Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
I suspect that it is related to how high your Motherbase levels are. Basically, when you pretty much need S ranks in order to lvl up further, they start appearing in the world. But it's nothing but a theory.
When you've been playing for a long time like me (290 hours), you scan an outpost or base and pick and choose the best recruits for your full to the brim motherbase.
Each time you pick a soldier out of the field, you lose one because your departments or rooms are all full.
So you can afford to be super selective over who you kill/Fulton/leave in the porta-loo.

When you've been playing for five minutes, like yourself, you need everyone.
Fulton everyone, or be selective and drag out your mgsv experience that little bit longer.
Oh yeah, and don't worry about the minutia like whether you have too many staff or too little, try to play the game and immerse yourself in the whole experience, which is one of the highlights of 2015.

Good luck, Bawssss


So VEXD I took your advice, I've completed most objectives for missions 4-6 but some objectives I can't complete as I can't fulton heavy cargo yet, I can fulton mortars and gun placements which I've just started doing. Haven't been fulton many guns or mortars yet. Until now I haven't been fulton extracting many soldiers except for the ones that the side ops require. Completed Side ops 1,2,5,11,12,13,27,28,47,51, and just done 61 Unlucky Dog.

My problem is I have full 40/40 R&D Team is level 16, but my Base dev unit are only 21 guys and at level 9, my support unit are only 21 guys and level 10 and my intel team is only 21 guys and is level 13. As I carry on doing missions I going to try and fulton extract more guys because I haven't really been extracting enough soldiers just now and again when I put some to sleep and its safe enough to do so, that is when I extract them. I wish I had equal ranking soldiers in all units. Is there a way to get all lower class guys to a higher rank??? Say E-C to a A or B or high???

What do you think I should do. I auto sorted the staff into suitable departments. I just want base, support and intel to be same level as R&D and have same amount of high class soldiers or have them all high class. I think R&D has 16 of 40 A and B class R&D suitability, 3 C class and the rest D or E. So that leaves 21 that are C to E class for R&D role. In my Base team I have 4 which are A, one B and 4 C class, 8 D class, 4 E. In my Support team I have excluding Miller, 3 A, 1 B, 4 C, 11 D class and 1 E class. My intel team has excluding Ocelot, 1 A++, 4 A+, 2 A, 2 B, 4 C class, 6 D, 1 E class.

How do I get more high class soldiers or train my current ones to higher class?
@wraith of horus you're worrying about it far too much, my R&D team was and still is way ahead of the other teams and it made absolutely no impact on my game. It's a common concern from what I've seen, people get too caught up in the Mother Base thing and forget to actually have fun - I did it too, for too long, the act of analysing everyone and going out of your way to extract as many people as you can gets really boring.

What I do now is basically do whatever I want and extract soldiers when I get the opportunity. I used to actually try to end any alerts non-lethally, sometimes even scanning people while they stood and shot me in the face, but it just took too long and wasn't fun. It'll take longer to level up your teams but apart from development requirements they don't make enough difference to the fun you have to be worth concentrating on, in my opinion.

You can go full OCD about it if you want, if that's what you enjoy then why not, I'm just saying that R&D toys aside, I've not noticed much difference between low and high level teams. Then again I never used supply drops, support fire or any of that stuff.
Really chuffed that the new FOB event is just a recycled FOB event.

I mean seriously would it hurt Konami to have online missions that take place in Afghanistan or Africa? I mean we have all these overpowered weapons now, might as well make missions with overpowered enemies. And it's not something that is hard to do, they literally have the assets and they can tinker with the difficulty.


The only difference for high level teams is combat (for base defenses) intel (for positioning of enemy mooks) and Base development (way faster processing and mining). Medical team gets injured mooks out far quicker.

Support also dishes out fire support far quicker and effectively at higher levels. R&D is just for overpowered toys that you may use once or twice.
Really chuffed that the new FOB event is just a recycled FOB event.

I mean seriously would it hurt Konami to have online missions that take place in Afghanistan or Africa? I mean we have all these overpowered weapons now, might as well make missions with overpowered enemies. And it's not something that is hard to do, they literally have the assets and they can tinker with the difficulty.


