I went back through my old "MC1.8" folder and looked at pictures of all the great fun I had in other servers. My favorite pics came from my friend's Minecraft server, back when we had about 7-8 different friends come on, and about 4 of us were OPs. The OPs (which included me) were able to go on creative and build horribly made buildings (I was new, they were just uncreative

) and I built this crazy hotel made of about 15 different block types, while the owner of the server was building a railway to a mountain - which he flattened at the top and poured lava/water down the sides; it was a massive lag fest up there. Then a bunch of our friends came on the server, and built wooden houses and such, we were making "void holes" and my favorite part was when the owner built a mine full of diamonds and tricked my friend into going inside. He then broke the blocks he was standing on and he fell into a void hole. We also built a hollow glass box under the ocean and called it "Atlantis."
Oh, the days when the retro sounds were used. Those sounds give me memories of the first ever survival multiplayer server I went on (it was actually a roleplay server; had "wars" and "town rivalries" which was cool) and my character had to travel so much, it was I think a 10,000 block walk from spawn to the capital city. I didn't know there were railways. And they had a dynamic map, and I used flymode from MyCraft to swim in the ocean, because 1.8 Minecraft couldn't detect flying when touching the ground. I went and lived in Dwarven cities, a sort of "Paladin" stronghold, and actually managed to scale the human capital city's walls with flymode. I also helped build a massive town wall for a wolven tribe, because they were going to give me armor and a pet wolf if I helped. This sounds really weird but the door sounds give me the most memory of my innocent 1.8 days. No enchanting, potions, and dragons. Not to mention that was when I was new to the game, everything was so different, and I had a hard time learning recipes and such. Even if I could go to 1.8 again, and play on my friend's server or that other server, it still wouldn't be the same, because I'm used to Minecraft. I know recipes, enchanting, farming, and all the other things I was confused about when I was new.
I think my innocence ended when I learned about "griefing" and decided to grief my 3rd ever server, "BuilderCraft" (unoriginal name, me and 3 others decided to build a nether fort really far from spawn.) It was unprotected and I just used my own version of "Speedmine" and literally demolished the owner's house, spawn, and the mall. I proceeded to speedmine other towns and left signs with vulgar messages everywhere I hit. The owner's unprotected house was literally demolished into a pile of dirt, with the exception of the lockette-protected door and wooden block above and underneath it. I think for the rest of 1.8 I was using my own client (it only had x-ray, speedmine, and flymode) griefing other servers.
1.0 came, and I joined your server. Completely new to actually playing "survival" (roleplay, creative, and griefing did not count) and instantly I asked for some mossy cobble to build the most
ugly tower ever existing. Page 253 I think was my first post. Now, before Pandora, I visited Strawberry and it doesn't feel like it did back when I had to trek for thousands of blocks in hopes for finding a wolf. Or going into a nether portal and ending out in someone's home in the desert away from spawn. Not to mention when I visited Strawberry, it had towers, the wooden building right by the bay is burnt down, there's a diamond block made house not too far from mine, and etc.
tl;dr - I reminisce of my innocent 1.8 days, my griefing days, and my first time experience on this server.