MH370: Malaysian Airlines Flight to Beijing carrying 239 people is lost over sea.

  • Thread starter Furinkazen
I think they already denied it being linked to the missing 777 anyway. The plane is probably somewhere below 15,000 feet below the surface, and there's nothing man-made that can go that far below the surface and cope with the pressures, so until something is made that can survive that depth, the plane will probably never be found.

Challenger Deep Sub can go that deep.
Right, forgot. They haven't requested it's use yet.

I doubt they will, challenger deep was just a "look at what we can do" experiment.

The search area is huge, it holds 1 man, holds so much air, takes a while for it to go down to those depths and back up(to avoid the bends) and the sub may only be down for about 40min max
Why is it so hard to build a remote operated machine to go deep? Just let the water in...

Surely they could make electric motors and cameras that operate with water inside rather than air. Is the water going to crush solid metal or glass when compressed equally from all directions?
How, what, it just collapses at any impurity, suppose no impurity (bubbles, inconsistent density etc) where will it crush/collapse to?
The bottom of the ocean made of glass, rock, fish(bones) etc...
Its gets crushed not due to the impuritys in the metal but because pressure at 5km is 7304psi or 513KG per square cm

Not much can support half a tonne per square cm being pressed down on it.

Now if they filled it with mineral oil, it could go deeper since oil doesn't compress well(just like water)

This is what happens at those kinds of depths.
play from 40s

For every 1m of depth the pressure goes up by 1.1PSI+15PSI
Its gets crushed not due to the impuritys in the metal but because pressure at 5km is 7304psi or 513KG per square cm

Not much can support half a tonne per square cm being pressed down on it.

Now if they filled it with mineral oil, it could go deeper since oil doesn't compress well(just like water)

This is what happens at those kinds of depths.
play from 40s

For every 1m of depth the pressure goes up by 1.1PSI+15PSI

I'm suggesting an unmanned vehicle that's 100% open to flow water through, the pressure is then from all directions on the materials (no air container). I don't see why a properly forged metal or silica could not handle that. I don't imagine the material itself will be compressed and fail.
Of course if you are trying to hold an air bubble in it, the structure will collapse, but the actual material, surely not.

I'm not suggesting an air/fuel bubble. Just a device to hold a sonar/camera and a few electric propellers.

The deepsea Challenger went to 10.8km with a person in it and a glass bubble.

I can't see why an unmanned vehicle connected by a power cord is so difficult. This yellow thing they have chickens out at 4.5km, why the heck does it need to have easily compressible contents in it. Why have a battery on board, the device can't operate 24/7, seems a waste to make a device like this.
a cylinder will crush because of its very shape.
If it was open to the water it would short circuit.
A thick power cable can be damaged, will drift with the currents and would weigh a huge amount.

They would need 00 gauge cable at the least and having 5km worth of cable is very costly since copper is expensive.
The weight of the control cables alone would be too much to effectively navigate (although you might sever the coupling for ascent).

A super submersible could be built but it's very very expensive, I mean ludicrously expensive. There's very little return and none of the glamour of space exploration, I doubt anyone will fund development of such a device. Building reliably-operating cylinder motors at that depth, that would be an interesting challenge :D
I guess it's just a better funded version of this thread :D

I don't disbelieve the story but it is in the Mirror, not much of a reflection of intellectual opinion unless you're Nigel Farridge or kelp.

My main problem with the angle they seem to be taking is this;

"He also pointed at Boeing and the CIA saying: "MH370 is a Boeing 777 aircraft. It was built and equipped by Boeing. All the communications and GPS equipment must have been installed by Boeing. If they failed or have been disabled Boeing must know how it can be done. Surely Boeing would ensure that they cannot be easily disabled as they are vital to the safety and operation of the plane."

Unfortunately you'll never remove the need to remove/recycle/reboot components and to be able to access systems centrally.

Implying that the knowledge of how to do this is somehow top secret or protected is ludicrous. Most airline technicians who work on Boeings could do it, sometimes from type-to-type. All flight crew could do it... it's just routine.

If there was some human intervention at the beginning of the incident (which I think is highly likely on balance) then it shows that security needs to be improved somehow. Easier said than done, I know, but systemically that's where the failure was.

We could do more to track jets (and now we are) but we can't change the nature of the machines they are without compromising safety and operability on the 99.999% of completely normal flights. Or Ryanair flights.
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I heard on the radio that the Malaysian PM says the CIA was behind MH370 vanishing.

Wouldn't surprise me :)

Given all we know about the CIA's history of "extraordinary rendition" it's hard to imagine them going to the trouble of taking a whole plane to get, presumably, some of the passengers or cargo. Or... is that what they want us to think...?
Some people have clearly never heard the expression 'too soon'...


There's an interesting quote in the Mirror article where the makers talk of the pressure of trying to get funding in the face of a particular risk; that the flight would actually be found.

I understand why they're making this and as a soft leftist I support their right. The idea seems in pretty bad taste though... and the plot is nothing as good as we've done :D
Wouldn't surprise me :)

Given all we know about the CIA's history of "extraordinary rendition" it's hard to imagine them going to the trouble of taking a whole plane to get, presumably, some of the passengers or cargo. Or... is that what they want us to think...?
The American Government would be one of my reasons for the disappearance as well, next to aliens. You know, given how there's a whole lot of conspiracies and cover ups involving the US. :D