Minecraft News and Discussion

  • Thread starter WallRunner
It would be my first play for when I do Survival or trying to do anything within client/download Minecraft. My only Minecraft experience is with Minecraft Classic in a browser.
Well, as dr_slump suggested, you could try enabling Minidumps, but if that doesn't work then it may just be your PC, which I find weird because even my crappy old netbook can run Minecraft and it has much lower specs than yours (not even a GB of RAM).
Yeah, did you try to enable minidumps just how I told you? I heard of people who got Minecraft to run after doing so.

Here's the link for the the tutorial again in case you missed it: http://kb.acronis.com/content/2191

It's really easy and not dangerous for your system (in case you have worries).
When it comes to minidumps, I read somewhere that maybe something Java-related may not detect minidumps being used. I have a Small memory dump enabled. However, I am not sure if this thing is actually enabled. Maybe my PC just isn't writing minidumps. The last updated minidump from my folder was dated January 5, 2012. The "I have no idea what next" mindset kicked in again.

[UPDATE] Earlier today, I tried to play the Minecraft demo from Minecraft's homepage. The Java deal linked to the Minecraft folder. The Minecraft demo never loaded through my browser in my attempt today.
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Have you tried launching Minecraft from its original launcher? I'm sure you have, but if you haven't then you should do so. It could be an issue with the modded launchers.
Yep, but the same result- load then crash. Sometimes when loading different JAR files, I get certain results. Older versions of Minecraft yield certain errors trying to load them. All I have been able to load from Minecraft has been Minecraft Classic from a browser. I think I have two versions of the JAR for Minecraft Classic, and neither of them loaded in client versions.
Ok try these two startup files:

Minecraft.exe (original launcher) must be in the very same directory as these two files (all on the desktop as example).



How to use: As soon as you have all files (MC plus .bat files) in the same directory simply double click one of the .bat files.

It simply sets different memory values for Minecraft. Nothing dangerous.
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Downloaded both files, used both BAT files, same result. This s:censored: is getting annoying. I hope I didn't get into Minecraft where the program is less reliable to open and enjoy than in past times. The JAR I use is the one for 1.5.2. There have been very few games where I've had to edit so many things and make so many possible changes.

My mindset is... if I can get the Minecraft Classic Java applet going in a browser, there is almost no reason why I should be unable to play client-based Minecraft. Are there too many more things to get working right for the client-based Minecraft as opposed to the free-to-play(?) Minecraft Classic? And remember- I can't play even client-based Minecraft in a browser. So that is out of the question.

More questions, fewer answers. My only Minecraft experience may just be with Classic and with countless videos online. SOMETHING will work eventually to where I can play this game rather than complain about trying to get it to work. You hate that trying to get a game to work ends up killing your interest in a game.
That's what I tried to solve with the posted bat files. I limited the allocated memory to 256MB.

I used XP, the very same java, and allowed Windows to only use 1gig for the whole system!
1gig is even lower than what his system has. :grumpy:

I could try it again with the smallest possible memory amount minecraft is still able to run with...

EDIT: Just for funs sake I limited Windows XP (yes the whole system) to 512MB and the GPU to 128MB... Minecraft still ran...

EDIT2: Trying with 256MB RAM and 64MB GPU memory... hang on...
EDIT3: Yes it's unbelievable, but Minecraft runs and runs and runs. It doesn't even crash, not once.
I wouldn't call the performance great though, it freezes from time to time for a very short time, but nothing dramatic. Magic...

EDIT4: That above was done running MC in 640x400 screen size (default), but as soon as I switch into fullscreen mode it badly slows down. Still running though... and not a single crash yet.

EDIT5: I asked on a tech forum if anybody fully understands the log and what exactly causes it. I even got a ticket from oracle. If anybody knows why, then those guys from oracle. Could need a couple days though.
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Possibly. The minimum requirements do indeed call for 2GB, but dr_slump's experiment above kinda contradict that..

dr_slump, question for you :
Trying with 256MB RAM and 64MB GPU memory... hang on...
This simulates running it on a PC with those specific RAM amounts, yes? So if I were to run a PC 256MB system RAM and 64MB VRAM, I'd be able to run it? Or does Java know that you have more RAM and as a result it runs better?
If it is the former, then John shouldn't need to upgrade his RAM..
Possibly. The minimum requirements do indeed call for 2GB, but dr_slump's experiment above kinda contradict that..

dr_slump, question for you :

This simulates running it on a PC with those specific RAM amounts, yes? So if I were to run a PC 256MB system RAM and 64MB VRAM, I'd be able to run it? Or does Java know that you have more RAM and as a result it runs better?
If it is the former, then John shouldn't need to upgrade his RAM..

I was running Windows XP in a virtual machine. I gave it 256MB RAM, which would be equal to having a PC with 256MB RAM. I also gave it 64MB GPU memory, which is equal having a PC GPU with 64MB dedicated RAM.

Windows itself used the entire RAM btw, it was allocating tons of virtual memory though. Virtual memory is basically like having RAM on the HDD, just a hundred times slower. Windows does this automatically on its own.
Minecraft was halfway decent playable with 512MB of RAM and 128MB for GPU. It ran on a 256MB system, but very slow and choppy.

Minecraft can be limited to about 200MB of RAM actually and still run fine. Maybe even lower values, not sure.

EDIT: I'm waiting on an answer from the tech forums and the oracle support. :P

Maybe it helps to load the linux version instead of the windows one? It's a java app, therefore able to run on all OS with Java. Just an idea...
The linux version is basically the same just without the exe stuff, the pure launcher actually.
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^Ah, ok. Good to know.

