Midnight Club LA

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I personally think Rockstar made a big mistake by letting cars vs. bikes.

Welcome to Midnight club 2. There are some advantages and disadvantages to using the bikes VS cars. I can win any offline race if i don't crash, i odnt use bikes online unless its a free drive.
Welcome to Midnight club 2. There are some advantages and disadvantages to using the bikes VS cars. I can win any offline race if i don't crash, i odnt use bikes online unless its a free drive.

Another problem is that people complain when they get hit by a car in a race. I was racing some people about a week ago, and almost all of them were on bikes. They all (somehow) managed to crash in a small alley which we were all trying to go through. I was quite a fair way behind them, as soon as they respawned my car simply smashed through all of them and killed them again. They sent me atleast 10 PM's saying that I was a "****ing idiot" etc. I mean, you're on a bike. Jeez, deal with it.
I just created a proboards forum for my MCLA clan (KDT - Kaizen Drift Team). Feel free to register if you wish to and of course the main site still remains much the same, links to both below. No need to be a member of the clan to join the forum, but dont bother registering if you're not really interested in MCLA much.

KDT Main Website
KDT Forum
I just created a proboards forum for my MCLA clan (KDT - Kaizen Drift Team). Feel free to register if you wish to and of course the main site still remains much the same, links to both below. No need to be a member of the clan to join the forum, but dont bother registering if you're not really interested in MCLA much.

KDT Main Website
KDT Forum

A little competition for me then. :P Nice site though, will be sure to join.
I had another run into ledfoot-lunatic again. Had a race, which I won in a last minute overtake. The guy couldn't face losing, and then, like usual, changed into his R8 and won. The guy then rammed me for 1 hour. :lol:
Another problem is that people complain when they get hit by a car in a race. I was racing some people about a week ago, and almost all of them were on bikes. They all (somehow) managed to crash in a small alley which we were all trying to go through. I was quite a fair way behind them, as soon as they respawned my car simply smashed through all of them and killed them again. They sent me atleast 10 PM's saying that I was a "****ing idiot" etc. I mean, you're on a bike. Jeez, deal with it.
ROFL! I can picture that
I had another run into ledfoot-lunatic again. Had a race, which I won in a last minute overtake. The guy couldn't face losing, and then, like usual, changed into his R8 and won. The guy then rammed me for 1 hour. :lol:

I swear the people that do that must be like twelve. Plus, I couldn't beat you in my R8 anyways.. lol :dunce: It's like dude, you're the idiot that got on their bike, and expected to be invincible.. who is the idiot?
The guy is pretty quick I must say though, but if I'm having a race I rather have everyone in equal cars. Beating me in an R8 when I'm in an Evo dosen't prove anything.
I was thinking this morning, as (probably) the most experienced MC player on the board, with everyone seeming to find the game so difficult, is it worth writing a mini guide to success for everyone? or no?
Yea but with over well well over 1000 hours of MC3 experience, I think it's fair to say I probably know best. We even knew things the developers didn't seem to know and I have a few little tricks which I've learnt on LA as well.

I'll go ahead and get some others to chip in so we can compile every trick known together into one.
I just bought MC:LA yesterday. I'm loving it.:D But just a quick question, how do you play online? Do you just download the free map or do you need to pay for the download in the PS store?
Download the South Central FREE Expansion pack first. Then pause ingame, hit Online and you can probably work it out from there. To accept an invite, press Community, then press 'right' and you'll see the invitations.
Im downloading South Central now..., I think I need a motorbike according to dragonistics guide. Ive also been wasting my money:P. When does this million dollar deal come in? Im 35% ( I think) through the game.
I downloaded the free one and tried to do a quick cruise in online but I kept getting disconnected straight away. So it's probably just my connection.
Im downloading South Central now..., I think I need a motorbike according to dragonistics guide. Ive also been wasting my money:P. When does this million dollar deal come in? Im 35% ( I think) through the game.

You don't need one by any stretch of the imagination, they're just the much much quicker round a bend, and of course thin to fit through traffic. However, the, if you're not good you will still struggle still applies as you still have to not fall off to much.
One fall is usually forgiven because of the lightning speed you go around a corner you can usually catch up. You can often save your nitrous incase you fall as well for the same reason, you are often far ahead.
Indeed, the Kawasaki Ninja is the quickest vehicle in the game WHEN you have mastered turning it:sly: If not, i guess it is about as fast as a slow class a vehicle. Confirmation on that anyone?
bikes and cars shouldn´t race against eachother... It´s just a bastard form of racing. Never seen a successful approach to it. That is pretty much the only design flaw I could find in Midnight Club LA. At first the difficulty seemed just ridiculous for an arcade racer. In the beginning you make no money at all and to have to spend 35h to afford the top car is quite much to ask from us gamers :). For us that doesn´t grind that is just fooling around taking the races I feel like. As for the guide running with my wheel even at 210 I just don´t agree it´s easier to dodge traffic. There is tons of split second decisions in each race in LA and it´s just easier to do these evasive manoeveurs with the gamepad. Surely not as smooth as the wheel but you loose more time crashing into things then you gain by drifting perfectly into a corner.

Nice guide but as always those guides you should read after being almost fed up with the game. I mean your goal is to get to know the streets and how to race to be successful yourself right. I got very immersed in the city. Particularly with my wheel. Despite making it harder it just felt so right with my GT 3 RS wheel and H-shifter even though seconds slower for the time trials which I used as reference. And I pretty much exclusively run racing games with my wheel. Mostly sims though it can make you go slower sometimes braking to much into the corners lol.

47 % complete with 35 hours on the streets. restart ratio about 1 restart per race lol. The game is as mentioned hard but at least later on you get good money without winning. So once you get used to not winning it get a more fluid experience :). It initially scared me off though. Sitting in a ****** car for 10 hours and then when you get a flashier upgrade see the opponent just got even faster cars didn´t really seem fair.
And these rubber band effect that punishes you if you make a solid first half of a race and rewards you for being crappy isn´t really that fair either. But it surely makes for tight and adrenaline packed races.

But really brilliant. Surely only the muscle cars are really fun to drive but with so much traffic dodging you do appreciate any extra precision you can get.
After completing the game 100% I only have a few trophies left to get but after you find the barrels, for me the game dies as there is not much to do. I enrolled in the driving school in order to get the r8 but i have not recived hydrualics after doing 9 of the challenges but im still rather annyoed at the fact you have to sign up to rockstar social club in order to obtain one on the cars.


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Without meaning to insult, I dislike all of those pictures/cars. Also, why aren't you using the games actual photo mode?

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