Minecraft News and Discussion

  • Thread starter WallRunner
Yeah, Nick and I did some digging and found a few of the same links you found Skilla. Thanks, we won't whitelist him. Too risky. It's always sus as soon as it says he has previous bans.
Has anyone else tried the Tornado and Weather mod?



^My house about to get hit by the tornado.


^Me actually getting lifted into the air by the tornado (I'm not flying)


^The aftermath.

http://www.coros.us/mods/tornadoes <- More Info/Download
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^ My computer would crap itself in a showy display of sparks and molten battery acid, before dieing and being reincarnated as a Mac Lisa...
Isn't a Mac just an overpriced computer with different software and a big monitor?

Double yup. Only I have the laptop version, which means my screen is the same size as any 13" monitor. Still, it's all about the OS.

Yo, heads up guys, there's been an exploit in minecraft where people can easilly log in on other people accounts. Mojang has tweeted that it's been fixed but the risk is still there. All servers were deactivated whilst it was fixed.

However, this is not an excuse for you to grief the server and claim it was someone else. Won't work. Don't even try. I was just letting everyone know, so keep an eye out if anyone claims you were doing something you weren't. But for god's sakes, be honest...
It's actually not a very demanding mod.

Re-rendering blocks and adding an entirely new physics engine to a java client isn't demanding?

Man there must be some fricking good coders out there if they can do that without it melting everyone's computers...
You destroyed Highbridge on the server? Or a local copy?
I'm sure that she was just trying to mess with us with a copy. I don't think that she'd be dumb enough to do something like that.

EDIT: It's a copy. If you look in the background, my old shop is still standing, and my current one isn't there.
^ And, my shop is only half built, and it is currently completed (mostly).

Nice troll, Spongey. I gotta give you props for that one :P
Has anything fun happened since I last visited? I still can't get MyCraft working but I'm going to try and be online from time to time again.

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