Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
A self-loading sniper rifle (don't remeber it's in-game name, but similar to the PSG-1 a bit) converted to tranq rounds and equipped with a supressor and laser sight = an uber-useful gun for non-lethal playing style. :cool:
@Rage Racer it's a good one, but the bolt action tranq rifle has fast-acting darts later on which are probably more useful than the high rate of fire since a body shot is only a couple of seconds slower than a head shot, that's very handy when you come across soldiers with helmets and flak jackets.

Then again the MRS-71 (I think that's the one you mean) is better for groups of four because you can ensure they'll all go down within a few seconds of each other.
I'm well on my way to stamping out the scourge that is <S-rank staff so I am going to need to reacquire a few staffers with special skills, if possible. I don't actually know who or how many just yet though.

Also I'm now able to develop a good selection of really high-level stuff now, last night I started development of the Macht 37 and MRS-4R with high durability suppressors, I wonder if either can actually withstand an entire 30-round magazine. It's thoroughly satisfying seeing so many gold items in my R&D tree, each one with some special feature or another, I didn't think I'd end up playing enough to actually unlock these things... Even though none of them are strictly necessary or useful, but they're fun to have.

The high durability can take like almost two magazines worth.
a body shot is only a couple of seconds slower than a head shot
Unless you deliberately want a delayed reaction. One of my favourite tactics is to go for a body shot so that the guard will continue his patrol before dropping; when other sentries spot him, they'll start a search in the wrong area.
True, it's really up to how you want to play and I like that you can still access older gear that might still be useful, another example is the low-grade assault rifles that take several shots to kill because you can use them as non-lethal weapons by shooting enemies to stagger them or put them in the near-death state. It's mean, but effective.

I'm now developing (amongst a handful of offline items) a Macht 37, MRS-4R, fast acting WU, carbine WU and the next UN-ARC NL, the latter has a 10-day timer! It better be really, really great. I have high hopes for the MRS, too, it looks great though.

Also, I can't stop invading FOBs. In the next event I'm going to get in early, buy all the soldiers I can then enjoy my time doing other things... Except the stratospheric materials requirements will probably keep me grinding. It's not that it's not fun - even if you know all the enemy positions by heart things can and do still go amusingly wrong, like the time I killed two sleeping guards by tripping over the mine that was right by their heads - but there's not all that much variety possible in the time it takes to go from point A to point B via 14 guards, an AA gun and a mortar. Still, so much GMP and material...
I'll have to invest in a second FOB if I want to do that. I'm currently at maximum capacity, so I can't recruit new staff without first letting go of my old staff.

The grade 7 AM MRS-4R is slightly more powerful than the UN-ARC grade 5, but it costs 140 Tarragon to use. But honestly at this point, with the FOB events, getting plant resources are easy.
I just picked up this game yesterday (my first Metal Gear). The opening level at the hospital is insane; I can't wait to keep playing.

Any tips I need to know?
Any tips I need to know?
It might be worth reading up on some of the backstory, particularly for Snake Eater, Peace Walker and Ground Zeroes (or better yet, play them if you can). The series has an extremely complex mythology at times, so some of the finer details of the plot might be lost on you.

The most important thing to remember is that this is not a shooter. If you get it wrong, you may need to shoot your way out, but stealth will get you a lot further (and it's a real thrill to pull off a successful infiltration). The Wu S. Pistol and Burkov TB should be a part of your load-out at all times; they're very useful.
I just picked up this game yesterday (my first Metal Gear). The opening level at the hospital is insane; I can't wait to keep playing.

Any tips I need to know?
Perfect playing style: no alerts (no need to tell why) and no kills (may be harder, as tranquiliser guns are tricker to use, but you'll be rewarded for completing a mission without kills and you can recruit neutralised soldiers to your own base).

My normal loadout is a tranq pistol (Wu S. or Burkov TB), a tranq sniper rifle (get the proper Renov-Ikcx version as soon as possible), and an assault rifle (used to be MRS-4, because of suppressor, now I use a custom SVG-67) - a self-defense firearm, for a case if something goes wrong. A good mission is the one where it's untouched.
You also need to be hyper-aware of your surroundings. The game routinely puts you in a position where you cannot rush things, but you cannot stand still. You have to be very adaptable, especially when going in blind. One of the early missions send you to Da Shago Kallai, and it plays very differently depending on the direction you approach from.

