Minecraft News and Discussion

  • Thread starter WallRunner
Okay your both in on the condition you help make it fun and interesting.

So can either of you make a server by any chance?

It's impossible for me at this moment =/

And I know I just asked to be a part of your "let's play"s but I completely forgot about classes starting up next week so I don't want to be a no show for some of the lets plays.

My apologies for everything =/

Great vids by the way Matty :)

It was a joke? :nervous:

Thanks Chqr.

It's impossible for me at this moment =/

And I know I just asked to be a part of your "let's play"s but I completely forgot about classes starting up next week so I don't want to be a no show for some of the lets plays.

My apologies for everything =/

It's cool mate don't worry. 👍

Chqr you want in?
Nah couldn't commit to much. I'm a real noob at Minecraft.

Plus, I would probably end up swearing and cursing. ;)

If you've listened to my videos so far you'd know that isn't a problem :lol:

It's cool mate.
Seems legit and

I got the link off Minecraft forums. So it's all legit.


If you want like a small series of (insert minecraft thing here) with 4 people on a time it's perfect. If you plan on wanting more people there is a one time deal of 10 bucks to add up to 12 players.
Redstone computer Eclipse I 1-Bit Test computer complete! Working on 4-Bit version.

1-Bit Processing
Clock Speed: 1250 mHz (1 Cycle/0.8 Seconds)
Operation Time: 500 mHz (1 Cycle/2 Seconds)
RAM: 2-Bits

I got the link off Minecraft forums. So it's all legit.


If you want like a small series of (insert minecraft thing here) with 4 people on a time it's perfect. If you plan on wanting more people there is a one time deal of 10 bucks to add up to 12 players.

That sounds great. Niop is working on a server either now or soon and if he can't get it working we'll do a 4 man server on there until I put money on my Swirl card and get it. Possible for this week.

In other news ep 3 is up!

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That sounds great. Niop is working on a server either now or soon and if he can't get it working we'll do a 4 man server on there until I put money on my Swirl card and get it. Possible for this week.

Just send me a PM when its ready or if the 4man needs to be set up.
Well. I'm alive, I guess.

Lots has happened, won't explain it. Computer issues was part of the problem, apart from the obvious.

Good news is, the lab boys reckon my PC's dead. Not exactly good news, but it means I'm using a more powerful system which might... work.

Anyway, I don't know the state of the server, and not really in the mood of running through 50 odd pages to find the last post about it :P So, downloading Minecraft and Tekkit, and we'll see what happens.

If anyone's in for a playin', I'm up.

Mmm. Feels good to be back :)

EDIT: Again, I'm sorry for ditching everything. Loss of friends and a close shave of loss of life left me in a state not willing to put up with grief (see what I did there).. I hope you guys understand.
Server is still there and still Tekkit. A little quiet sometimes but it still has members.

Good to have you back Tlowr. :)
DQ, would you be so kind to bump up my privileges? A real mod on someone else's server with no power is just cruel. :lol:
I like your videos Matty, they're a lot more 'down to Earth' than most Minecraft videos. No insane mods or OTT builds, it's just you enjoying the game. Nice work. Your mic comes out fairly quiet though, it might be worth looking in to the recording volume. 👍

Is the GTP server still Tekkit based? The server I was playing on has died completely so I'm stuck for people to play with now! :(
Thanks Mog!

I've also started thinking of what I think nobody else has used Minecraft for yet. Actual building tutorials. (Foundation regulations and how they look via Minecraft diagrams, cross sections roof detail and maybe actually have a house at the end of it?) Just a thought though. Still working on what scale a block would be all though it would need to be maybe 2cm min. (Slightly problematic.)
Lag is still an utter 🤬. :P But we'll get by.

Things are very... untidy, to say it nicely. Eessentially everyone's everythign is destroyed. I'm gonna have a crack at making things look a little nicer, starting with filling the hole someone decided to dig with one of those robo things under my house :lol:

Also, Adam's house that had the nuclear reactor explosion many months ago is still controlled by that land area protection plugin. I don't know if he's still plays, but if he does see this, it'd be good if he handed permissions of the area over to someone else so that can be tidied as well.
Lag is still an utter 🤬. :P But we'll get by.

Things are very... untidy, to say it nicely. Eessentially everyone's everythign is destroyed. I'm gonna have a crack at making things look a little nicer, starting with filling the hole someone decided to dig with one of those robo things under my house :lol:

Also, Adam's house that had the nuclear reactor explosion many months ago is still controlled by that land area protection plugin. I don't know if he's still plays, but if he does see this, it'd be good if he handed permissions of the area over to someone else so that can be tidied as well.
I could delete the claim, it seems as if he's no longer playing.
I've been thinking about every now and then uploading an adventure map and running through it. Would anyone be interested in joining in?
Sorry, not if it's on the hosted server. Why don't you just run tekkit to do the adventure and then Vanilla the rest of the time?

Having said that. I have now found a plugin that allows two servers to be linked (I've been waiting ages for one!). So I could set up a second server and make it vanilla. I'm not going to pay for more hosting though so I could try setting one up at home again.
Should be fine, it was just a few issues we had with lag once we got a large amount of people on.

That shouldnt be a problem much anymore. I havent seen this thread very active much anymore.
Does anyone have their own vanilla/bukkit server that would be willing to link it to mine to create a Tekkit/Bukkit Super Server?! :)