Spencer is sitting on the Microsoft Board and responsible for everything gaming. This includes their cloud solutions for gaming and B2B businesses. Xbox is just one part of his job. So why shouldn't he be allowed to talk about it?This has nothing to with the Xbox gaming business.
Xbox gaming revenue does not include revenue MS gets for hosting third party content. Thats included in MS's cloud business.
Neither Sony or Nintendo will have trouble finding said cloud services from third parties either.
It's a lame attempt at diversion, because everyone knows Xbox is getting dominated in the gaming industry at the moment.
He got asked a question and answered it 💡It's a lame attempt at diversion, because everyone knows Xbox is getting dominated in the gaming industry at the moment.
Man sometimes, I wonder why do these console wars exist. I mean of course, there's competition but some fans just take their rivalry to a ridiculous level with their overwhelming devotion for one of them."we can't compete at Sony's playfield with their rules, so we decided to make own playfield with own rules" - that's what i hear from MS
I asked an psychologist and he couldn't explain it to me either. He just said they need a therapy.Man sometimes, I wonder why do these console wars exist. I mean of course, there's competition but some fans just take their rivalry into a ridiculous level with their overwhelming devotion for one of them.
Then that must be a big, unique mystery, indeed.I asked an psychologist and he couldn't explain it to me either. He just said they need a therapy.
Man sometimes, I wonder why do these console wars exist. I mean of course, there's competition but some fans just take their rivalry to a ridiculous level with their overwhelming devotion for one of them.
GOW 2 - 1.56 million
GOW3 - 2 million +
GOWJ - 620k
GOW4 - ~415K / 505K
GOW 5 - lower than 4
Halo 5 - 935k
No platform is the holy grail but the PC platform does seem to be catering more to what the CUSTOMER ACTUALLY WANTS both in the games and the accessories they want to use to play them. I currently have reached a position that I find it not as likely I will make the future purchase a PS5 than where I stood say a year ago
That statement concerning online is true regardless of platform used to play the game so I do not see the point of reference or revelence as to what quote of my earlier post you chose to respond to. The statement you quoted has nothing to do with the common traits required of all platforms concerning playing online but was more about the freedom the PC platform gives customers as to accessories they choose to purchase and the addition of 3rd party/community mods that add additional content and/or improve or fix deficiencies in the original games they own.Obviously. You do realize online games are very common nowadays, right? And that especially newer ones can never be played without an internet connection.
Also, you "own" a game on Stadia, just as much as you "own" a game on Steam - which is to say, not really at all.
Glad I'm not a PC gamer, I will have the games I buy installed on my HD or buy discs, if had a PC I would buy discs as long as I could, after that, I'm not sure if I would continue to be a gamer.
You own nothing, and any access to Steam games that persists if Steam went away, would be at the discretion of Valve or those publishers - not an actual consumer right. You're buying a limited right to a license of a thing, that they assert the right to revoke at nearly their pleasure.
I agree and actually many people building new computer systems are not installing any sort of optical drive for reading disc on newer systems. Basically the flash drive has replaced the disc as far as a source to download new material from external sources and disc are pretty much going obsolete.Modern game discs are little more than a clunky form of DRM thanks to the rise of the day 1 patch. Once the servers go down for a game you will be just as screwed as someone that bought it digitally if you need to re-install it.
Honestly I'll be surprised to see games still getting disc releases in 10 years. They're becoming increasingly obsolete and use alot of plastic for something that will be sitting on a shelf.
Seems pretty cocky and foolish for them to write off Sony so soon.
We're on the same page there. What you get with PC gaming over cloud gaming are "privileges" not necessarily granted by those rights, by virtue of having local access to the files. Similar rights, but not similar in practice.You own nothing, and any access to Steam games that persists if Steam went away, would be at the discretion of Valve or those publishers - not an actual consumer right. You're buying a limited right to a license of a thing, that they assert the right to revoke at nearly their pleasure.
Way off the mark on the sort of games I play.And for the record, those much ballyhooed physical discs for your console don't confer much more in the way of rights or usability, in the era of day one updates that replace 90% of a game's files, and always-online games. Discs have become glorified CD keys.
when the Xbox 360 dominated the PS3
So why shouldn't he be allowed to talk about it?
This is about Spencer saying that google and amazon are their main competitors
How could I possibly argue with bollocks "NPD" sales figures like "2 million +" and "lower than 4", lol. Gears of War 4's last public sales data put it at around 2.6 million copies sold. Gears of War 3 didn't sell "2 million +" copies - it sold 3 million copies it's first WEEK.
This is where I stop taking you seriously at all. No, Halo 5 did not sell fewer copies than Forza Motorsport 6 (though I assume your data shows only 6 copies of FM6 were ever purchased, by some guy named Lou in Kentucky). The last publicly available data point was that Halo 5 sold at least 5 million copies.
