Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle

Konami, like most of the gaming world right now, has become the latest victim in the mobile craze that has hit Japan. A certain number of their IPs will be re-started as mobile phone franchises, including, possibly, Metal Gear. I know that is a rather hard pill to swallow, and I didn't want to believe it at first, but this news has been confirmed through my usual sources (Yong).

Now for the good news:

MGSV has recently been shown off in a press-only event in Europe over the last few days. Yong has provided extensive coverage of the event, which I compiled into a playlist on to my YouTube channel. You may see that footage here:
I haven't time to look right now, Sanji.
Is there anything new in the footage?
Thanx for keeping us up to date....

The rundown:

- The Africa area is set in Congo, as the voice actor who plays one of child soldiers outed himself as the lead child. This bit of news also deconfirms Drebin being in the game as he is from another part of Africa altogether.

- The doctor who has a lawsuit pending against Kojima and Konami may want to sharpen their knives at this point as the game doctor who is spotted in the hospital scene is used on more than one occasion, quite possibly performing a head transplant.

- The Phantom Pain's first 11 missions were revealed. I'll list those at the tail end of this post.

- Impressions at the MGSV preview event are positive. However, there is a preview embargo in place that will lift on June 9th. Some of Yong's comments spoke of the amount of hours that the game has. (The game has been reported to be 150+ hours without doing Side OPS, according to twitter user METAL GEAR Big Boss)

- Some new information has emerged on the "Skulls". I will put that information in spoiler tags, even though it may not be accurate:

Skulls are biomechanical soldiers that basically have no soul. Right now, we know of only two people who could control them, Skullface (for obvious reasons) or Psycho Mantis (which is more probable due to his psychic abilities of being able to brainwash groups of people like the Genome Soldiers). It is theorized that Snake will have to fight them at some point during the game.

Chapter 1 "Awakening - Revenge"
1. Phantom Limbs
2. Diamond Dogs
3. A Hero's Way
4. C2W
5. Over the Fence
6. Where do the Bees Sleeps
7. Red Brass
8. Occupation Force
9. Back Up, Back Down
10. Angel with a Broken Wing
11. Cloaked in Silence
In post 1274 of this very thread, I posted evidence that Konami CEO Kagamasa Kozuki was using methods that would make a early 20th century mob boss blush to cut down hundreds of jobs to refocus Konami into a Microtransactions-fueled baiting and gambling company (mobile gaming company for those in Rio Linda). As part of this campaign, the video that I posted was targeted by a DMCA copyright claim, giving the user a copyright strike. As part of the claim, they alleged that the video infringed upon the copyright of Metal Gear Rising.

Eleven hours after the claim was sent out, and various youtubers and game journalists got their hands on the footage, Youtube themselves revoked the copyright strike, saying that it lacked important information (basically telling Konami through their legal department to go "F" themselves), and it would remain up. Keep in mind that all of this was happening while the YouTuber who posted the original video was on a bus from Georgia to his house.

As for the Rising footage? It was 27 seconds long with most of it spent on the title screen and the volume muted. It would pass copyright muster, claims a polygon lawyer.

Once again the Streisand Effect has occurred...

MGSV has recently been shown off in a press-only event in Europe over the last few days.
It's events like this that I think make it unlikely that Konami will try to pull the pin. The backlash that they would pull down on themselves would practically ruin them.
A theory that there will be a Forward Operating Base Online mode separate from Metal Gear Online and single player (as theorized by Yong in the Gamescom 2014 footage analysis video) has been confirmed:

Australians should be happy about this news. The game has received classification in the country. The bad news, it's the R 18+ rating.

Finally, here are a few more tweets about the MGSV preview event.

Australians should be happy about this news. The game has received classification in the country. The bad news, it's the R 18+ rating.
That's not really a big deal - it just means that only adults can buy it. It's a lot like R 18+ films. A lot of games rated MA 15+ (previously the highest rating) probably should have been rated R 18+, but the Office of Film and Literature Classification was slow to recognise the changing demographics of consumers. When they first started rating video games, most gamers were teenage boys, but those gamers are now adults and there is a real demand for products that cater to them. But unlike films or television series, where the audience is a passive bystander in the world of the text, they are active participants in video games, and hence the impact of events is higher.