Ok John, I've talked to a few people on the Minecraft Forums and they're all saying it's a driver related issue. Have you tried this? (If an agreement thing show up, just accept it.)
I was going to suggest to John that he dualboots with an ubuntu flavour and try it there.

Also this ended up as the last post on the last page so I'll post it again.

Here's a bit of motivation for you!


You can see my shaders properly now. :)
I was going to suggest to John that he dualboots with an ubuntu flavour and try it there.

Also this ended up as the last post on the last page so I'll post it again.

I want to join. :)
But when I enter your site's address, I'm redirected to MyStora. Is this supposed to happen?
Umm, if you go to the web address yes. Type that address in to Minecraft.

The main website is www.torinet.eu

You can get to the dynamic map from there too.
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Ah, ok. 👍
I'm new to multiplayer so I don't know how this stuff works. :dunce:
I'll join later, I'm having crappy connection right now.
Cool, looking forward to seeing you there. :)


Can whoever merged the threads also modify the first post as it is very out of date?
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I downloaded another Launcher to download the recently-released 13w11a Snapshot of Minecraft. I was able to log on hoping to play. And when I got to play the Snapshot... it crashed. Again.

After thinking about it, I am now starting to believe maybe this is a video card-related issue I'm having. Let me give you another game example. I am one of few people who still play "Duke Nukem 3D." I use a port that allows for 3D graphics to be used in DN3D. Unfortunately, my SiS 760 card doesn't allow me to play certain video modes. I also have the PC edition of SEGA GT. What happens playing through SEGA GT is that there are some polygons that pop up that become a nuisance while racing. This graphics card can be very troublesome with some games, but it plays fairly well with many of my 3D games. Maybe the most intensive title I have is rFactor. The game I have that plays beautifully with this video card is Unreal Tournament 2004.

I am just not sure what video graphics card I really need for my SiS 760, and there isn't a video fix for the SiS 760. Could there possibly be some kind of video workaround?

An interesting plan I MAY consider is buying a PCI graphics card. Even for my "aging" PC, I may try to give another graphics card a chance. I figure maybe if my SiS 760 video card isn't going to be any good to play Minecraft, maybe another graphics card could suffice. I don't have any new PC plans. However, I have been looking at a few options I'm considering.

So there is something I wanted to discuss. Maybe this is video card issue. Maybe this is the deal outside of Java that I could really pin down as a fault of my issues. Either there is somehow something compatible or working for the SiS 760, or I may consider getting another graphics card that might work better with Minecraft.
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This is the best GPU you can get that has the PCI interface. It's one of the best cards you can get and you will be likely to see a performance upgrade since this GPU uses dedicated memory.

Of course before you do all of this consider updating or roll back the version of the driver. Plus any software that needs to be updated like java before you consider spending the money. Of course there will be a time when you have to consider buying a new computer as old parts can fail.
I think I do have an ADP slot. Not sure, though. [UPDATE] I DO have an AGP slot! I looked up on Google Images to see what an AGP slot looks like, and my motherboard does have an AGP slot after I saw what it looked like. So yes, I do have an AGP slot.

Upon my research, I'm going to need a new PSU if I am going to even consider buying any modern graphics card. I have a PSU of 250 watts. Some of the more modern ones require more than 250 watt PSUs. For example, some of the cheaper EVGA graphics cards require PSUs of about 350 watts minimum. Or I may have better luck buying a discontinued or older model graphics card that would fit the 250 watt bill.

If I had the money to get a current PC, I'd get one. But really, I am making the most of what I have here. I've always been the "make the most with what you have" type. So this is no different even if just to play Minecraft. Not being able to play full-on Minecraft just saddens me as much as I have enjoyed wanting to play it finally. Woes aside, I am still a Minecraft fan.
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I think I do have an ADP slot. Not sure, though.

Upon my research, I'm going to need a new PSU if I am going to even consider buying any modern graphics card. I have a PSU of 250 watts. Some of the more modern ones require more than 250 watt PSUs. For example, some of the cheaper EVGA graphics cards require PSUs of about 350 watts minimum. Or I may have better luck buying a discontinued or older model graphics card that would fit the 250 watt bill.

If I had the money to get a current PC, I'd get one. But really, I am making the most of what I have here. I've always been the "make the most with what you have" type. So this is no different even if just to play Minecraft. Not being able to play full-on Minecraft just saddens me as much as I have enjoyed wanting to play it finally. Woes aside, I am still a Minecraft fan.

I'm sure you'll be able to find a very good computer in the £400 range (That's what I paid for mine around a year ago and play's iRacing on almost full graphics @ 60-70fps.) and one that fit's the bill in the £200 range if all you want it for is Minecraft. Of course that's assuming your able to spend that money.
I updated the post I made earlier by noting I do have an AGP slot to my PC's motherboard. I saw PC packages that don't have monitors to them that provide fairly decent specifications. The PC I'm using currently was a "most bang for the buck" PC that I got for Christmas in 2005. Its performance overwhelmed the old eMachines I used previously.

Anyhow, if there was a recent PC I had some interest in, there is one of those Gateway computers without a monitor that cost about $300 USD (about as much as the PlayStation 3 I bought long ago). Near future plans to get a new PC are not possible. So my Minecraft experience will just be with Minecraft Classic in any browser. Minecraft is still Minecraft.
I'm sorry but this is starting to get a bit silly now.

John, your hardware cannot take what you are trying to throw at it.

I have so many redundant motherboards, RAM modules and CPU's lying around that I could send you two systems that could easily run this game.

In fact, I am offering just that. Give up on your current hardware. PM me your address and I will send you something. It wont be the most modern, but a Quad core LGA775 and something like an 8800GT would solve all your problems.