Fanboyism is like brain termites.
Man sometimes, I wonder why do these console wars exist. I mean of course, there's competition but some fans just take their rivalry to a ridiculous level with their overwhelming devotion for one of them.
Use official sources verified by industry instead of random online websites. So yeah, 70% drop for Halo and a whooping 95% for Gears in the UK.
Please read the post properly. NPD sales are US only and launch month. NPD is used by the industry and allows us to compare sales because we get monthly reports.
And car brands or sports teams, too. Oh well.Tribalism at it's finest. Whether it's sports, a city/state/country, rival fast food chains, Iphone vs Android, console wars, ethnicity wars, identity wars, political ideations, etc. It all comes down to an "us vs them" mentality w/ the ideal that "my way is the better way". It's simply a showcase of human nature on full display.
The 360 never dominated the PS3 in marketshare. In every year the PS3 was on the market, it outsold the 360.
You don't recognize that when the PS3 was launched in 2006, it initially had mediocre sales for the first few years due to its complicated Cell structure and lack of launch titles back then?The 360 never dominated the PS3 in marketshare. In every year the PS3 was on the market, it outsold the 360.
You don't recognize that when the PS3 was launched in 2006, it initially had mediocre sales for the first few years due to its complicated Cell structure and lack of launch titles back then?
Sweet Jesus. Except for maybe one or two other people, I have never seen such adamant goaltending and subsequent moving of the goalposts in my entire life. I don't have the patience or temperament to do this, so I'm backing out.
I'll let others more patient than myself continue this conversation.
Spencer is more than just Head of Xbox. He is responsible for everything gaming at MS and he talked about Cloud gaming. Not hard.Azure's main competitors as Google and Amazon.
Xbox's main competitors are Nintendo and Sony.
Not hard.
Nope. He never used the word xbox. You do, because you think Spencer responsibility is only Xbox. Which is false.Phil is trying to conflate the Xbox division with something it is not.
This is gonna be my last turn in the spin cycle:
You like the NPD Group a lot? Okay.
That article was posted in September 2019, and lists the best-selling Xbox One exclusives, as provided by Matt Piscatella at the NPD Group (accurate as of August 2019). Halo 5 is at the top of that list.
Industry verified!
The NPD Group doesn't even factor in digital sales
Digital sales now account for 80% of all video game sales in the UK by the way,
Also, "industry verified" is a nonsensical thing tosay in the first place. Microsoft don't reveal hard sales data, and haven't for years. They also don't "verify" data collected by outside research groups.
You don't recognize that when the PS3 was launched in 2006, it initially had mediocre sales for the first few years due to its complicated Cell structure and lack of launch titles back then?
Spencer is more than just Head of Xbox. He is responsible for everything gaming at MS and he talked about Cloud gaming. Not hard.
Maybe next time the few other people sitting right beneath Nadella should tell Spencer sitting at the same table that fanboys think he is only responsible for Xbox and should only talk about Xbox. /s
Doesn't change that Spencer never said PS aren't competitors to Xbox.Again does not change this:
Azure's main competitors as Google and Amazon.
Xbox's main competitors are Nintendo and Sony.
Doesn't change that Spencer never said PS aren't competitors to Xbox.
He was talking about MS, Sony, Nintendo, Google, Amazon in regards to gaming. And not about any divisions or brand.
Yet the Xbox 360 has a year ahead of release versus the PS3, I suppose?A common misconception especially for those that live in the US.
PS3 and 360 sales very close if you look at their FY and shipments. PS3 outsold the 360 through the years and was able to close the year gap the 360 had. There's a whole world out there, and while the 360 dominated in US and UK, the PS3 handily beat it in Europe and Japan.
While the complex nature of the Cell CPU impacted game development, from the perspective of consumers the initial slow sales probably had a lot more to do with poor marketing and "five-ninety-nine dollars" rather than the architecture of the CPU. The PS3 definitely rallied to finish the gen on a very similar sales number to the 360, not sure why people are getting upset at that statement.You don't recognize that when the PS3 was launched in 2006, it initially had mediocre sales for the first few years due to its complicated Cell structure and lack of launch titles back then?
Most likely. I think Sony is to blame for that but at least they were still able to catch up in sales during its lifetime.While the complex nature of the Cell CPU impacted game development, from the perspective of consumers the initial slow sales probably had a lot more to do with poor marketing and "five-ninety-nine dollars" rather than the architecture of the CPU. The PS3 definitely rallied to finish the gen on a very similar sales number to the 360, not sure why people are getting upset at that statement.
What you are doing is derailing the topic to fit your argument about Spencer. Phil isn't trying anything. You are...I am simply saying an obvious reality, that you keep skirting around:
Because who Azura host on their servers has nothing to do with Xbox lmao
Phil is trying to conflate the Xbox division with something it is not.