's an ultimate edition due to be released soon, which contains Ground Zeroes, The Phantom Pain and all of the DLC released so far - but it won't contain any additional content. According to Kojima, "Chapter 3" was cut early in the development cycle, but they haven't ruled out telling a story through online events.I hope someday Konami finish off the game, as all the voice acting is done for the remaining chapters. There's some left over unused audio in the game which is very interesting but sad at the same time to know what's missing.
I hope someday Konami finish off the game, as all the voice acting is done for the remaining chapters. There's some left over unused audio in the game which is very interesting but sad at the same time to know what's missing.
Something big did happen to her. Didn't you play "A Quiet Exit"?also quiet was one of the more interesting characters in the game and i was expecting something big to happen including her but again nothing.
That's naturally going to happen when you recycle assets. It does look pretty similar to Da Shago Kallai, but the compound is larger.the maps a recycled
It looks like there are a few new pieces of equipment, like the tactical Fulton launcher.Apart from pretty graphics and UI