Say, for example, Grand Theft Auto V was made into a television series. The notorious "By the Book" mission would actually be pretty tame compared to some of the stuff you see in the likes of "24", and the series would likely get an M 15+ or MA 15+ rating. But because, as the player, you are actually torturing Mr. K for information instead of watching someone do it, it has a higher impact.

So I am not bothered that The Phantom Pain is getting an R 18+ rating.
That's not really a big deal - it just means that only adults can buy it. It's a lot like R 18+ films. A lot of games rated MA 15+ (previously the highest rating) probably should have been rated R 18+, but the Office of Film and Literature Classification was slow to recognise the changing demographics of consumers. When they first started rating video games, most gamers were teenage boys, but those gamers are now adults and there is a real demand for products that cater to them. But unlike films or television series, where the audience is a passive bystander in the world of the text, they are active participants in video games, and hence the impact of events is higher.

Say, for example, Grand Theft Auto V was made into a television series. The notorious "By the Book" mission would actually be pretty tame compared to some of the stuff you see in the likes of "24", and the series would likely get an M 15+ or MA 15+ rating. But because, as the player, you are actually torturing Mr. K for information instead of watching someone do it, it has a higher impact.

So I am not bothered that The Phantom Pain is getting an R 18+ rating.

I understand that, but picture what's his face still being in the way of a R 18+ classification for video games in that country. The Phantom Pain wouldn't pass classification if he was still in office...
I understand that, but picture what's his face still being in the way of a R 18+ classification for video games in that country. The Phantom Pain wouldn't pass classification if he was still in office...
I don't know who you mean by "what's-his-face" because it could probably apply to any and every politician in and out of power.

Perhaps the most unstable politician we have is our resident right-wing lunatic Cory Bernardi (perhaps best-known for publishing a book in which he claimed that single mothers were unfit parents because their children were more likely to turn to drugs, crime or domestic violence than they would be if their fathers were around), and he hasn't complained.
I don't know who you mean by "what's-his-face" because it could probably apply to any and every politician in and out of power.

Perhaps the most unstable politician we have is our resident right-wing lunatic Cory Bernardi (perhaps best-known for publishing a book in which he claimed that single mothers were unfit parents because their children were more likely to turn to drugs, crime or domestic violence than they would be if their fathers were around), and he hasn't complained.
After I looked it up, it's former South Australian Attorney General Michael Atkinson is who I mean. This clown has vetoed every attempt to introduce the rating in the country for video games until 2008. He resigned after the 2010 elections.
After I looked it up, it's former South Australian Attorney General Michael Atkinson is who I mean. This clown has vetoed every attempt to introduce the rating in the country for video games until 2008. He resigned after the 2010 elections.
Well, he only had jurisdiction over South Australia. He couldn't stop the introduction of the R 18+ rating nation-wide. And all he really did was lower the rating of games that were released because the OLFC has the final say in ratings, so games that would have been given an R 18+ rating instead got MA15+
New Mother Base for The Phantom Pain on Planet Earth... (using Google Maps)


I got to be honest here:

I don't really think that reaching Afghanistan from there is not logistically possible without Forward Operating bases. Neither will reaching the supposed snow map that is currently rumored to exist in the game.
There are parts of the Hindu Kush mountain range in Afghanistan that would be low enough for snow. Especially around the Pakistan-Tajikistan border area; it's the tail end of the Himalayas.

As for reaching Afghanistan, don't forget that Snake had a rocket-powered one-man drone to get into Tselinoyarsk. It wouldn't surprise me if the Diamond Dogs had a more-developed version of it.
As for reaching Afghanistan, don't forget that Snake had a rocket-powered one-man drone to get into Tselinoyarsk. It wouldn't surprise me if the Diamond Dogs had a more-developed version of it.

