Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
I don't see how a sleeping gas missile launcher will change the way I play.

Well that's one example, there's a Fulton launcher coming soon too. The way I see it, it's a sandbox game with so many different ways to approach situations so the more toys you have, the more options you have. A play style that requires the use of a sleeping gas launcher would certainly be an interesting one, but it's not something I've tried yet. They've also expanded the top grade from 9 to 15 and there's nothing that high yet - maybe we'll start to see the silly gear Peace Walker had.
My typical loadout comprised of stun arm, wu pistol, amr7 serval with suppressor, smoke grenade launcher or shotgun with stun rounds. I don's use NVG.

Planning to play on a new account/save, no marker display, no NVG, no battle suit, using more basic weaponry, should be fun.
A play style that requires the use of a sleeping gas launcher would certainly be an interesting one, but it's not something I've tried yet.
I can't think of a single scenario that would require one. The closest I can think of is the armoured vehicle side ops, but all it's going to do is alert the vehicles to your presence.

Now, if there was a way of setting a trap, that might be interesting - there's a set of demountables outside Yakho Oboo; you could rig a sleeping gas canister to the outside of the building, set a tripwire at the door, and then turn a light on to attract a guard. Or maybe a poison gas canister with a supply of the antidote and a gas mask so that you could interrogate guards. C4-like stun, smoke and sleep grenades would also be useful - plant one on a surface, and set it off when a guard walks past.

Ultimately, the game suffers for the lack of indoor environments. Yakho Oboo is probably the most complex in terms of layout, and yet it's very simple. I really miss the prolonged indoor infiltrarions, like the Granin Design Bureau. Hopefully it's something that can be fixed for Metal Gear Solid 6, if such a game exists.

They've also expanded the top grade from 9 to 15 and there's nothing that high yet - maybe we'll start to see the silly gear Peace Walker had.
All they've done is offer upgraded versions of existing weapons - like stun, smoke and sleep grenade launchers. Completely new gear would be nice.
With the decoy dummy, you can send the soldier off into the air by activating it when the soldier walk over it.
I want to be able to spike the commander's coffee with something so that he gives nonsense commands, or remotely hijack a Walker Gear to cause a distraction, or use a stink grenade to clear a room, or kidnap a guard and use him to stage my own capture, or access the radio channels to issue my own orders or sabotage enemy stockpiles of night-vision goggles so that I can walk right past them without bring seen or any one of a thousand other scenarios that I could think of.
I want to be able to spike the commander's coffee with something so that he gives nonsense commands, or remotely hijack a Walker Gear to cause a distraction, or use a stink grenade to clear a room, or kidnap a guard and use him to stage my own capture, or access the radio channels to issue my own orders or sabotage enemy stockpiles of night-vision goggles so that I can walk right past them without bring seen or any one of a thousand other scenarios that I could think of.

:confused: I don't know what you are trying to say, but there should limit of what can be done in game, no ?

Spiking coffee, stink grenade, some of those stuff are too funny :lol:
MGS 6 is almost guaranteed to happen.

The question is whether it'll be a quality effort, or will Konami whore it out to the lowest bidder like they did with Silent Hill when the devs of that series jumped ship post-SH4?
You'd think that. But this is Konami we're talking about, the company that basically said they're done with AAA games, save for possibly cashing in an MGS check once in a while.

And even if it's done in-house (ignoring the fact that several key talents behind what made MGS great are no longer with Konami) rather than being farmed out to a no-name 3rd party dev and letting them foot the bill to license one of the many game engines available on the market... Konami has stated that they intend to focus on generating revenue through microtransactions.

MGSV's microtransactions, while generally ignorable, are still pretty annoying. And when you realize that's the state the game ended up in after Hideo Kojima most likely fought against the microtransactions as hard as he could, what will the microtransactions look like in MGS6 when Konami is able to fully exercise their greed?

Needless to say, I don't have high hopes for MGS 6.

But hey, MGSV. Finally got back to where I was when I was playing it on PS4, AKA a little bit past mission 31. But I'm much farther ahead in side ops this time around on PC, so my gear development is farther along. Just started developing the wormhole upgrade for the fulton... can't wait to test it out. :D
It's Konami's, just like everything else Kojima and his team made while employed by Konami.

Kojima has confirmed that he will be using a 3rd party engine for his next game, since developing a new one for the new Kojima Productions would be too resource-intensive at the moment.
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So my sleeping gas launcher is almost ready. I can't believe how hard it is to procure Digitalis Lutea, without the FOB events it'd take forever to get the 1300 needed for that launcher. Anyway, it'll be ready in a couple of days for me to go around practicing extreme non-lethal force or something, I still haven't quite worked out what kind of play style you'd need to make use of it. I hope the non-lethal machine gun is unlocked soon because I expect it'd be a great companion for it.
I've been eyeing that sleeping gas launcher... I thought sleep grenades would be an effective way to knock out a small group of enemies at once, but of course they always see it, shout "Grenade!" and manage to move out of its effective range.

