Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
Okay. I did the first mission with tanks. Mission 8 I think. I then did a side opp that I've been putting off for a while (not the one I've seen as activating this) - as soon as I got there, a certain lady sniper animation start and I have to catch her. Done. That lead to mission 11 showing up and being competed with the easiest S grade ever. Mission 9 and 10 haven't been done yet.

At what point can I use her as my buddy? Also, when is D Dog going to be available?
Can you deploy squads alongside you in this game? I've been looking it up and I can't find anything.
No. You can send combat units out on additional missions (like "Outer Ops" in Peace Walker), but you can only have one character and one buddy in the field. But if you improve your Support and Intel Teams, they become more effective and more efficient - they can predict enemy fields of movement much more accurately, deploy supply drops much faster, recover Fulton extractions with greater accuracy and reliability, and identify resources in the field much sooner, among other things.
It's a shame you can't build your own special forces team and watch over them with a sniper rifle while they raid some bad guy's compound.
This will probably be the next game I get after I've platinumed FO4, do the attributes of the companions in MGSV vary much? I like how the companions in FO4 have their own perks and skills.
The buddy or companion each have different skills and use. D-Dog, as you know is a dog, he can mark nearby living beings ( human, animal, and plants ), when he is equipped with additional tool, he can stun humans, or kill them, he can also cause distraction by barking or attacking the enemy.

The female sniper Quiet, as a sniper can scout area that you designated as well as mop them ( kill or sleep depending on the rifle you gave her ) She can also give you ammo on the field.

D-Walker - a bipedal mechanical weapon platform that can be ridden or send away to scout/attack. The platform can be customized as you see fit, there are variety of weapons from gatling gun to missile to fulton ballista. It can help you mark nearby enemy, it gives you better mobility when you ride it, but it's quite fragile and can be easily spotted if not careful. It's also the most expensive to run in terms of GMP costs.

Sometimes it's better to deploy with armored vehicle instead than D-Walker if you want to rely on firepower ( non stealth approach ), this way, you can still use another buddy ( either D-Dog or Quiet )

The D-horse is the most useless buddy IMO, nothing more but a horse to ride on :P :lol:
It's a shame you can't build your own special forces team and watch over them with a sniper rifle while they raid some bad guy's compound.
But then it wouldn't be Metal Gear Solid. The whole focus of the series is solo infiltration.

Besides, if I am raiding a compound, I want to be taking point, not merely watching from afar.
But then it wouldn't be Metal Gear Solid. The whole focus of the series is solo infiltration.

Besides, if I am raiding a compound, I want to be taking point, not merely watching from afar.
Of course, I would prefer to be getting involved as well but I think it would be nice to have that option considering how much emphasis there seems to be on building an army.
D-Horse is great for those missions where you have to destroy tanks and stuff since you don't have to dismount to fire a gun.
Also, you can hide while riding D-Horse and I'm pretty sure it makes less noise than vehicles, so D-Horse is a good choice for stealthy transport.
This will probably be the next game I get after I've platinumed FO4, do the attributes of the companions in MGSV vary much?
D-Horse is good for covering long distances - especially over rough terrain - quickly.

D-Walker is pretty versatile as it can be eveything from a heavy weapons platform to a stealth drone; you can customise its loadout pretty thoroughly.

D-Dog is a jack of all trades; he can detect resources, weapons and vehicles, as well as spot, distract and attack enemies.

Quiet can recon checkpoints and outposts and provide covering fire. At higher levels, she can even shoot your grenades out of mid-air so that you can throw them around corners. However, she is massively overpowered.
Hey guys so I just bought MGS 5 and have completed the diamond dogs part at mother base after recovering an injured Miller. After doing what Ocelot told me to do mission 5/5 I've got the card board box and also trained the staff.

But now I've got 13 R&D members, and only 3 support unit members. Is this how everyone starts off with 16 members in total? Or should I start with less. Does the game give everyone the same number of staff at this stage or should I dismiss some?

I have to say at first it seems really overwhelming with the staff management and development of mother base. Seem like I have a lot to do and so I probably need to Fulton everyone and not kill anyone to improve chances of not losing out on skilled recruits when I get there.
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I just got this game on the 25th and have to say this is one of my favorite games of all time! I am wondering though about Free Roam, as you progress, will there be a greater variety in soldiers/equipment? Like will you soon see helicopters flying around and tanks passing by?
I just got this game on the 25th and have to say this is one of my favorite games of all time! I am wondering though about Free Roam, as you progress, will there be a greater variety in soldiers/equipment? Like will you soon see helicopters flying around and tanks passing by?

Outside of main missions and side ops, the world sadly does not change. It's a shame, because it pretty much ruins the long term fun with free roaming.
I just got this game on the 25th and have to say this is one of my favorite games of all time! I am wondering though about Free Roam, as you progress, will there be a greater variety in soldiers/equipment? Like will you soon see helicopters flying around and tanks passing by?

As @Jawehawk says, the greatest variety is found in main ops and side ops, but you will see some variety in the equipment and armour used by enemies in free roam - I can't recall seeing any riot suits but you will see enemies with helmets, bulletproof vests, shields, shotguns, sniper rifles and LMGs, maybe rocket launchers too but I can't remember. In addition, if you're free roaming when there's a side op featuring a helicopter, it will be sent to kill you if you cause an alert long enough for it to find you. I can't recall ever being attacked by an armoured vehicle in free roam, though.
Outside of main missions and side ops, the world sadly does not change. It's a shame, because it pretty much ruins the long term fun with free roaming.
Free roaming works best when you're going from Side Op to Side Op.

