Midnight Club LA

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I fell a bit out of place now with no internet at the moment in Adeliade for the PS3, I actually wanted to finish this down here but it just doesnt grab me, frustrates me too much for a racing game. Sure I might play it a little bit but more of my other games I play.
I've noticed that the difficulty is inversely proportional to either the screen size or setup fanciness, maybe both. I can endure it endlessly with my 30" screen with component input, but my 20" with S Video gives headaches in no time at all.

Is anyone else irritated about the way the cars all seem reluctant to turn? They all have plenty of grip and the like, but the friction and speed loss felt when turning the wheel are very discouraging to me. Still though (IMO), the game has enough perks, strangely, to compensate for the physics.
I find that the controller has tougher physics to push through. The car dosen't turn enough properly and you have no control compared to us players with the wheel. The wheel makes this game (and almost every other game) so much easier.
I find that the controller has tougher physics to push through. The car dosen't turn enough properly and you have no control compared to us players with the wheel. The wheel makes this game (and almost every other game) so much easier.

I guess I'm the real legend around here then, since I completed it rather easily with a controller.:sly:
The patch seems to have fixed my freezing issues! I've been playing it a lot tonight, I've got a Mk1 Golf on chrome wheels, a standard Focus, standard Datsun and a matt black Camaro that has been pimped out a little bit.

Anyone else just prefer making sleeper cars or veedub style stuff? I don't touch most of the bodykits as they're hideous!
I usually don't do too many OTT stuff, most of my Dub's are customised Veedub style, and my tuners are mostly all black.
I've just downloaded and installed the South Central update, how do I know if it's worked or not? Nothing on the map has changed!
You installed it after downloading right? The southern part of the map should've changed, added a huge amount of land below the east-west freeways.
I installed it yeah, but it turns out the map part of the download hadn't finished, so it's my fault, it's still downloading now... :(
Has anyone noticed the Lag in Frame rate while racing on the South Central Map? I noticed it when I was running the Land Rover in a few of the first races for SC.
Just checking because I wasn't sure if it was do the the tremendous "Lack" of speed of the LR SUV or the number of Stout's I put down before playing :lol:
I've also noticed that in a few of the cars when using the interior view, the driver's hands don't move to steer! :lol:

I've only just found out about holding R1 and spinning the wheels up at the start line too, I did wonder why the AI always got better starts than me! Now I can hold R1, then let my Camaro rip and fly off ahead of them, and it almost wheelies too :D
Oh my god, I'm struggling to beat Karol already! I'm driving a fully tuned 300C and he just pulls away with no problems, I can't even keep him in sight! :(
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Sooo, I've got a Social Club account linked to my PSN ID, and I still can't upload my photo album. :( It keeps saying that the server is unavailable.

I've got into a rhythm with the game though, now I've unlocked all of the cars I just go to a green rated highway battle, beat them and then slam my brakes on once I go back into cruise mode. They overtake me again, and I start the race again. I just keep doing this to unlock all of the parts for each class!
I've just unlocked the highest level cars and the game is beginning to annoy me now. The races have suddenly got near impossible, even in a fully tuned Evo, and there are a few problems that really need fixing;

Traffic Spawning
I understand the need to have traffic, but the amount of times I've been going round a corner only to hit nothing, then see a car appear in the area I just hit is just a joke. This is ridiculous as it has ruined a lot of races for me. In some places there is waaaay too much traffic to avoid too, especially when travelling at top speed, sometimes causing the game to slow down.

There is also a lot of traffic spawning from behind hills so you could never ever avoid them. Yet the AI knows they will be there, so can avoid them.

Automatic gears
The automatic gears in this game are the worst I have EVER used. I normally use manual but it's too much to keep track off in a game like this so I use auto gears, but they're shocking. When you corner and keep your foot on the throttle, the car slows down but the gearbox does not change down until you let go of the throttle. This means that you can end up exiting a corner at 60mph in 5th gear! It happens all the time too, it's not just the odd occurance.

