7200RPM for regular 3.5 desktop drives. Their performance is usually pretty close to the blacks. The cache for the 750GB Blue is 32MB.
Seagate doesn't seem to be doing so well in the last couple of years, so you should probably avoid them.
I went for the 750GB Black. I doubt I will need anywhere near that, as i've only barely filled my 160GB laptop drive and i've had it for almost 4 years.
I also requested they change the CPU cooler, I don't plan on using the one that comes with retail. The one that I had selected was for 'space saving', so i'm glad you recommended a better one as that would have been more of a money-sink than anything else. I got the retail for £155.99 and the normal price for the OEM on Scan is £159.78, so I got a pretty good deal there (If I waited for good deals on every individual part i'd be waiting until Christmas). The scan bundles seem to have deals on the i5 2500k but when priced up they often turn out to be just as expensive as all the items individually, they were even knocking on the door of the i7 2600k deals, which made me tempted to go for one of those

But I thought not, an extra £60 is not worth it when i'm trying to work to a budget.
Has anyone dealt with Scan's customer service before? They don't work Sundays it seems, but i'm anxious to find out how helpful they will be, i.e. whether they will go out of their way to exchange the items or force me to make a new order and pay more postage, and then return the other products.
Just need the OS now, there are ways of using the upgrade version without having a previous version reinstalled right? I have an old Windows key and disc but i'd rather not infect my new PC with Vista.
Then theres building it. I don't even know what a BIOS is so this is going to be fun.