The difference is that Snake had the backing of the US government in 1964...
Found out the MGSV Ground Zeroes was on PS+'s free games this month and, since I had never played MGS before, decided to download it. My god it is so fun! Even though it it just one mission (and a few extra side ops) it was mega fun. On my first attempt I got a Grade B. Second attempt I got Grade A. Overall I think the game is amazing and I love the AI, and how they react to getting shot. The suppressor degradation is also pretty awesome too. Spent 6 hours playing it already just trying to get Grade B on all the side ops. May actually buy Phantom Pain when it releases...
I would suggest that you look into Snake Eater and Peace Walker if you can, since they tell Naked Snake's origin story (and Ground Zeroes directly references Peace Walker).
Snake Eater is MGS3 isn't it? I've heard that is most people's favourite and considering I have a PS2 I may pick it up at some point.
Snake Eater is MGS3 isn't it? I've heard that is most people's favourite and considering I have a PS2 I may pick it up at some point.
Yes, it is. You can get it in Metal Gear Solid: The HD Collection, which contains Snake Eater, Sons of Liberty and Peace Walker in HD re-releases, plus console updates of the original Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2. It's available on X360, so I imagine you could find it on PS3, and it's probably your best bet if you're going retail. I can't find Metal Gear Solid or the first PSP/Vita release (whose name escapes me), though.
Yes, it is. You can get it in Metal Gear Solid: The HD Collection, which contains Snake Eater, Sons of Liberty and Peace Walker in HD re-releases, plus console updates of the original Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2. It's available on X360, so I imagine you could find it on PS3, and it's probably your best bet if you're going retail. I can't find Metal Gear Solid or the first PSP/Vita release (whose name escapes me), though.
Don't have PS3. Only PS2, PS4 and PC
Don't have PS3. Only PS2, PS4 and PC
Then you might struggle to find it. But if you can get it, you should definitely play it. It's written as a nod to the Bond films, with Snake sent into the Soviet Union in the early 1960s on a top-secret mission. It has some really deep themes and some innovative gameplay features, like the need to blend into the physical environment, to manage your inventory (heavier weapons slow your movement down, while night-vision goggles and minesweepers require batteries that are in short supply), and to look after your health and stamina. It's really unlike any other game that you will play.
Then you might struggle to find it. But if you can get it, you should definitely play it. It's written as a nod to the Bond films, with Snake sent into the Soviet Union in the early 1960s on a top-secret mission. It has some really deep themes and some innovative gameplay features, like the need to blend into the physical environment, to manage your inventory (heavier weapons slow your movement down, while night-vision goggles and minesweepers require batteries that are in short supply), and to look after your health and stamina. It's really unlike any other game that you will play.
Sounds amazing. I saw the HD collection a while back when I had my PS3, really wished I bought it now...

Either way I am loving Ground Zero. Still struggling to get Grade A on the Side Ops (somehow got it on the main mission). How I got it on the mission is beyond me because after I got Paz all I had to use was a .45 pistol and killed about 6 or so guards on the way back without any suppressor or anything.
Either way I am loving Ground Zero. Still struggling to get Grade A on the Side Ops (somehow got it on the main mission). How I got it on the mission is beyond me because after I got Paz all I had to use was a .45 pistol and killed about 6 or so guards on the way back without any suppressor or anything.
Be quick, don't get detected, and don't kill anyone - use the tranquiliser. If it's not in your inventory, you might need to pick a lock on an ammo bunker to get it. A-rank isn't the highest - you want S-rank, one above.

For "Ground Zeroes", don't worry about extracting prisoners. They give you a better score, but they take time to rescue. There's an extra prisoner outside the main area that needs to be rescued in order to get the achievement.

For the sniper team mission, you need to extract both of them. If you take one, the other will react, so you need to be quick about it. One is in the motor pool and the other patrolling the helipad; I suggest you get the one in the motor pool first You can exit the base on foot, so you can carry the second one out if need be.

For the rescue mission, don't kill anyone (you can blow up the ATV if need be). It's tough during the flight out, though.

