Mind"effs" Pictures

  • Thread starter Legendary
Good finds, also you realise, when Tom Servo has ran out of piccys, that we will have to go back and do the ones we haven't completed?


36, to the right is a guy in the window sill, that was easy. 37, i think is a made you look for nothing picture. 38, to the top left there is a creepy dude and you can see his eyes, then work out his face. 39, i dont know, and 40 Venari pointed out.

Alot of those were easy.
Tom has around 100 pics or more. We're good.

#38 isn't a dude. Looks like a rabbit.
How the hell do black pupils look like a dude's pupils?
That's a rabbit or an animal at the least, behind that girl.
Lol, i still dont understand how you think it is an animal???? It looks somewhat alienish, but it does look like a demented human.
I must be looking at it different to all of you. I seriously dont understand how it looks like a ------...
@legendary724: 37 is not what you said it was.

I may not have more of a clue than you guys, but then again, I have been looking at these pics probably longer :D





41. Face poking out of the left room.
42. A ghost-like image to the right & a face in the trees.
43. Hidden face at the bottom. Go left-to-right, and look in between Girls 2 & 3.
44. Sex.
45. They're young girls putting quarters into something that says COK?
regarding 45... yes, but that's not the issue...

it's just funny because the girls are buying coke!

incidentally, 42 has at least 3 different people in it
46 - Blond girl isn't wearing a hat, it's a sign on the wall. Also is that the most gormless looking fell ever in the background.
47 - KKK
48 - Face on the wall under the mirror.
49 - Not 1005 on this but it looks like there might be a face in the trees near the upper centre of the pic.
47 - KKK
49 - Not 1005 on this but it looks like there might be a face in the trees near the upper centre of the pic.

47 - or Kok.
49 - I got one in the top left, between the 2nd and 3rd trees in - only eyes and nose though.
47: I find it odd that one is called a meal bar and the other a snack bar, when they're essentially different flavors of the same thing.
47: I find it odd that one is called a meal bar and the other a snack bar, when they're essentially different flavors of the same thing.
That's because they're different sized bars, the prices are different too. The meal bar is more expensive.
No-one can see 50 right? Also ill add the ones we have to the answers.
I dont see any eyes or nose in the forest one though. Ill add it anyway.
On 49 I can definitely see a face of sorts near the bottom of the tree nearest the camera.
I knew it!!!!!!! I just forgot all about 46 whilst we talked about 49. I had a feeling it was (see above post).
50 - Her drink is frozen? Maybe it's gelatin.
54 - There's a face near her hand.
55 - Second from the left is too damn ugly to be hanging out with the other ones. :P
51. There is ghosty face in the middle slightly left of center.
53. Have no clue...

There's an elephant on the top right.






still think they're getting easier?

Spoiler Text (highlight text with cursor to reveal):

Taken from inside a coach/bus, as there is a reflection of a house somewhere

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Invisible buttsecks? or perhaps it's the freaky bending of her left hand?


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Emo/Goth kids smiling?


Spoiler Text (highlight text with cursor to reveal):

Rail-worker wearing pink Crocs?

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