Lemme know how it works out for you.

In other news, got my wormhole upgrade. It's the best. 100% extraction even in bad weather, you don't have to move dudes out from under covered structures to be able to extract them, and it's a lot more stealthy since your extractions don't fly high in the sky for everybody in the neighborhood to see.
I still haven't quite worked out what kind of play style you'd need to make use of it.
I imagine that it would work on groups of enemies when you need more range and/or a greater area of effect than a sleeping gas grenade would offer. The quadrangle in Yakho Oboo, the encampment at the front of Smasei Fort, the concourse of Mfinda Oilfield and Munoko ya Nikoia are the only places that I can think of where it might work.
I've been eyeing that sleeping gas launcher... I thought sleep grenades would be an effective way to knock out a small group of enemies at once, but of course they always see it, shout "Grenade!" and manage to move out of its effective range.

Lemme know how it works out for you.

In other news, got my wormhole upgrade. It's the best. 100% extraction even in bad weather, you don't have to move dudes out from under covered structures to be able to extract them, and it's a lot more stealthy since your extractions don't fly high in the sky for everybody in the neighborhood to see.

You can lure soldiers to flock on certain spot, use the bionic arm if you are close, throw magazine, get D-walker to stand near them or use D-dog to bark, then throw the grenades. I think I had put 5-6 soldiers to sleep with one grenade.

The wormhole can still be noticed by other soldier if they are very close.
I think the best thing about the wormhole, apart from it being unshootdownable, is if you use it while DD has his Fulton pyjamas on then knock a few guys out in close proximity, he can hoover them up for you.

I'm still not really trying to finish the game at this point, I've been sitting on 79% for ages. I've done all the side ops and combat deployments, found most of the extra stuff but the bulk of it is A and S ranks and mission tasks. Right now what I'm doing is working on developing gear very slowly while having fun with the gear that comes from that work. I've still got something like 26 platform upgrades to do on my last two FOBs (3 and 4) and about 55 more items to develop, but as it stands with my teams between level 98 and 105 I can only do about six of them. It's going to take ages and I probably won't do them all, but I think MGS V and Borderlands 2 have proved I have a problem when it comes to fun but grindy games with sky-high ceilings.
S ranking the last mission is tough while getting all mission task in one go ( after the truth ), but the funny thing is the easiest S rank is the mission without any equipment/subsistence :lol:
Can't wait for Metal Gear Solid VI: The Pachinko Pain...

In other news, I'm at the point in the game where I have to complete harder versions of earlier missions in order to advance... and making progress is feeling like a chore.

So I've had my fill for the time being... It's time to go back to The Witcher 3. Maybe someday I'll come back to MGSV and try to finish it.
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After roughly 270 hours, I'm so close to the Platinum trophy. Just need to complete a couple more secondary objectives and it will be mine.
Yes, I did it! The Platinum is mine! By far one of the most grindy and tedious Platinum trophies ever, but damn does it feel good to finally have it. Now I can get back to actually having fun with the game and play it like I want to play it :D
By far one of the most grindy and tedious Platinum trophies ever, but damn does it feel good to finally have it.
I know the feeling. Especially when it came to fulfilling all of the mission criteria. Sometimes it was extremely satisfying to pull them all off, like listening to all of the interrogations in "Lingua Franca" (and doubly so if you rescued all of the prisoners at the same time), but other times it was just plain maddening - like trying to hit the Third Child during "Voices".
I know the feeling. Especially when it came to fulfilling all of the mission criteria. Sometimes it was extremely satisfying to pull them all off, like listening to all of the interrogations in "Lingua Franca" (and doubly so if you rescued all of the prisoners at the same time), but other times it was just plain maddening - like trying to hit the Third Child during "Voices".

Wait, is that even possible? How do you avoid someone reporting prisoners missing before they have talked to the Viscount? As far as I am aware, if anyone calls something suspicious in, they stop going around to interrogate people.

I'll admit, I cheesed the "listen to conversation" objectives. I just can't be bothered having to restart missions over and over again, so I just used the stealth camo. It gets espicially tedious when you have to do it twice in the Extreme/Subsistence missions.

The hardest for me was not allowing the man on fire to hit you in the prologue (I literally had to sync with a YouTube video, mute my surround sound, and fire whenever they guy in the YT video did) and extracting all the damn IFV's and tanks in a Quiet Exit. I tried to do that one legit, but either the tanks would annihilate me, or the IFV's with stun lock me with their auto cannons. The constant prompts to use the Chicken hat annoyed me so much, but eventually, I used the 2nd version of the chicken hat, which basically means no one can spot you. Some of the side objectives, espicially the last one I mentioned, felt really poorly thought out.

I got S ranks for most of the missions the legit way, but for the last 10 or so, I just rushed them for easy S ranks. I really dislike how time is still the dominating factor in those.

In any case, it's so satisfying to see the 100% completion while in the helicopter :embarrassed:
Of course, if I recall correctly, you got 100% completion just a few months after release. :cheers:
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