You'll get more still if you A- and S-rank the missions.Improved to a B-rank, got some unlockable weapons (didn't no there were any).
I think it ends tomorrow so just get it now, PC came out not too long ago so no price drop on that one for sure.Where?
Edit: Oh on psn I guess. Still waiting for a little price drop on pc.If no drop I'll get it before the sale ends.
I think that a big part of that was the limitations of the device. A lot of the environments were recycled, so there was a need for variety in mission types to keep the game from getting repetitive, especially in Extra Ops.I hope it won't be filled with horrible filler missions like Peace Walker. Really hated a lot in that game.
That's true, but in the context of story, only one was considered canon, the Ground Zeroes mission itself.Well, I suppose the individual missions in Ground Zeroes show great promise of how you can use one map in incredibly varied ways. But even then, it's so out of context in relation to the main story. I know that's why they're called pseudo recreations, but it might make it difficult to fully invest in the story.
That said, MGS V is still my most anticipated release of the year.
I'm just a bit apprehensive about missions that only take a few minutes - it brings back memories of GTA V where one of the missions was "buy clothes".
I get that not every mission can be two hours long - but the beauty of the Side Ops in GZ was that they felt like complete stories. "Classified Intel" was the only one that could be rushed through, and even then, you had to know exactly what you were doing, and you could only really rush it on a repeat play-through.
That's one of the two things I hope gets changed for TPP (the other being the clumsy weapon selection): time limits for ranks. You need to be quick to get an S-rank, but I like taking my time and finding creative solutions to progressing - like sticking C4 to a guard tower to create a distraction, or shooting a guard in the foot with a tranquiliser dart and letting him continue on his route until he drops on plain sight.
Sounds plausible to me.But in GZ, things that you do outside the immediate scope of the mission can impact upon the game world. I suspect Kojima will use that, changing the availability of missions depending upon the level of enemy activity in an area.
Sounds plausible to me.
Now, I've not been playing GZ as much as some of you have, obviously, but given how much impacts our actions have on the game's world, I'd assume that some missions might become permanently unavailable throughout a playthrough, depending on how one went about playing the game. Like some sort of "mission tree" that opens up and branches out depending on what you've been doing. Immense replay value, in that case, too.
Interesting, I didn't know that.Keep in mind that GZ was only there in the state that its in because Sony wanted a Metal Gear game at launch. The result is less than desirable.
True enough... Sounds more like something another certain Japanese game director who's name starts with a K would do.I would like to believe that all missions will be playable the first time through, rather than having variations, as that does not sound much like Kojima.
That makes sense because a Union Jack flag can be seen on the wall when Snake wakes up in the "Not Your Kind Of People" trailer. The British have maintained a military base in Cyprus at Akrotiri for decades. And with Zero, a British national, naturally wanting to maintain control over Snake, Cyprus makes sense because it's out of the way.
Are we certain Snake went into a coma following the helicopter crash off Nicaragua? A lot of the trailers show the mass funeral for the MSF staff, and Snake being semi-conscious as he is taken into hospital (though that may be for dramatic effect). Cyprus would make further sense as a location if Snake was injured in Africa given its proximity and the way he is being treated by the same doctors when he arrives and when he wakes from the coma. Or did the gameplay demo from Africa show Snake with a prosthetic arm?
Really? That's a distance of thousands of kilometres. And while I don't expect the game to be an accurate recreation of that distance, the most direct journey on foot would mean going through Iran, Iraq, Jordan and Israel just to get to the Egyptian border - and if it's in "middle Africa", then that would mean going to Kenya or Tanzania, which is probably twice as far. Kojima reckons TPP is two hundred times the size of GZ, but I don't think that would be enough to cover all of can physically travel from Africa to Afghanistan on foot and take actual in game days to do so