Minecraft News and Discussion

  • Thread starter WallRunner
Tekkit is too powerful for me .I try and keep safe but every time I end up accidently wrecking stuff. Anyway I've finished tekkit got infernal armour and all the rings so i think it would be safe for me to be banned
Tekkit is too powerful for me .I try and keep safe but every time I end up accidently wrecking stuff. Anyway I've finished tekkit got infernal armour and all the rings so i think it would be safe for me to be banned

Now I think you're just creating unnecessary drama.
And someone stole at least 13 stacks of Red matter from me. And there's a suspicious diamond block castle being built near Adam's home... I wonder how they got that?
Well basically i was in adams house chargin mah mining laser , After I tried changing the mode of mah laser but my armour destroyed the whole house. Btw ghs thats mine and adams castle and we got that with our mk3.
I don't believe you, Turtle. You didn't build that castle legit. 13 stacks of red matter are missing from me, and you guys don't have enough red matter to create that castle. Admit it, you stole from me.
Turtle, you're not gonna be banned. Just don't come back if you think you can't handle your equipment. Or, take it slow, make sure everything is perfect instead of rushing into it like everyone else has, and ask some people to keep an eye on it while your offline.

Damage can always be repair, and when it's an accident, it's fine. Only time we (ie Mods) get cranky is when it's on purpose becuase you want to purposly destroy someone's creation.

We will have to look into the red matter stealing thing. 13 stacks is way too much. If it was just a few it's no big deal but 13 stacks is asking for trouble. If I can get the server to let me on for more than 15 seconds (yes, we're back to that again), I'll hawkeye some things and have a look around.
Soo, the server is full Tekkit right now? I don't have the patience or will to learn to use it, I'll just stick with vanilla now. I've got a massive desert village up and running.
^ Yes. I suspect we may be going back to Vanilla in the next month or two since so many people sped ahead and essentially ruined it for others. Tekkit is a community game, very few seem to understand that unfortunately.

Righto. Well I've logged into the server for as long as I can before I keep getting kicked and I've assessed the damage to Adam's house. That's as far as I got before the server started acting up. I'm going to have to try and fix the server issue and when I do, adam, you're going to have to send me a PM and we'll arrange a time for you to get on and we'll fix up your house and items. I recall vaguely what you had in one of your chests so telling me 40 stacks of Diamond blocks won't work :P But we'll get it sorted out.

It's very extensive damage, what looks to be the size of about 2 TNT explosions, but that can't be it since I've turned explosions off in case someone's nuclear reactor went sky high, or someone thought it would be funny to drop a few nukes in middle of town. Hawkeye dosn't like Tekkit, and thus I can't rollback Adams house. We'll just have to rebuild it. And since it's an accident and partly a server problem, since Hawkeye won't work, I think that gives us ground enough to spawn in stuff and fix it.

You're not in trouble, Turtle, just watch it from now on, and like I said, go slow. Ask other people to keep an eye on your stuff when you're offline. :) We'll get it sorted.
Well, maybe if we restarted the map and helped each other out and NO MOD CAN GET SPAWNING PRIVILEGES then that would be better, no? I think we've got a good taste of the full benefits of Tekkit and a restart would surely help bring in more people. Except me.


And if we do, this map surely shouldn't just go away, we need to have some massive battle with fire spread on!
Well, maybe if we restarted the map and helped each other out and NO MOD CAN GET SPAWNING PRIVILEGES then that would be better, no? I think we've got a good taste of the full benefits of Tekkit and a restart would surely help bring in more people. Except me.


And if we do, this map surely shouldn't just go away, we need to have some massive battle with fire spread on!

No Mod spawned much at all, I made sure of that. It's a different story if it's just one log of wood because you can't be arsed to go get it even though you just halled back 50 and your'e one short, it's a situation of common sense. Don't spawn a billion red matter. Spawn 1 log if you must. That's the fact of the matter, common sense is all that is involved. Also things like server glitches where it destroys items and stuff, that is allowed to be spawned. I can't seem to stress enough that it's just common sense.

I think some would get a bit cranky if we destroyed the original map in such a way, I'll have a think about perhaps getting multiverse setup. It's up to Dunc, really. We'll take a vote on this thread: http://dqcraft.enjin.com/forum/m/6004403/viewthread/3894976-tekkit/page/1/post/last#last
No Mod spawned much at all, I made sure of that. It's a different story if it's just one log of wood because you can't be arsed to go get it even though you just halled back 50 and your'e one short, it's a situation of common sense. Don't spawn a billion red matter. Spawn 1 log if you must. That's the fact of the matter, common sense is all that is involved. Also things like server glitches where it destroys items and stuff, that is allowed to be spawned. I can't seem to stress enough that it's just common sense.

I think some would get a bit cranky if we destroyed the original map in such a way, I'll have a think about perhaps getting multiverse setup. It's up to Dunc, really. We'll take a vote on this thread: http://dqcraft.enjin.com/forum/m/6004403/viewthread/3894976-tekkit/page/1/post/last#last

I agree entirely with tlowr
Has anyone watched The Dark Knight Rises? I have watched it Three times... :)

Mik, a couple things

Edit. When you've made a post, edit it instead of creating a new one just below.

Also, we've been warned several times about being on-topic.

And DQ's been mentioning the Enjin forums many times.