The only difference for high level teams is combat (for base defenses) intel (for positioning of enemy mooks) and Base development (way faster processing and mining). Medical team gets injured mooks out far quicker.

Support also dishes out fire support far quicker and effectively at higher levels. R&D is just for overpowered toys that you may use once or twice.

Not entirely true, as some of the fancy high end "toys" require a high level in either Support, Intel or Medic. But yeah, as others have said, R&D should be the main focus.
@sumbrownkid Yeah, but not much of that has a really meaningful impact on the actual game of running around Afghanistan, Angola and Zaire, sneaking, shooting and abducting. R&D has the most direct influence on the game because the weapons and items - that you're holding 100% of the time you're not driving - are the tools with which you make your own fun. As @Jawehawk said you do need to level up other teams to unlock everything but that's not really a big deal at the start and even if you don't ever end up developing that high level stuff you can still amass a good variety of stuff.

The rest of the game is basically just ever-escalating numbers, though. Level up your support team to reduce the delay between requesting a strike and the strike hitting the target, level up your intel team to detect enemies at greater distances, etc. so that stuff doesn't have a huge impact on the game.

I've gone back to MGS V recently after a short break and it's quite fun again, though sadly I may have run out of side ops to do until I complete a few more story missions, so I guess I better do those. I've been doing side ops at OKB whatever in Afghanistan, approaching them all quite differently (once with a minimum loadout, once non-lethally and once very lethally) and it's a lot of fun, it's just a shame there's no variety to the objectives. I mean, the first run was "go rescue this guy and the prisoner he was rescuing", then "go kidnap this soldier" and finally "go rescue this prisoner" - all three could be summarised as "Fulton n people who may or may not like you".
I've been doing side ops at OKB whatever in Afghanistan, approaching them all quite differently (once with a minimum loadout, once non-lethally and once very lethally) and it's a lot of fun, it's just a shame there's no variety to the objectives. I mean, the first run was "go rescue this guy and the prisoner he was rescuing", then "go kidnap this soldier" and finally "go rescue this prisoner" - all three could be summarised as "Fulton n people who may or may not like you".
Pretty much any game can be boiled down to something like that. Look at Grand Theft Auto V, where missions amount to "go to this corner of the map and kill everything". I mean, earlier today I was playing Fallout 4 and one of the missions was quite literally a case of going to a location, waiting twenty-four in-game hours, and then having a conversation. The brilliance of The Phantom Pain is that the missions are so open-ended. You can approach them from any direction, and the game plays differently every time.
I'm hooked again! I've only got Extreme ops, one Total Stealth and one Subsistence left to do now (I think) but I've been putting them off because I'm lazy. I want to start recording my sorties because I'm playing a little more creatively now than I was before I was distracted by other games...

Also my R&D team are working hard, I think I've just started my last batch of grade 5 weapons so it's getting expensive, yet I haven't struggled for GMP like I was before they added all sorts of new ways to accumulate it. They must've finally realised that grinding isn't all that much fun.
The one thing that annoys me is that every time I go to develop a new weapon, I still have to wait half an hour for it. Which means leaving the computer on while I go do something else for half an hour. Just give me my 🤬 and let me play, 🤬-blocking stuff behind time walls is for free to plays.

I guess being a busy game designer means you don't get that much time to play other games, and so aren't aware of how some pieces of design that might seem sensible on paper are actually ridiculous and annoying in practice.
I guess being a busy game designer means you don't get that much time to play other games, and so aren't aware of how some pieces of design that might seem sensible on paper are actually ridiculous and annoying in practice.
It's just a by-product of the R&D mechanic. Everything else gets developed as you play, but now that you have finished the game, you're not off doing missions in the meantime. Meanwhile, there are probably people who have only just purchased the game, and so it would be incredibly unbalanced to let them get the high-end gear straight away.
It's just a by-product of the R&D mechanic. Everything else gets developed as you play, but now that you have finished the game, you're not off doing missions in the meantime. Meanwhile, there are probably people who have only just purchased the game, and so it would be incredibly unbalanced to let them get the high-end gear straight away.

Not really. They still have to meet the material and team level requirements, they can't get high-end gear straight away. I'm purely talking about the time after you "pay" for a development item and before you get to actually use it.

