Minecraft News and Discussion

  • Thread starter WallRunner
Am I the only one that thinks Skilla is using his Moderator powers to spawn in things? Either that, or he really has nothing better to do. :rolleyes:

I spent about 10-13 hours on Tekkit. I have nothing better to do... you can check my chests. Stock full of depleted supplies and tons of un-used items. In fact, if tee goes on, (or any other admin) I'll show them all my items. I've waited a long time to play Tekkit... I'm watching and mimicking this guy's ways of playing Tekkit. Here's where I currently am:

I suppose that is understandable. Maybe I'm just confused by how fast people work.

Also, is that.. the Yogscast? :yuck:

Maybe you didn't remember, but I spent over 6 hours yesterday building quarries and stuff, and guess what? During that time, my character had barely any food, and had no bed! :lol:

And yes, it's the Yogscast, but not Lewis and Simon. It's Duncan, possibly the most laid back and intelligent person in the Yogscast. (Hint hint, the complete Yogscast opposite) He's the reason I actually know about Tekkit...

EDIT - I'll come out clean and say this: In the beginning I had 2 diamonds, and I admit I used Adam's condenser (I didn't steal the diamonds, don't worry) and cashed in most of my gems to get about 12-15 diamonds. Then I used them sparingly, built my quarry, and then used my transmutation tablet to make my diamonds. That's the only thing I did.
^ The only time I used /i was when you told me I could use it for bread (I made 64, because I knew I was going to be building 95% of the time and I didn't want to deal with hunger - I still have about 35).

Oh, and I have a full set of nano armor, and will activate the Tesla coils when I get on tomorrow.
Please help...

I keep getting the "Must have Forge build #136+". I Googled it and found out I had to install another mod (I'm sorry I'm really a nood at these things), so I installed the latest build, #164, into the minecraft.jar file.. I also saw when I search for %appdata% there are now two Roaming folders.. What am I doing wrong?
^ Glad to see you got it all sorted.

In other news we're in a bit of 🤬. The tree's nader and Turtle cut down didn't yield any sapplings. I cut down the last one in hope, but to no avail. So, if anyone has some rubber tree sapplings they're willing to donate for the community, I'd be more than greatful if you'd pop them in the chest near the public farm. I'll go adventuring to try and find another patch of trees and hopefully we can build up the farm to break even. Rubber trees rarely drop sapplings, unlike normal trees. Here's hoping from now on we get at least one sappling per tree.

Nader. Listen to me and listen good. You replant the trees at the public tree farm please. I thought you understood what that is all about. If you do it again you'll be in trouble. Do not just shave the leaves and leave the wood. Either take the whole tree and replant, or just take the sap from the trunk. Got it?

Well of course I understand what it is about, but when I was about to replant Adam killed me and he took my saplings too (I had about 5). I was therefore unable to replant and also, it's hard to take out saplings from rubber trees...
Can I also get unbanned as I was telling rhys to get out of my mine and doing a OLD nader by telling him to GTFO and I got banned for spamming by typing it 3 times.

Sorry for the hassle
I just installed this, and my god, the amount of new items when browsing Creative mode was astounding. Not something I'm going to get my head round though, but I found the Nuke...
Can I also get unbanned as I was telling rhys to get out of my mine and doing a OLD nader by telling him to GTFO and I got banned for spamming by typing it 3 times.

Sorry for the hassle

The whole point of a ban is so you can reflect on what you did wrong and then be unbanned after that's done. Requesting to be unbanned is pointless as far as i'm concerned.
It sounds like the stupid spam filter banned him, sponge.

And Carlos, don't install Forge. All you need to do is go into the Tekkit launcher > Options > Manually Select Build > Dropdown Menu > 3.1.1.
if you are trying to log in on server 3.1.1 when you open the launcher just click on the options button, select manual build selection, on the top (Select Modpack build) choice the lastest build (3.1.1|1.2.5) and play

Try this Jai.

And in creative, find a nuclear reactor and fill it full of uranium cells. Nothing else, just uranium cells. Then run...
I don't have the "Manual Build Selection" in the options on both Technic and Tekkit. Hrmm?

Start the launcher and before you log into your minecraft account, press options and you should see it.