Microsofts latest swipe at GT5

  • Thread starter nicbha
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Halo is an XBOX exclusive game SO IT WON'T BE THE BIGGEST GAME OF 2010. I don't think that GT5 would be the one(exclusive, non gentle for begginers etc.) because it is gonna be Final Fantasy 13 man....

I have to agree with this.

There is way more hype for FFXIII than there is for GT5, because its actually one of the most popular series' of all time.

The fact half the design team that left temporarily or permenantly after 9 and 10 have returned (except the lead producer unfortunately) means it is going to be one hell of a game. Its easily going to smash GT and Halo with sales.

But Halo vs GT5 is no contest, GT is going to be a bigger game hands down. I'd estimate somewhere between 1 and 2 million sales on the first day.

After number 3 i think Halo has become a bit bland. I don't think Halo reach is going to be a full game either, it will do worse than ODST i think. (ODST didn't do half bad, but it should've sold a lot more. Infact around half of its sales are because of the exclusive maps you get for Halo 3, i bet lots of people didn't bother with ODST at all and just booted up H3 with the new maps)
I'm going to tackle this piece by piece:
"Is it launching next year?" he joked about the PS3-exclusive Polyphony Digital racer, speaking in an interview with Gamasutra.
Legitimately funny.

"I've seen years and years of mini-games, but I haven't seen that the game is done. They just released the PSP version - maybe that's what they've been working on. I feel confident that there's nothing that will compare in size. Halo: Reach will be the biggest game of 2010."
Even Halo crazies were going meh towards Reach until it was announced that it was finally getting a new engine. Still, I'd be surprised if it outsold ODST.

While a lot of console executives refrain from directly referring to the competition, Greenberg's happy to do so. Next year, he added, Xbox 360 will "continue to remain $100 cheaper than PS3", and it will "have more games, more blockbuster exclusives, no matter the genre".
So they are going to do another price cut? Or is he referring to the Jokebox base model?

One source of Greenberg's optimism, he said, is the ongoing success of third-party games on Xbox 360 relative to other formats. Indeed, according to the latest NPD figures for US sales, Modern Warfare 2 performed substantially better on 360 than PS3 despite the simultaneous release.
Bro game on a bro system with a largely empty year for exclusives outsells the bro game on a non-bro system that went up against one of the biggest PS3 exclusives since launch. Stop the presses. Of course, some may argue that its easy for a game to outsell on one system compared to others when all of the advertisements are for that one system.
who cares about Halo..
I guess Aaron Greenberg and a couple of other annoying nerds in my school do. I hate this series, played every single one, hated every single one. Battlefield, CoD, Killzone and Warhawk beat this game by miles.

As for sales, Sony needs to up its marketing (that's how Halo sold in the first place). Sony can market just as good as Microsoft, it just markets all the wrong things. Remember Final Fantasy: Spirits Within (Or should I say Failed Fantasy: The Boxoffice Bomb Within)? GT PSP has sold well with it's good marketing, I've been seeing it, now Sony has to go spam mode for GT5.
"Is it launching next year?" he joked about the PS3-exclusive Polyphony Digital racer, speaking in an interview with Gamasutra.

Nice Joke :)

I don´t think that we get GT5 in Q2 of 2010... Maybe christmas 2010 release if we are lucky... :dopey:
How do you guys think the install base will affect sales? I'm presuming there are less PS3's around today than there were PS2's when GT4 was released? We might see slower initial sales but might reach the same numbers as GT4 over time?

GT3 was launched early (2001) in the Playstation lifetime (2000)...when there were not many PS2's around. And it sold quite good. More than 14 million good.

So, hard to tell...but 10 million lifetime can be archived. Especially if Sony decides to bundle it with everything. :)
You so totally fail it's actually funny.
Well if you kept reading a few posts down I amended my statement, now whether you still want to say I "fail", go for it I really don't care. But in my opinion GT5 will sell about 10 mil and so will Reach.
You so totally fail it's actually funny.

Halo Sales:
Halo: Combat Evolved (5 million)
Halo 2 (8 million)
Halo 3 (8.1 million)
Halo 3: ODST (3 million)

Total = 24.1 million copies

Gran Turismo Sales:
Gran Turismo (10.85 million shipped)
Gran Turismo 2 (9.37 million shipped)
Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec (14.89 million approximately: 7.14 million in North America, 1.89 million in Japan, 5.85 in Europe)
Gran Turismo 4 (10.76 million approximately: 2.97 million in North America, 6.36 in Europe, 1.26 in Japan)
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (3.94 million)

Total = 49.81 million copies


So for every halo sold, there's two GT's sold. :cool: HALO FAIL!! :lol: No Halo has matched a FULL Gran Turismo game in sales.