For the intelligence retrieval mission, you can ride the truck all the way into the compound. The tape you want is in the tower, but be mindful of the camera on the wall inside - you can only really see it from the ground looking up, but you can shoot it out from the ground (it will trigger a caution). You can ride the truck back out without getting detected, so you can get an S-rank in five minutes here. But if you want the second tape, you need to find the agent, retrieve the first tape without being detected, then locate him again and interrogate him to get its location. You probably can't get an S-rank this way.

For the anti-aircraft batteries, you need to move quickly, and without killing anyone or being detected. Try using C4 to create a diversion, then go for the emplacements. If the rocket launcher is available at the start, you can use it to blow up one of the far emplacements without killing anyone, allowing you to get the nearby one quickly.

If you're going after the audio tapes, there are two hidden ones - one is in Chico's cell after you rescue him, and the second can only be collected before you rescue either Chico or Paz; it's in the alleyway filled with dumpsters on the far side of the boiler room. The easiest way to get it is to go past the motor pool, up the hill and across the helipad, and enter the compound through the door to the left of the tower near the fuel tanks. You will pass the substation and an ammo dump, and you will see a set of stairs leading down to the boiler room and Paz. Stick to the left, and the alleyway is tucked away the back corner. You're unlikely to go there during any other mission.
Be quick, don't get detected, and don't kill anyone - use the tranquiliser. If it's not in your inventory, you might need to pick a lock on an ammo bunker to get it. A-rank isn't the highest - you want S-rank, one above.

For "Ground Zeroes", don't worry about extracting prisoners. They give you a better score, but they take time to rescue. There's an extra prisoner outside the main area that needs to be rescued in order to get the achievement.

For the sniper team mission, you need to extract both of them. If you take one, the other will react, so you need to be quick about it. One is in the motor pool and the other patrolling the helipad; I suggest you get the one in the motor pool first You can exit the base on foot, so you can carry the second one out if need be.

For the rescue mission, don't kill anyone (you can blow up the ATV if need be). It's tough during the flight out, though.

For the intelligence retrieval mission, you can ride the truck all the way into the compound. The tape you want is in the tower, but be mindful of the camera on the wall inside - you can only really see it from the ground looking up, but you can shoot it out from the ground (it will trigger a caution). You can ride the truck back out without getting detected, so you can get an S-rank in five minutes here. But if you want the second tape, you need to find the agent, retrieve the first tape without being detected, then locate him again and interrogate him to get its location. You probably can't get an S-rank this way.

For the anti-aircraft batteries, you need to move quickly, and without killing anyone or being detected. Try using C4 to create a diversion, then go for the emplacements. If the rocket launcher is available at the start, you can use it to blow up one of the far emplacements without killing anyone, allowing you to get the nearby one quickly.

If you're going after the audio tapes, there are two hidden ones - one is in Chico's cell after you rescue him, and the second can only be collected before you rescue either Chico or Paz; it's in the alleyway filled with dumpsters on the far side of the boiler room. The easiest way to get it is to go past the motor pool, up the hill and across the helipad, and enter the compound through the door to the left of the tower near the fuel tanks. You will pass the substation and an ammo dump, and you will see a set of stairs leading down to the boiler room and Paz. Stick to the left, and the alleyway is tucked away the back corner. You're unlikely to go there during any other mission.
Thanks for the tips. I try to use the tranquiliser but if I have already been spotted I tend to search for the .45 pistol. Here's my second attempt at the Sniper mission:
That's why you don't get spotted. This is what MGS is all about - putting you in a position where you need to think and plan ahead, but at the same time, using the threat of discovery to compel you to keep moving forward.
That's why you don't get spotted. This is what MGS is all about - putting you in a position where you need to think and plan ahead, but at the same time, using the threat of discovery to compel you to keep moving forward.
True. Maybe I should try to be more stealthy and not just kill every guard I see...
Just downloaded and played this, I was surprised how short it was (probably took less than an hour :lol: ), didn't do any side ops yet but there are some big positives.

Gameplay is fun and the A.I is incredible, no hand holding is a bonus.

I still can't fathom what wizardry Kojima is doing running this at 60 FPS and still looking somewhat incredible.

I still don't understand anything but will buy MGSV (played and finished MGS4 without understanding much either so yeah), hopefully it has less loading screen watching HD eggs.