I am wondering though about Free Roam, as you progress, will there be a greater variety in soldiers/equipment? Like will you soon see helicopters flying around and tanks passing by?
The AI reacts to your behaviour during missions, and these reactions are applied to the wider game world. If you use headshots, the AI will respond with steel helmets. If you use smoke or sleep grenades, they will be outfitted with gas masks. If you operate at night, they will equip night vision goggles. And there's a few other things that they can do. The easiest way to find out what counter-measures they have is to sneak up to a checkpoint and watch the movements of the sentries. They'll have conversations about the merits of the new gear they have been given. You can also interrogate your own staff at Mother Base; sometimes they will discuss enemy tactics, while other times they will give up the locations of diamonds.

As for helicopters and armoured vehicles, I haven't seen any outside the missions or Side Ops (although I did find one parked east of Sakhra Ee Village once). However, the enemy can call for air support at the highest levels of alert.
Free roaming works best when you're going from Side Op to Side Op.

The AI reacts to your behaviour during missions, and these reactions are applied to the wider game world. If you use headshots, the AI will respond with steel helmets. If you use smoke or sleep grenades, they will be outfitted with gas masks. If you operate at night, they will equip night vision goggles. And there's a few other things that they can do. The easiest way to find out what counter-measures they have is to sneak up to a checkpoint and watch the movements of the sentries. They'll have conversations about the merits of the new gear they have been given. You can also interrogate your own staff at Mother Base; sometimes they will discuss enemy tactics, while other times they will give up the locations of diamonds.

As for helicopters and armoured vehicles, I haven't seen any outside the missions or Side Ops (although I did find one parked east of Sakhra Ee Village once). However, the enemy can call for air support at the highest levels of alert.
That's a shame, but the adaptation stuff is really cool. I'm at level 8 now and I've started noticing more snipers and soldiers with night vision goggles and steel helmets :).
I'm at level 8 now and I've started noticing more snipers and soldiers with night vision goggles and steel helmets
There's more to come:
Ballistic shields, flares, heavy infantry, different loadouts (including light machine guns and shotguns), sentries manning fixed weapon emplacements, surveillance cameras, and backup teams.
Hey guys so I just bought MGS 5 and have completed the diamond dogs part at mother base after recovering an injured Miller. After doing what Ocelot told me to do mission 5/5 I've got the card board box and also trained the staff.

But now I've got 13 R&D members, and only 3 support unit members. Is this how everyone starts off with 16 members in total? Or should I start with less. Does the game give everyone the same number of staff at this stage or should I dismiss some?

I have to say at first it seems really overwhelming with the staff management and development of mother base. Seem like I have a lot to do and so I probably need to Fulton everyone and not kill anyone to improve chances of not losing out on skilled recruits when I get there.

When you've been playing for a long time like me (290 hours), you scan an outpost or base and pick and choose the best recruits for your full to the brim motherbase.
Each time you pick a soldier out of the field, you lose one because your departments or rooms are all full.
So you can afford to be super selective over who you kill/Fulton/leave in the porta-loo.

When you've been playing for five minutes, like yourself, you need everyone.
Fulton everyone, or be selective and drag out your mgsv experience that little bit longer.
Oh yeah, and don't worry about the minutia like whether you have too many staff or too little, try to play the game and immerse yourself in the whole experience, which is one of the highlights of 2015.

Good luck, Bawssss

Also, build all of the platforms for Mother Base and any Forward Operating Bases. When both are complete - twenty-eight platforms for each - you can have over 1400 staff.

For now, take everyone that you can get. The higher your heroism, the better the quality of the staff that will appear in the field. Upgrade the binoculars as soon as possible, because they can scan enemies and prisoners and tell you their stats and any special skills that they might have, which will make choosing staff much easier.
Also, build all of the platforms for Mother Base and any Forward Operating Bases. When both are complete - twenty-eight platforms for each - you can have over 1400 staff.

For now, take everyone that you can get. The higher your heroism, the better the quality of the staff that will appear in the field. Upgrade the binoculars as soon as possible, because they can scan enemies and prisoners and tell you their stats and any special skills that they might have, which will make choosing staff much easier.

As far as I am aware, that is not true. I've read about people getting S rank soldiers before even having 70.000 heroism, where as I had to have 150.000 before I started finding people at that rank. I have no idea what is determines the rank of enemy soldiers, but based on the many sites/forum's I've read online, it is not heroism.
You still seem to be the only person on the internet who is experiencing this problem.

Then you're not looking very far. To give an example.

Multiple people reporting very different experiences with when S rank soldiers started to appear. In fact, there are quite a lot of results when searching "mgsv phantom pain when do S rank soldiers appear" or similiar, on Google. No one has been able to give a good answer on it, and the guides that explain how to start making them spawn, conflict with both my own experiences in the game, as well as many others.

Edit: Just booted up the game after 45 days or so of not playing it. All those rewards makes me feel all fuzzy inside :D
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Then you're not looking very far. To give an example.

Multiple people reporting very different experiences with when S rank soldiers started to appear. In fact, there are quite a lot of results when searching "mgsv phantom pain when do S rank soldiers appear" or similiar, on Google. No one has been able to give a good answer on it, and the guides that explain how to start making them spawn, conflict with both my own experiences in the game, as well as many others.

Edit: Just booted up the game after 45 days or so of not playing it. All those rewards makes me feel all fuzzy inside :D

It was so bad for me, I downloaded a trainer and just went to town on getting S ranks. I couldn't be bothered anymore with grinding.