Like Joey said, Gran's serious business.

+The other prologue

Conclusion of thread: GT > Halo
Halo is terrible, and i think reach will bring nothing new to the table really. I dont even know what ODST is all about, and halo wars? and how long has reach been in developement?

GT5 will be an epic sails WIN and it will sell a lot more PS3s! However I dont think the US and EU will get it until Q3 2010
Hilarious, XBox only does well because Microsoft fools the public into thinking the games are good, Halo might by fluke be the biggest game of 2010 but definately not the best, I guarantee that there will be a false report out with a day or two of the games release stating that its the biggest selling game of all time. I remember this being pumped out by Microsoft last time with Halo 2.

Gran Turismo 5 will cleanly out sell Halo and Forza, everyone knows it
Hilarious, XBox only does well because Microsoft fools the public into thinking the games are good

You know the same can be said for a lot of products right? And even then it's all a matter of opinion. I could pretty much say the same thing about the PS3 or the Wii.
oh what did i start. I only posted the link as it mentioned GT5, then I go and watch a game of football ( proper English football :lol:) and its got all argumental. Sorry .........

just 6 days till we can argue about the new physics:)
Speaking of Wii, their sales even put GT's into shame unfortunately. :(

Wii sales:
Wii Sports (50.54 million)
Wii Play (24.43 million)
Wii Fit (22.5 million)

It's pretty easy to get 50 million distributed since every Wii was sold with Wii sports except in Japan.
AG may be boasting about the 360, but I can't help believing they are probably swetting back at the MS gaming ranch.

After getting out of the next gen gate first they along with Sony get totally trumped by the novel Wii machine.

Now the PS3 is slowly but surely outselling the 360 every month and the margin is growing. With free PSN, blueray, HDMI and the 360's poor hardware rep, I don't think thats likely to change, even with the standard 360 $100 less. Neither do I believe that going to the Halo well for another installment will overcome this trend.

With some of Sony's exclusive big hitters out this year, I expect by the end of this year, the PS3 will likely pass the 360 in total sales, and won't have to worry about looking back.
You so totally fail it's actually funny.

Halo Sales:
Halo: Combat Evolved (5 million)
Halo 2 (8 million)
Halo 3 (8.1 million)
Halo 3: ODST (3 million)

Total = 24.1 million copies

Gran Turismo Sales:
Gran Turismo (10.85 million shipped)
Gran Turismo 2 (9.37 million shipped)
Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec (14.89 million approximately: 7.14 million in North America, 1.89 million in Japan, 5.85 in Europe)
Gran Turismo 4 (10.76 million approximately: 2.97 million in North America, 6.36 in Europe, 1.26 in Japan)
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (3.94 million)

Total = 49.81 million copies


So for every halo sold, there's two GT's sold. :cool: HALO FAIL!! :lol: No Halo has matched a FULL Gran Turismo game in sales.

Like Joey said, Gran's serious business.
The problem with your "comparison" is that Halo wasn't around when GT & GT2 came out. It's not hard for competitors to get a $20 million jump on the "opposition" when the former has not even been thought of yet.

Then there's the fact that MS sucks at marketing outside the US & it shows in foreign sales numbers. :dunce:
I've been reading this site and these boards for a few weeks because I loved GT on the PS1 and 2 (even though I've never been terribly good at them) and I just got a PS3 a couple of months back. I picked up Prologue, was blown away, currently have a Driving Force GT on order (too poor for the really fancy wheels!), and have been rather happily observing the proceedings. Then I read this.

This is exactly the sort of absurd corporate double speak that has made such a sizeable portion of people really despise Microsoft. Calling Prologue a mini game is akin to calling Halo:embarrassed:DST an expansion pack for Halo 3. Prologue has more content than many full priced driving games, even if it is only a vision of things to come. The "maybe that's what they've been working on" comment simply makes him look either incompetant and ill-informed or extremely arrogant. Take your pick. The "XBox will be $100 cheaper" schtick is because Sony does not release a crippled version of their console which has a ridiculous failure rate to begin with. As for the rest, everyone with a Wii (me included) knows that more is not better. If one can predict anything about 2010 compared to 2009 numbers then the claim to more exclusives in the future is just false.

Gibberish like this does no good for anyone to say. You will just annoy the majority while pleasing a small minority of the people who have ALREADY purchased the console you're pimping.

I had an original XBox and I enjoyed Forza simply because the damage system forced an admittedly subpar driver to be especially responsible on the track. I spent dozens more hours with GT though, and from that point on I've just stuck with the series I started with because I will not buy an Xbox for the 3 or 4 games it has I'd actually want to try (Forza/Halo3/Mass Effect).