And kidnap as many people as possible early on. You'll build Mother Base quickly and remove them as a threat during a mission.
Thanks guys. This is probably the hardest game I've played in awhile. I really like it! Found Miller last night and will need to get past the skull gas dudes somehow.
Found Miller last night and will need to get past the skull gas dudes somehow.
Don't try and fight them; they're extremely powerful. You can make a break for it; they'll pursue you, but you can outrun them easily enough. Eventually the mist will lift and you can get to the Landing Zone.

On the other hand:
Mark the Skulls with your scope. Ride south and go down into the ravine so that you're out of sight. Throw a magazine up onto the bridge; hold R2/RT to add more distance to the throw. You might need to try a few times to get it right, but you can lure the Skulls onto the bridge itself. You can then climb the ravine on the opposite side without being spotted, but you have to be quick, because they will turn around and return to their original position, and they will spot you.
The update is live - 3.2Gb on XBOne.

Still downloading so I'm not sure what's free-to-play or what will be pay-to-play, but I read elsewhere that Quiet is a playable character, there are three new maps (poss MGO). Anyone know what else?
It's a bit late to alert everyone to this, but the FOB event that's due to end in about five hours has the AM A114 Riot (aka sleeping gas) Pistol blueprint as an award. I just unlocked it but I can't afford to develop it yet.
Mucking around while waiting for FP1 in Bahrain, I found that any Skulls that you capture are housed on the Quarantine Platform. They're damn creepy up-close, especially the feminine ones.

The 13-year-old informs me that he's noticed nothing new in SP and that MGO is "still ****".
We get a free data day this weekend since one of our major carriers had systematic network issues the other day, so it will be a prime opportunity to download the update without having to worry about the size or cost.

So I picked this up today extraordinarily cheap, I'm finding myself lost on the characters so far, specially the character we play as and the character that is on your speed dial when you're in the field, you are both referred to as big boss, or have I missed something here?
So I picked this up today extraordinarily cheap, I'm finding myself lost on the characters so far, specially the character we play as and the character that is on your speed dial when you're in the field, you are both referred to as big boss, or have I missed something here?
First, are you new to the series, or are you familiar with Metal Gear lore?

To answer your question, there are two characters on the radio - Miller and Ocelot. They do sound similar at times. I don't know which part of the game you are up to, but it's possible that Ocelot calls Miller "the boss" because he's Diamond Dogs' XO.
First, are you new to the series, or are you familiar with Metal Gear lore?

To answer your question, there are two characters on the radio - Miller and Ocelot. They do sound similar at times. I don't know which part of the game you are up to, but it's possible that Ocelot calls Miller "the boss" because he's Diamond Dogs' XO.

I've literally just rescued Miller, no I'm not entirely new to the series, I've successfully completed all the Playstation versions of MGS, several times in some cases, though reading your post on page 45 suggests I've missed quite a lot from only playing the playstation console versions,
The Infinity Bandanna is awesome for free roam, one time GMP cost, good for unlimited soldier recruitment, grenades, even silencer are unlimited :D
The new weapons are pretty cool, also they made the Mirazh grenade shotgun thing practically free (a 4-digit GMP cost and that's about it). I'm still grinding away to level up my teams and develop more gear, right now I'm aiming to get the last ~400 Lutea I need for the first sleeping gas rocket launcher even though I'm quite sure I'll never use it because I've got the highest-grade sleeping gas grenades and you could probably KO more people with a NL sniper rifle, but it's nice to have options.

All of my teams are between 100 and 107 now, pretty much all of them (except uniques) are S or higher. I still only have a handful of S++ soldiers too, and I've still got loads of FOB upgrades to do - the cheapest ones require 208800 of both materials so it has slowed right down.
My base team level is about 78 to 80, 2 FOB with 1400 max crew. Most of them S rank, some S++ :P Don't have enough MB coins to buy another foreign waters FOB :(
With no new content, I haven't played The Phantom Pain since the start of the year. Sure, there's new gear to be had, but it doesn't add to the replay value. I don't see how a sleeping gas missile launcher will change the way I play.
With no new content, I haven't played The Phantom Pain since the start of the year. Sure, there's new gear to be had, but it doesn't add to the replay value. I don't see how a sleeping gas missile launcher will change the way I play.

Have you obtained the Raiden suit ? I'm still playing, playing around with loadouts, trying subsistence style of play.

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