Minecraft News and Discussion

  • Thread starter WallRunner
I tried that second one, and my computer nearly blew up...
:lol: Graphics needs powahh!!!

I can hardly play with it on my computer, but it looks really damn nice. :dopey:

EDIT: Just finished my fully automated stabil 2400EU/t nuclear reactor. 100% safe and tested with cooling system failure - doesn't blew up. Btw, yes I'm using 54 Uranium Cells (full reactor with 6 chambers) and only external cooling. Runs 24/7 without any issues, even the Uranium Cells get automatically replaced. :)
(and no, it doesn't need a redstone shutdown, not even once)

I may also add in future a breeder or condensator system to it so that even the chest with new Uranium Cells gets refilled....

EDIT the second:
Found a sweet texture pack for you!
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You really need 1.3.2? 1.3.1 isn't enough for the moment? I always wait a couple weeks longer untill mods, etc are available.

The server I'm on is running 1.3.2 so I'm assuming I can't log on with 1.3.1. Or are they compatible?

EDIT: Just tried, 1.3.1 works with my server!

EDIT 2: After much messing about, I've got the shaders to work but they're a little too bright for my liking. If I could get the 'sunlight streaming through trees' bit of the shader mixed with the toned down lighting it'd be perfect!

I think Kopie's shaders are better. You don't get the fancy water or the light ray effect but it still looks damn nice:

My processors aren't liking it much though:

I can't run SonicEther's mods on full for longer than 10 minutes or it overheats. Whoops.
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I don't :P Keep things how they are! No matter how much we change the server, people aren't happy

No one will be happy. People want tekkit so they got it, now they want vanilla so they probably will get it. Its a back and forth. Just play the Yogbox and be happy.
^ Um, yeah, so? That's kinda how things go, though we won't be moving to vanilla for a while.

It's kinda the own persons' fault that everything went so quickly, and until everyone else has had their fun and fair share we won't move back.
I would like to say I will visit the server a bit less now. Of course I will still come back from time to time. Mainly to check on my wolves, and if I am bored. I recommend you should probably recruit a new Moderator to watch while I am away and on my own server. :P
:D Lol a Minecraft Thread
I'm a Minecraft youtuber (I make minecraft videos for youtube) And im having trouble in Installing ModLoader.It aways crashes!Anyone help?

The server I'm on is running 1.3.2 so I'm assuming I can't log on with 1.3.1. Or are they compatible?

EDIT: Just tried, 1.3.1 works with my server!

EDIT 2: After much messing about, I've got the shaders to work but they're a little too bright for my liking. If I could get the 'sunlight streaming through trees' bit of the shader mixed with the toned down lighting it'd be perfect!

I think Kopie's shaders are better. You don't get the fancy water or the light ray effect but it still looks damn nice:

My processors aren't liking it much though:

I can't run SonicEther's mods on full for longer than 10 minutes or it overheats. Whoops.

Awesomo Graphics!:D What mods do you use?:)
:D Lol a Minecraft Thread
I'm a Minecraft youtuber (I make minecraft videos for youtube) And im having trouble in Installing ModLoader.It aways crashes!Anyone help?

Awesomo Graphics!:D What mods do you use?:)
Try it with a new installation (force update or delete minecraft folder)
Woah, for the past month or so I've forgotten about minecraft completely! Damn you TF2!

Anything major happened on the server? I really can't be bothered to look back through all the pages I've missed because that would take hours xD
Aaaaanyways, I take it no one is playing on the server anymore? I haven't seen anyone on recently. You should probably stop paying for the server hosting, Duncan. It's just wasting your money to buy something for a server no-one uses. On that note, I do honestly say that I have made my choice, and I will not be returning to DQCraft for awhile. Now that my server is a Bukkit server and I have a big build project, I would like to experiment with my possibilities. :)

That being said, another Moderator should most likely be found to replace me.
Aaaaanyways, I take it no one is playing on the server anymore? I haven't seen anyone on recently. You should probably stop paying for the server hosting, Duncan. It's just wasting your money to buy something for a server no-one uses. On that note, I do honestly say that I have made my choice, and I will not be returning to DQCraft for awhile. Now that my server is a Bukkit server and I have a big build project, I would like to experiment with my possibilities. :)

That being said, another Moderator should most likely be found to replace me.

I'll be a Deputy and JPM should be a Moderator...
So basically I'm super duper slow at getting all the cool games. I want to get this one here soon but I'm concerned it'll really dig into my school work time. I really don't want to undermine my efforts there. Should I wing it anyway?
Yes, you should. Minecraft is a game that's very nonlinear; you don't have to get from point A to point B in X amount of time like most modern games. You set little goals for yourself and slowly accomplish them. And when you're done accomplishing those goals, you add mods.

Don't get me wrong, it's very addicting and eats into your time, but if you have any self restraint it shouldn't be an issue.
Aaaaanyways, I take it no one is playing on the server anymore? I haven't seen anyone on recently.

I'm on for a few hours almost every day.

It seems like someone just knocked random blocks out of a few buildings at spawn, kind of weird.
Righto. Ryou if you are honestly that adimant on being demoted, that will happen, I'll have a think about a replacement Moderator. Might drop you back to Deputy if you'd like?

I've got someone in mind but if we ever say anything like that we get people crying so it will just happen and nothing shall be said about it, that'll save the commotion I hope.
Still easing my way into the game but my first amateurish effort at building a minecrib:


I need to get rid of that fence structure. Seeing it now... it's useless.



The main living area equipped with an aquarium, sans any fish.


The kitchen.



The literature area equipped with a music box and a relaxation spa.


Entertainment room; 5.1 surround sound, 64-inch LED TV.


Basement bedroom; twin beds, walk-in shower with touch sensitive dials, and a convenient sink with medicine cabinets and a mirror.

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