Minecraft News and Discussion

  • Thread starter WallRunner
Get MyCraft and MagicLauncher and try it on those, or just back up your .jar and install it the old-fashioned way. There's really no way around installing certain mods manually, and when you get the hang of it it's easy. Just have a separate .jar for each mod.
^ I just rename my entire minecraft folder every update, and every time I install a mod.. I've basically got a folder all the way back to alpha 1.0.14, and more recently 2 - 3 differant folders for 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.0. 1.1, 1.2 etc for differant mods. All told I've got around 40 MC folders.
I just copy the jar into a folder each time, no need for all that folder stuff, I just have a folder with tonnes of jars :P.

The server seems to have fixed its self up alot, I have claimed a bit of island like land near tlowr's house. The very beginnings of a house frame are there and its all signed up to say it's mine so yeah, nothing should happen.

You shop owners need to get some damn stock!
Hey guys!! I just got my shaders mod to successfully install! Look how beautiful it is!


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That is :censored:ing gorgeous... too bad my computers too crap to run something like that. I'll get my new rig one day...

in the next 483 years at this rate...
I've installed it. I get the dof (which looks awesome) but no shadows. How do you turn them on?
In the jar?

I've found it, I see loads of stuff about blur but nothing about shadows.

A demonstration of the dof and the Launchpad!

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Requires client mods which I try to avoid.

In other news... OMGWTFBBQ I 🤬 LOVE YOU SPONGE!!!

Tried for 2 hours yesterday to get the shaders working. Mustn't be compatible with my 9400M. Can't see any textures. I've redone the class files for OptiFine to make it compatible, redid the MC.jar after I edited it, and all kinds of crap, and I just can't see anything. Looks like it's Vanilla for me.... :(
Running at 70FPS offline with those shaders back on since they actually seem compatible with the mad client I'm using now...although I'm at 4.1GHz quad now with dual HD5850s O..O
It just really shows how badly made minecraft is. I have a 3.1GHz eight core cpu and a single MSI HD 6950 OC card. I was doing 275-350fps with everything but the smooth shadows disabled and when I turned that feature on it dropped to 50-75fps. I ran MSI afterburner and it was using anywhere from 20-60% of my GPU. Not a problem for my duel fan card but it's outrageous when you think that back when Alpha was out, my 2.93GHz C2D with a integrated 512MB GeForce 9300 was doing 120-160fps. Yesterday I let my friend play minecraft on my computer and after a good ten minutes the fps was at 16fps. Though he was using the fly mod but the gameplay was so bad.
I am getting a USB port to connect my broken screen laptop to my TV tomorrow, so I will be getting on (Tomorrow. You don't say?). Let's hope it works.

When I get back on I will be building two towns, one at the marsh near the desert which I will call "Alabama" and another one in the desert called "Sahara".

Alabama will be more of a modern town, with streets and houses made of brick. This town's treasure will be found in the sewers. The sewers will not have traps, though they will be hard to navigate and will not have as great treasure. Sahara will be made of sandstone and will have temples and tombs filled with treasure. In said tombs, not all will be easy to navigate. Many will have traps with lava and arrows, maybe even TNT if you guys want.
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USB video card port to a video connector? Those dinky cards won't play video let alone play minecraft. Unless your laptop uses HDMI then you are stuck. But really, ask some tech services around for LCD replacement. Replacement screens will go $50-$75 just for the part but that depends on the laptop.
USB video card port to a video connector? Those dinky cards won't play video let alone play minecraft. Unless your laptop uses HDMI then you are stuck. But really, ask some tech services around for LCD replacement. Replacement screens will go $50-$75 just for the part but that depends on the laptop.

So if my laptop can support HDMI and I use an HDMI port it will work?
tlowr, I told you I'd post instructions on how to build your Hidden-City easier using WorldEdit, so here it is: (with some of the commands just to make it easier to understand)

First off, I'm not done with it yet, so I'll only put what I've done so far.

I found a semi-flat chunk of land and selected roughly a 100x100x100 chunk
//replace 0
Then I went to the middle of the cleared area, (make sure you're in the DEAD CENTER) and dug about 7 blocks down
//sphere stone 75

//br sphere stone 7 (<----- that's not a typo, I'll tell you how I did that if you want me to)
Then I just brushed all over the stone sphere and at the base of it to make it blend into the surrounding land
//smooth 5
I smoothed everything out...
Remember what I said that the sphere had to be in the middle of the area you selected? This is why:
//overlay 2 (<--- block ID)
If you didn't center your sphere perfectly, it won't be overlayed in certain parts and you'll have to make a new selection to apply the overlay to the parts that didn't get overlayed.
I also smoothed the areas around the part where I replaced everything to make it look natural.


Sorry if there's any typos in the code!

More to come once I start hollowing it out...

Also, could you post the video so I have it for reference?
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^ Oh nice, thanks! Yeah keep us posted, I'll see if I can coax some permissions out of dunc to do it one day :P

Yo, server must have chucked an error and has crashed...

EDIT: Inspiration video :D:
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