The phone calls
You mark someone on your map and are about to head towards them when you get a phonecall from some ghetto wannabe arse who WON'T SHUT UP! We don't need to know that some 'crew has been dissing me' or that 'I can't race in that little toy', I just want to see my bloody mini map! As far as I can see, the only way to remove the phone is to press Select to go to the map and then press Circle to back out of it. But even that doesn't stop them from talking blabbering crap.

Pink Slip Races
These are pointless in games. Games are meant to be fun, so where's the fun in racing someone and winning for 99% of it only to hit a badly spawned car at the end of the race and watch the AI car fly past you and win. Then you lose your car. Fun fun fun!

The AI
I have seen them make a mistake twice. I've reached almost the highest level in the game and have seen 2 mistakes. I've even rammed AI cars off the road before only to see them suddenly gain speed (without using nitrous) and catch up with me instantly.

Repairing your vehicle
Who's going to click 'No', really? Why even give you the option?

The photo album
Still won't work. Every other game is fine, only this is giving me problems.
lol; i know a lot of your problems; and the AI spawning thing sucks ass.

I also agree that the phone-calls and "cruise-challenges" shouldn't be replacing my mini-map. I have to wait for the damn thing to go away in the online modes, before i can look at my map; the up-button only goes so far.

Also, is it just the standard-definition screens that the directional arrow is completely blocked by the list of people playing/cruising? especially during the team flag-modes.. I can't see the arrow, therefore have to use my map (that doesn't adjust opacity; its too opaque to drive with it on) to find the full-city game flags.. it sucks.

I would also like to be able to take pics without having to worry about the game "voiding" the photo when i accept a match.. very annoying.
I'd like to report that Ledfo0t-lunatic is the most abusive player I've ever met online. Started off like this, I beat him twice in a race between my Evo and his RS4, then said "I can just get in a faster car and beat you you know". So he got in an R8 and kept racing me, even though I lost every time. He then claimed that I was a cheat, then got in his Ninja and beat me like 5 times, saying I was a cheat. He then began swearing a hell of a lot.

Just, lol.
I'd like to report that Ledfo0t-lunatic is the most abusive player I've ever met online. Started off like this, I beat him twice in a race between my Evo and his RS4, then said "I can just get in a faster car and beat you you know". So he got in an R8 and kept racing me, even though I lost every time. He then claimed that I was a cheat, then got in his Ninja and beat me like 5 times, saying I was a cheat. He then began swearing a hell of a lot.

Just, lol.

If the guy sounded like he was on helium, that explains why.
If the guy sounded like he was on helium, that explains why.

Meh, after a little bit of research I found the guy on a forum. He claims that everyone who uses a bike, uses a wheel, or uses manual is a cheater. :lol: He also said "I am the best". Yes that's a quote.
Meh, after a little bit of research I found the guy on a forum. He claims that everyone who uses a bike, uses a wheel, or uses manual is a cheater. :lol: He also said "I am the best". Yes that's a quote.

If you use the clutch you're a cheater.:P
I'd like to report that Ledfo0t-lunatic is the most abusive player I've ever met online. Started off like this, I beat him twice in a race between my Evo and his RS4, then said "I can just get in a faster car and beat you you know". So he got in an R8 and kept racing me, even though I lost every time. He then claimed that I was a cheat, then got in his Ninja and beat me like 5 times, saying I was a cheat. He then began swearing a hell of a lot.

Just, lol.
I seen that guy a few times, never raced with him though.

Meh, after a little bit of research I found the guy on a forum. He claims that everyone who uses a bike, uses a wheel, or uses manual is a cheater. :lol: He also said "I am the best". Yes that's a quote.
I don't think it's true, but then it is. Bike's are nice, but the handle greatly & blows out all the other cars most of the time. I use a wheel, WITH a clutch (G25) but I don't cheat. Only time I use the clutch is to control drift.
I'll see if I can catch up to him & order him to a race lol.

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