Had to get this out before my head exploded, I'll try to be more positive in the future.

Great website you've all formed here by the way ^_^ !
We will see who is laughing when GT5 sells like hot cakes and then continues to sell like hot cakes until the next GT comes out. This thread will get locked but honestly, GT5p sold over 4m copies. 4 million, on an install base that is relatively small and of a game that is not a "full GT experience". Maybe Mr. Greeberg has not yet been to Europe where GT is basically second only to Futbol. Downplaying someone else usually alludes to a lack of confidence in one's self.
Haha, couldn't agree more! That is exactly what I've been thinking. These people are simply desperate and inconfident of their products. Also, the only thing they think and care about is $$$$$$...
Or maybe they're doing what Joey said, sales marketing?

By the logic above, nearly every company is insecure about their products because nearly every company today, has taken a shot at someone else.
The problem with your "comparison" is that Halo wasn't around when GT & GT2 came out. It's not hard for competitors to get a $20 million jump on the "opposition" when the former has not even been thought of yet.

Then there's the fact that MS sucks at marketing outside the US & it shows in foreign sales numbers. :dunce:

Take away GT and GT2, you still have about a 6 million copy lead in favor of GT!
Take away GT and GT2, you still have about a 6 million copy lead in favor of GT!
I never said there wasn't. I also noted MS sucks at marketing outside the US, which shows why the majority of their sales are N.A. based.
Or maybe they're doing what Joey said, sales marketing?

By the logic above, nearly every company is insecure about their products because nearly every company today, has taken a shot at someone else.

You can't reason with the GT Elitist, if it's not singing the praise of GT then it's obviously inferior. Kind of sad to be honest. I wish people could be less biased in all of this and not turn it into some huge war.

In the end it's marketing, it happens, it's nothing to get all huffy about.
The problem with your "comparison" is that Halo wasn't around when GT & GT2 came out. It's not hard for competitors to get a $20 million jump on the "opposition" when the former has not even been thought of yet.
I agree that total sales numbers aren't comparable, but GT3 and GT4 did both outsell Halo 1 and Halo 2, respectively.
I agree that total sales numbers aren't comparable, but GT3 and GT4 did both outsell Halo 1 and Halo 2, respectively.
Again, I didn't say they didn't. But I do believe part of the reason is that MS just sucks at marketing outside America. Looking at GT's sales, Europe makes up a gigantic chunk of the sales, a region where Halo actually did a little poor at. While in the US, MS did a good job keeping US Halo sales high with GT's.
I love Microsoft but they can be as arrogant as hell sometimes

Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO on the iPhone (2007):
"There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share. No chance. It's a $500 subsidized item. They may make a lot of money. But if you actually take a look at the 1.3 billion phones that get sold, I'd prefer to have our software in 60% or 70% or 80% of them, than I would to have 2% or 3%, which is what Apple might get."

Lawls. IPhone has 53% of the smartphone market in the US right now. Windows Mobile has 20%. :P

Halo Reach will be the #1 selling game in 2010 in North America, there's no doubt about that. Globally though, maybe. But probably not.
Let's face it, PD takes their sweet ass time with their projects. Cheap jab, yes, but it has been a long, long time.
2010 belongs to GT5.
I keep putting Gran Turismo liveries on my Forza 3 rides. I can't quite put my finger on why...


Maybe it's because Microcrash seem to be incapable of making either bug free hardware or software.

Gee, I wonder what I'm waiting for... Halo? Orr... ;)
The problem with your "comparison" is that Halo wasn't around when GT & GT2 came out. It's not hard for competitors to get a $20 million jump on the "opposition" when the former has not even been thought of yet.

Take away GT and GT2, you still have about a 6 million copy lead in favor of GT!

Theres still another problem here.

There are 3 to 4 times as many PS2s than Xboxes. Your not likely to sell a game to someone who doesn't own the console to play it on.

The most meaningful sales comparisons to wiegh will be this year.
By the time GT5 comes out there will probably still be a few more 360s than PS3s. By the end of next year, or maybe sooner, the numbers should be pretty close to the same. My guess is by then if not before, GT5 will have outsold FM3, 2 to 1.

Another Halo game is harder to say. It has been such a big game for MS, it will probably sell pretty well.
Compared to GT5 it may sell as many or more, but if it does I don't think it would be a lot more.
I say poking fun at Gran Turismo's late launch is pretty fair game, even to the point of being a bit of an ass about it. Hell I check the news every day and I'm not sure I've heard credible evidence that the march deadline will even be met, and I'm sure not putting bets on march being a simultaneous worldwide release.

I've become more than a little jaded since TGS.
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