For low level stuff there is no delay, but it goes up and up the higher in the trees you go. If I've saved enough GMP, levelled my research and other teams to the appropriate level, gathered the correct plans and materials and extracted the appropriate specialists, I don't think there's anything to be gained by then also making me wait half an hour before I get to use my new item. It doesn't serve to restrict access at all (as you seem to be suggesting, which only makes me think you've misunderstood what I'm talking about), it just delays it by half an hour. I'm not suggesting costs be removed, simply the silly delay after I pay for the item.

If you bought a car in Gran Turismo, it would be silly to then have to wait half an hour before you could use it. I fail to see the difference here. There are many great pieces of design in MGSV, but that particular one is a real poke in the eye for people who just want to play the game. If optimal play is "leave computer on while you go do something else for half an hour" then the design has failed.
That's pretty much it, isn't it? Although the offline development can't be skipped I guess they had to include the timer anyway so it wasn't quite so obvious why they suddenly introduced a timer that you could pay to skip.

See also: their lightning-fast reaction when it came to fixing an MB coins exploit in the PC Metal Gear Online beta...
Horrible mobile-game mechanics in a PC/console game.
Kojima originally included it because he was concerned that the game was so large that he thought people would never finish it. On a certain level, he has a point; I sunk 200 hours into the game to get 100%. There's a theory that the original build if the game had fifty original missions, each with four variations: normal, extreme, Subsistence and Total Stealth. I don't know about you, but I don't have 800 hours to play (but I totally would if I could). So microtransactions were included to allow players to skip ahead if they so chose.
So microtransactions were included to allow players to skip ahead if they so chose.
That I'm actually fine with (e.g. like the Battlefield shortcut bundles). What I hate (and was referring to) is an artificially introduced timer that serves no other purpose than to annoy you and lure you into buying said microtransactions. It's a mechanism that's used to make money in 'free' mobile games and I think it's disgusting to see this in a full-price game.
Anyone playing MGO? I played on PC for a few hours and I have to say it's the biggest disappointment ever. No wonder Konami fired Kojima. This game was probably the biggest waste of money ever. Typical Japanese take-forever-for-perfection bullcrap. And it turns out wabi-sabi anyway.
What I hate (and was referring to) is an artificially introduced timer that serves no other purpose than to annoy you and lure you into buying said microtransactions.
I think it's an extension of the risk vs. reward dynamic in the game. At every stage of the game, you have to balance the benefits and the consequences of every decision you make. That extends to the R&D function - there's a limit to how much you can develop at any one time, so you have to ask yourself: do you invest the time in high-end gear, but potentially walk into a situation under-equipped? Or do you focus on new gear and find yourself in a situation where you have to rely on trial and error to see you through?
Anyone playing MGO? I played on PC for a few hours and I have to say it's the biggest disappointment ever.

I dipped in a few times and was also disappointed. Some of the levels are really good, it would be nice to see those in the SP setting. However, as an online experience they blow.
Anyone playing MGO? I played on PC for a few hours and I have to say it's the biggest disappointment ever. No wonder Konami fired Kojima. This game was probably the biggest waste of money ever. Typical Japanese take-forever-for-perfection bullcrap. And it turns out wabi-sabi anyway.

I doubt Kojima really had much to do with MGO, which could explain why some things were exclusive to MGO - Why no toy dog in TPP if the same people worked on both?

I'm not sure what to do next in TPP, I've only got five extreme mode ops to do and I really can't be bothered because they're all bad ops that I don't care about. Aside from those I have a lot of S-ranks to get and mission tasks to complete but I'm still not feeling compelled to do them. I'm running out of low-hanging fruit to develop too and doing side ops and FOB invasions does start to get old...
So, I started it. The story promises to be amazing, like the old MGS games.
My first impressions about the gameplay:

Classic MGS controls (with L2 & R2 inventory browsing) are completely gone, this is probably not bad but I'm just not yet used to. At least CQC controls are now better, and much better than in MGS 3.

Nice to hear proper Russian speech of the Soviet soldiers, first time in the series. Not without accent, but the voice actors were trying their best. Listening in their dialogues can be fun. Particularly that "I spent last night with your girlfriend" one when I was catching the translator :D

So Big Boss forgot Russian? Strange, in MGS 3, he spoke it freely (and could interrogate anyone). Is that because of brain damage? Anyway, since I got that translator in my staff, I have no problems interrogating the enemies.

