Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
The PC crowd was raging hard against the MGS Collection 2014. I had a good laugh. :lol:

Who else but Kojima can turn a game show into a fashion show? :cool:

And I'm bummed that this game is not coming out until 2015 (Please be Spring release) but after seeing even more footage I'm convinced it's game of the century.:bowdown:

@Ddrizle I hope we can partner up with regular Diamond Dogs soldiers. I like Quiet, but I also like a challenge and she is clearly OP. :drool:
Enjoyed the footage from the stream yesterday.

Anyone feel sorry for the horse when the player decided to bring it back to Mother Base with the Fulton balloon?

I love the sound of the whole A.I. buddy system when they brought in Quiet. Maybe perhaps there's a chance of a co-op system where one player is Snake and the other plays Quiet/whatever other characters making a presence in the game? Would be a cool idea to have featured in-game.

Those comments in the stream were hilarious, if going a bit too far.
DD the wolf.

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The thumbnail of the first image made Big Boss' hand look like some sort of holster and I thought they'd finally lost it, giving a dog a magnum in a chest rig or something. I wonder what abilities DD will have? Finding resources, maybe?

Will there be a sheep or goat companion? The goat could eat everything (even enemies to hide their bodies) and the sheep could... Tactically baa to hide the sound of gunfire?
I thought they'd finally lost it, giving a dog a magnum in a chest rig or something.
This is the series that gave us a guy who could control bees. And another who could walk on water and take a bullet to the head without flinching. And a guy who was possessed by the spirit of another person whose hand was transplanted onto his body, but then he wasn't possessed at all.

And the straw that breaks the camel's back is ... a dog with a gun?
They might be gimmicky and at times over the top, but Kojima has always tried to develop the bosses around the actual encounter with them.
Mginformer translated info.

  • Kojima can finally do the things he wanted to, now that the hardware has evolved
  • Snake has lost weight, they say
  • You can choose your own routes during the missions
  • Quiet can assist you during gameplay with the buddy system
  • You can choose where the helicopter sets you down
  • Riding your horse is hard in the jungle environment
  • Snake is ‘naked’, Miller tells him they are making a new suit at Mother Base
  • The new suit is delivered to Snake
  • You can climb walls with cracks
  • The climbing section seen in the demo is a shortcut, you can also go around through the jungle
  • Snake is wearing a different arm prothesis in the demo
  • You’ll be able to use different protheses with different functions
  • There will be a lot of different protheses according to Kojima
  • You can set up a talking decoy. He has a lot of lines, including ‘Kept you waiting, huh?’ and ‘You’re pretty good!’
  • Snake calls in Quiet and orders her to scout up ahead
  • Quiet can also provide cover fire
  • When she is in position, she hums
  • She marks enemies during reconnaissance
  • If you speed up the time too much, the POW target dies
  • By hovering the reticle, you can select Quiet’s target
  • Snake throws a grenade and orders Quiet to shoot it
  • Quiet has a weakness that will tie into the story, and also into the way she is dressed
  • Quiet’s abilities depend on the degree of her bond with Snake
  • In the demo, the attacks commands were: shoot, target and wait for my signal, shoot this, and provide/cease cover fire
  • However, a lot has to happen for all these options to be available (bond degree)
  • If the bond isn’t high enough, Quiet won’t come with you
  • When Snake uses the ‘pin radar’, all the icons represent animals, but it reacts to people as well
  • You can analyze soldiers to see their statistics, like in Peace Walker
  • The binoculars can be upgraded by through R&D
  • Another interrogation option is asking: ‘Where are your friends?’
  • Snake can stun enemies with his arm, it packs 1.2 million volts
  • According to Kojima, you may never meet Quiet. It depends on how you play through the game.
  • Snake can also jump out of the chopper while it’s in the air… but it would kill him
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Yeah, I'm becoming less and less convinced that Kiefer Sutherland was a good choice. It probably doesn't help that those last couple of lines could've been ripped straight from 24...
The series has never had a reputation for nailing every line of dialogue. After all, THEY PLAYED US LIKE A DAMN FIDDLE!

Having said that, I wasn't sold on Sutherland as Snake during the introduction of GROUND ZEROES. He just sounded like Kiefer Sutherland. But when Snake himself appeared and I could match the voice and the face, it was much better.
I am still waiting for the sucker punch of the actual game having David Hayter as the voice actor. All along this was a ploy to fool us!

I might make a fool out of myself for saying this, but I never even realised MGS5 was coming to PC. I only noticed a day or two ago 'cause it popped up on Steam.

Oh joy!

I know, I know, I can't contribute much, just wanted to share my excitement :D
I am still waiting for the sucker punch of the actual game having David Hayter as the voice actor. All along this was a ploy to fool us!

I think that Hayter will return...

To voice Solid Snake.
Hayter is not going to return to voice anybody.

His last job was PW and quite frankly, the quality was atrocious.

At least Big Boss sounds more plausible as a real person now.
I might make a fool out of myself for saying this, but I never even realised MGS5 was coming to PC. I only noticed a day or two ago 'cause it popped up on Steam.

Oh joy!

I know, I know, I can't contribute much, just wanted to share my excitement :D

Really? Sweet, I can delay my purchase of a next gen console that much longer. :)
Same here! That's the biggest benefit of the PC-esque architecture of the new consoles, imho. Better and faster ports! There seems to be little incentive for third parties to not go multi platform - and I like it that way. Now, if only we could get first party exclusives on PC as well... Just imagine Forza on PC :drool:
Yay! Saw the news on Rock, Paper, Shotgun just now. Awesome! I know what I'm gonna get myself for Christmas :D I lack the screen for 4K gaming, but I still wonder how my good 'ol 680 is going to hold up with the improved lighting and stuff. The GTX970 looks quite sexy and isn't that expensive, but I'm not exactly raking in the dough atm :indiff:
There was a Kojima AMA that took place back in March 14th, 2014. In it, there was a question concerning Camp Omega making an appearance in TPP. According to YongYea, the official translator for the event mistranslated the answer that Kojima gave to that question.

The correct answer to the question, according to twitter user JunkerHQ and later verified by Yong's own translation team, was that owners of Ground Zeroes would get different missions at Camp Omega, something, "that is never been done in video games before." He refused to state what that something was, but you get the point.

Have we got a hard and fast for the release date on console yet then?

Christmas this year, or maybe just before Christmas next year.........
