Minecraft News and Discussion

  • Thread starter WallRunner
Holy crap :L Didn't realise this was going to be thrown up in the air.

Adam, you're unbanned. Riffeh, I'm surprised you'd do such a thing. I apolgise for the confusion, but in all honesty with Adam's history I'd give the most logical thought that it was him, I'm surprised Riffeh, you know what's been put towards GHS already.

Also Gh, you I didn't steal them, I'd gone to your place to check how you had your chests setup since I'm trying to replicate the situation, and noticed you were out of power, so I put them into the reactor so things would get back online for you.
Holy crap :L Didn't realise this was going to be thrown up in the air.

Adam, you're unbanned. Riffeh, I'm surprised you'd do such a thing. I apolgise for the confusion, but in all honesty with Adam's history I'd give the most logical thought that it was him, I'm surprised Riffeh, you know what's been put towards GHS already.

What history! This is my whole point, like Rhys said I have acted like a prick but when have I actually griefed (except eight blocks on Nader :P). You just see me as a griefer but since the beginning of the server I have only properly griefed one thing, if I remember correctly, which was flooding Nader's shop. I'm sure 99% of you have also done one or two griefs yet I am viewed as a griefer.

Tut tut tut, people these days I tell ya!
I'm sure 99% of you have also done one or two griefs yet I am viewed as a griefer.
Well then I'm in the 1%. I've never maliciously messed with other people's things. I have, however, been griefed numerous times by different people.
Well then I'm in the 1%. I've never maliciously messed with other people's things. I have, however, been griefed numerous times by different people.

But have you actually logged on in the last month? I might be in a different timezone to you or something but the last time I remember you actually coming on the server was in the early stages of Pandora and i'm not even sure if you did then.

Also Gh, you I didn't steal them, I'd gone to your place to check how you had your chests setup since I'm trying to replicate the situation, and noticed you were out of power, so I put them into the reactor so things would get back online for you.

Well thank you, I thought you were using them for your own reactor. :P

And I've griefed, I griefed psychoslayer22's little shack back in Rapture (using Mr. TNT) because he griefed the Nyan Bar, my boat, and mass-spawned mobs in my fort.
Well thank you, I thought you were using them for your own reactor. :P

And I've griefed, I griefed psychoslayer22's little shack back in Rapture (using Mr. TNT) because he griefed the Nyan Bar, my boat, and mass-spawned mobs in my fort.

And Dragatore's house in rapture, you left behind a friendly warning- 'DO NOT FKING GRIEF NYAN'
But have you actually logged on in the last month? I might be in a different timezone to you or something but the last time I remember you actually coming on the server was in the early stages of Pandora and i'm not even sure if you did then.
I was probably one of the most active people before the server went to Tekkit. I had a large sheep farm that took a long time to put together, and a big cactus and sugarcane farm to go with it. I was pretty much stocked on everything, and I was pretty much the only person that played daily. (Unless there was a massive timezone difference) And then it all got reset...
Well, the lag is gradually getting worse it seems. Nothing appears to be working and you can barely move about the lag is so bad...
Don't know about you guys but I can't reach the server at the mo. Don't know if the servers going funny or what.

Side note, computercraft is awesome :) But I don't know what I should make it do lol.
Well, the lag is gradually getting worse it seems. Nothing appears to be working and you can barely move about the lag is so bad...

Yes. Especially from my side of the world, I can't even connect half the time. I'm thinking it's something to do with the immense amount of EMC that's going on. I really don't know, though, and I'm looking into it.
Don't know about you guys but I can't reach the server at the mo. Don't know if the servers going funny or what.

Side note, computercraft is awesome :) But I don't know what I should make it do lol.

I've used it to make door locks and I'm planning to sell the program on floppy disks.

There are also reactor control programs online, allowing you to control a reactor from a terminal.

EDiT: The server is also down...
We should make a tekkit PVP arena because half the time Rhys , Adam and I end up fighting
there is always a big mess that we have to clean up so I think we should have a public arena so we can have all the fun we want . I will start building it if I get the permission to make it near spawn so its not too far.
We should make a tekkit PVP arena because half the time Rhys , Adam and I end up fighting
there is always a big mess that we have to clean up so I think we should have a public arena so we can have all the fun we want . I will start building it if I get the permission to make it near spawn so its not too far.

My god, Lewis used a capital letter! Also, that would be a good idea, I can contribute to the project if you want to make PVP maps or anything :)
Ok peeps, take notice of this:

As a result of the increasing lag I believe I *may* have found the answer. Can anyone with a crystal chest please remove it from the world and put it in another chest or keep it in your inventory. Just make sure it's not placed at all. This is a test, you can keep the chests. If it's successful you won't be able to and I'll repay you in some form or another. Either way, if everyone can get on and remove their crystal chests asap please, that would be great. Let me know when that's done.