The real weapon names and visuals are changed for fictional, that's kinda disappointing. I'm used to the real M16... The same happened to vehicles (MGS 4 had real Ural trucks, but in TPP, they had some serious visual changes).

Anyone playing MGO? I played on PC for a few hours and I have to say it's the biggest disappointment ever. No wonder Konami fired Kojima. This game was probably the biggest waste of money ever. Typical Japanese take-forever-for-perfection bullcrap. And it turns out wabi-sabi anyway.
It's not that kind of a game bought for multiplayer ;)
I didn't like the old MGO (the one came with MGS 4) either, so I don't expect much of this one.
The real weapon names and visuals are changed for fictional, that's kinda disappointing.
There's a series of Side Ops later in the game where you recruit a legendary gunsmith and he enables you to extensively customise your weapons - you can change the muzzle, barrel, stock, sights, ammunition type, clip size, underbarrel and so on and so forth - and the finished weapons rarely look like the originals. It would be very difficult to call a Kalashnikov a Kalashnikov when it doesn't look remotely like a Kalashnikov. Evidently the gun manufacturers feel the same way.

Anyone playing MGO? I played on PC for a few hours and I have to say it's the biggest disappointment ever.
I had go, but didn't stick around for long. I'll echo @TenEightyOne's comments about the level design, but the gameplay was really uneven. It was disappointing, but I didn't pay anything extra for it, so I can't complain too much.

Aside from those I have a lot of S-ranks to get and mission tasks to complete but I'm still not feeling compelled to do them.
Some of those extra objectives really change the way the missions play out. "To Know Too Much" stands out for this; it's a completely different mission if you rescue the XOF agent compared to if you assasainate the interrogator (and good luck trying to do both).
Decided I should get back in and finish this thing but I'm stuck on Mission 42... the Extreme version of Metallic Archaea. Such a pain in the ass.
There's a series of Side Ops later in the game where you recruit a legendary gunsmith and he enables you to extensively customise your weapons - you can change the muzzle, barrel, stock, sights, ammunition type, clip size, underbarrel and so on and so forth - and the finished weapons rarely look like the originals. It would be very difficult to call a Kalashnikov a Kalashnikov when it doesn't look remotely like a Kalashnikov. Evidently the gun manufacturers feel the same way.

There's nothing what so ever that suggest that the real world gun manufacturers, or licensing had anything to do with the absence of real weapons in the game. For most, if not all weapons, you'd only need to pay for the license if you use the real weapon name. This is in part because many guns are copied by other manufactures, or have very similiar models made by others. Thus, it'd be impossible for Colt, to name an example, to say that the game was featuring a Colt. 45 M1911, as it could just as well be the Chinese knock off made by Norinco.

As for customization, that exists in the real world too you know... Although to a much lesser extend during the timeframe the game takes place in.
As for customization, that exists in the real world too you know
I'm aware of all that. But put it like this: I have a Bambetov SV that is only called a Bambetov SV because it uses the Bambetov SV as its base model (largely because of its relatively compact size). Every other part is lifted from another model - G44 muzzle, MRS barrel, UN-ARC stock, Fakel underbarrel and so on - so it's kind of hard to call it a Bambetov SV anymore. And when I've chosen every part to improve the performance of the gun, I can't imagine that manufacturers would be too happy with their product being dismantled, reassembled with the best parts from other manufacturers, and then passed off as their own product.
Yeah, you guys are right. It was free, so can I complain? Whatever...
I just hate that this feels like such an incomplete experience. It's like they had an amazing game and concept, but they had the business part so far up their asses that they screwed everything up
I just hate that this feels like such an incomplete experience.
No, I get that. The mechanics are in place for a good game, but they're so unbalanced that all games play out the same way, only ever using about 25% of what is actually available. There's no incentive to do anything but follow the path of least resistance simply because nobody else does it. There's none of the experimentation that is so rewarding in the main game.
So is it just me, or are S rankers now far less common to come across in the game world? Before I remember coming across various S rankers in every outposts and bases, but now it's infrequent.

Then again, now with FOB events having S+ and S++ rankers for rewards, it's not an issue.