Midnight Club LA

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Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? [/Annoying kids in back seat]
Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? [/Annoying kids in back seat]

No! Shut up or you're not getting the update![/Father in driver seat]:lol:

I'll bet it will be released soon though.
I hope so. It should be in the PS store right? It's not there yet, and it's almost noon (PST).
PFFFT, it is 13th of march today and I cant go online for two weeks after tomorrow. R* = FAIL.
It's not out, some sort of delay. A new trailer is out on the R* website saying 19th, even though the other said the 12th... Not impressed with this...
.. well that sucks. Probably a massive bug or something found at the last minute -- having been a tester, it's happened on a few games.
At least they're doing something and letting us know what's going on, unlike PD.
At least they're doing something and letting us know what's going on, unlike PD.

Wasn't really clear though was it, shoving it on the end of a new trailer rather then an actual statement as to why the dates randomly moved forward. It's not exactly a big problem for them if they say they found a problem if they're trying to fix it, infact I think it'd be good PR to admit they found an issue and are doing something about it.
Wasn't really clear though was it, shoving it on the end of a new trailer rather then an actual statement as to why the dates randomly moved forward. It's not exactly a big problem for them if they say they found a problem if they're trying to fix it, infact I think it'd be good PR to admit they found an issue and are doing something about it.

Yeah but still, it's not like they put on the end "Coming some year in the near future", which is what PD may as well be doing.:rolleyes:
A bit off the current subject at the moment, but at the moment I'm not entirely sure that I'm sold on the game. Sure there is some really cool elements to the game, such as the police pull over system, but parts of this game are just too hard. I don't feel as though I'm being guided through the early steps of the games, it kind of gives the impression that your chucked into this huge world without any assistance. Gaining money on the game seems to be a difficult struggle, I'm earning hardly anything on each race at the moment, whether this changes later on in the game I'm not sure. But for my sake I hope it does. The Deliveries at the Garage aren't exactly what I expected either, I can't do any of the 5 they all seem to difficult. I'm still going to give this game a chance to progress and hopefully improve.
I've heard using a D class car like your very first with just nitrous tacked on gives you easier opponents (as you're in class D) however I have no personal evidence to support the theory because I quite frankly didn't need it as a long time midnight club player.

As for earning money quick, you can earn onwards and upwards of 20,000 per race in the wagers once you get far enough, then there's the deal which you may or may not know about right at the end which will make money worthless.
Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? [/Annoying kids in back seat]

Sums up what I'm thinking right now.:nervous:
Well, Rockstar is in California, so I would guess, they're going to wait for PST to catch up to you guys :P
Bugger, I thought it was the 18th that it was coming.:ouch: Oh well, I still stay, at least we're only waiting days now for MC LA, and waiting months possibly a year for GT5.
Why is it that just about everybody online has the DLC Premo pack? It dosen't help when I see their cars all donked out and stuff either :(

This is kind of stupid, R* should've atleast given us one free car. I mean, they already delayed it an extra week, and some people will definitely buy the Premo package. This is kind of annoying, we pay for a full game, not for some half-assed rip off. This is what I don't like about DLC, it makes us feel like the publishers have given us half a game, forcing you to pay more so you get a full game. Maybe R* actually did want to give it to us for free, but surely they couldn't have modeled the whole south part in the little 3 months?

Wtf is with the crashing? Froze 5 times in the space of 30mins.
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Well, Rockstar is in California, so I would guess, they're going to wait for PST to catch up to you guys :P

R* don't update the PSStore though, SCE do most likely.

As for Turbos above comments I agree completely. I mean GRiDs DLC took about a year to come around or something which suggests it's a proper add on rather then this is to give you what we didn't give you before, just for some extra cash.

MCLA seems particularly guilty of this, there was talk this time last year of the game being released in April of '08 and then they decided to not release it til late last year, yet as far as us MC fans could tell nothing seemed to change from what we'd seen in trailers to what we actually got in the end. R* also needs to do some serious work on their servers, this goes for both GTA and MCLA. They just aren't up to the standard of the actual games themselves. LA seems to like to freeze online... still, it's often a task to join a friend or even a large game at random, and with LA there's always a particular lag which you have to judge in CTF games and such like in order to actually hit someone or indeed avoid someone. Visually you wouldn't notice at first but when you see a car spin out behind you for no real reason, chances are your car actually hit there's but the lag means your car was like a solid rock to them cus you've actually already traveled a few metres ahead so they get nailed, bad.

GTA has similar lag problems although not as bad due to the general speed of the game, and most annoyingly if you DC from a game with friends on GTA, you can't rejoin as it says 'unable to join game you were already kicked from' even though you weren't kicked.

R* should fix these issues before even thinking of expanding the title, it's called after sales service R*, and it's probably half the reason R*s titles don't get such huge online followings as say Killzone, Call of Duty and others like Burnout Paradise I imagine. GTA is one of the best selling games ever most likely, and yet I imagine that many many other games get a much bigger number of regulars who stay loyal to the titles online offering.
I also now have proof of R* laziness. Remember the south-most highway, going horizontal across the map? Remember there were roadworks underneath it? Go there now and you'll see all the road works were finished. It can only mean that R* were actually working on the DLC before the game came out. Which leads to, R* gave us an unfinished game.
Why is it that just about everybody online has the DLC Premo pack? It dosen't help when I see their cars all donked out and stuff either :(

This is kind of stupid, R* should've atleast given us one free car. I mean, they already delayed it an extra week, and some people will definitely buy the Premo package. This is kind of annoying, we pay for a full game, not for some half-assed rip off. This is what I don't like about DLC, it makes us feel like the publishers have given us half a game, forcing you to pay more so you get a full game. Maybe R* actually did want to give it to us for free, but surely they couldn't have modeled the whole south part in the little 3 months?

Wtf is with the crashing? Froze 5 times in the space of 30mins.

I also now have proof of R* laziness. Remember the south-most highway, going horizontal across the map? Remember there were roadworks underneath it? Go there now and you'll see all the road works were finished. It can only mean that R* were actually working on the DLC before the game came out. Which leads to, R* gave us an unfinished game.

More reasons why I'm not bothering with the DLC.
Actually, I approve of DLC. £7.99 to expand a game I know I really enjoy, or £35 for a new game I might not like as much?
Actually, I approve of DLC. £7.99 to expand a game I know I really enjoy, or £35 for a new game I might not like as much?

But £7.99 is 20-25% of the games full price and you simply don't get that much extra added to the experience itself. It's to steep I think.