Minecraft News and Discussion

  • Thread starter WallRunner
Sometimes, you learn the hard way. One tool I discovered in Minecraft Pocket Edition was the bucket. You have three of them. One is an empty bucket, one is a blue bucket, and another is a red bucket. Dumping on the bucket with blue liquid generates water. Dumping the bucket with red liquid generates lava. You can probably see where this is going, right? I made a moat for one structure with lava, and the lava ended up burning a lot of stuff around me. So I quickly did some editing and replaced the lava with water. I kind of like how the water can go from rushing to calm depending on how you place water. The water starts out rushing early on, but when you modify some of the rushing water, it all calms down. One thing to be careful of is that you don't accidentally flood some parts of your world using water.

My world that I am using and creating with doesn't have a true desert. It does have sandy beaches and a few sandy islands, but no true desert. I'll have to find some land in my generated world and make a real desert. When I found some snowy lands, I somewhat found out how to make snowy terrain. However, it is not as precise and real in making snowy terrain. Getting rid of some snow in areas just gets rid of the snow. But when you make grass blocks, you can't make snow blocks as easily as you could with grass blocks.

The current version of Minecraft Pocket as of this post is v0.7.1 alpha. I'd like to see the mobile version have a lot more of the features PC Minecraft has, but I'm sure it will be much different trying to incorporate many things into Minecraft Pocket. I am still fooling around with a number of features. I may next try out some of the plant options and the different eggs.

[UPDATE] Using the hoe on grass in Minecraft Pocket Edition allows you to harvest seeds as long as that harvested land isn't turned into dirt. I just found that out when I posted this update.
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I haven't worked on PC Minecraft since I've started playing Minecraft Pocket Edition. I am kind of thinking about if I could maybe port my Minecraft Pocket world into PC Minecraft.

Even though Minecraft Pocket Edition doesn't have NPC Villages and NPC Villagers, I have sort of practiced designing certain NPC village structures around parts of my Minecraft PE world. I used the Minecraft Wiki site to design certain structures. The main sort of thing to have in designing one of those NPC villages is a well. It will have to have a well along with some gravel roads. Desert NPC villages have sandstone roads. Most of the roads I've used were cobblestone roads. It was pretty tough to make a well because those NPC village wells are about ten blocks deep. What I did to remind myself what the ground level is was to place lime green wool to represent the ground level. I made certain houses with Minecraft PE- or at least what counts as "houses" for NPC Villages. Again... no NPC Villages or Villagers in Minecraft Pocket, but I am just adding to my creativity in designing such structures. Besides that, I also made sort of a ghost town around the big icy area of my current Minecraft PE world. All the buildings are made of wood planks to give that old small town feel.

I still use Creative mode. However, I don't see myself designing any of those massive or highly-detailed structures even though I've always enjoyed art my whole life. The most unique structure of any kind I've made in Minecraft PE was a large church. Making massive structures on a mobile device will surely be time-consuming and not as easy as making something in PC Minecraft.

My mobile device crashed once, and so it lost the name of the world I created. Everything still works fine regardless. All I mostly did since was kill some of the chickens and cows I spawned that were floating in the water.
Well guys I got a bit of interest back into minecraft. Right now I'm on my own creative world and I plan on making the "Great arche of defense"(Location: Paris, France)". Once I find land big enough for it I'll build it. So far from my calculations it will be 152 blocks wide!


So far this is the width of the building(Marked by lightstones):
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I'm sorta getting back into minecraft too. At some point in the future I would love to start a let's play, as I have tons of ideas, but unfortunately I have very little time these days. In the meantime though, I wouldn't mind hanging around the server every once in a while. You might see me there soon.
Okay! I managed to upload the Minecraft PE world I created into MCEdit. This marked my first look at my world on the PC and the first time I've viewed anything of Minecraft on my PC. With as much as I have built in Minecraft on my Samsung Galaxy Player 4.2, this is my first time seeing everything in chunk view in MCEdit. Using Minecraft Pocket Edition, I find it hard to believe that the world is 256×256 in size. It just feels like the world is much bigger in Minecraft PE than what the 256×256 dimensions entail. To give you some perspective, I read on the Minecraft Wiki site that the XBOX 360 edition of the Minecraft overworld is 862×862 in dimensions. Doing some rough math, that is about triple the dimensions (and change) of Minecraft PE's worlds.

Looking at my Minecraft PE world gave me the chance to really see the overhead view. The generated map I am using has a large icy section that dominates most of the western and southwestern parts of my world. Most of the north and northwestern portions of my world have not been occupied or modified. I am thinking about maybe using some of that to make my own desert environment and ultimately make a desert shrine. Maybe even make a desert village. It is the only real thing missing from my world. Otherwise, I have almost everything- including a lava waterfall! Well... maybe if there were legit swampy or jungle environments, I'd even play around with those in my Minecraft Pocket world.

It's probably very easy to edit my Minecraft Pocket World through MCEdit to make my desert setting. However, I'd probably fare better doing it through Minecraft Pocket Edition than MCEdit, because MCEdit runs a bit slow on my PC despite being such a powerful tool. It may be safe to say that I have my first saved Minecraft world to use since I am using a world from Minecraft Pocket Edition. I can now at least say I've saved a copy of my current Minecraft PE world that I could use and implement and fool around with on the PC.
Now minecraft on the desktop, there is no limits. Well I say that but there is. You would have such an incredibly hard time to get into a glitch part of the map. When you are there you get weird land formations, blocks do not line up, and if I remember correctly your character can walk too fast or too slow. They are called the Far Lands.

Edit: Just myself logged into the server. Nice server. I'll see you guys in the morning!
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Now minecraft on the desktop, there is no limits. Well I say that but there is. You would have such an incredibly hard time to get into a glitch part of the map. When you are there you get weird land formations, blocks do not line up, and if I remember correctly your character can walk too fast or too slow. They are called the Far Lands.
Too bad they were removed after Beta 1.8.

I backdated to an Alpha version a while back and used /setspeed 50 to get to the Far Lands and let me tell you it is an absolute lag fest.
I find it hard to believe that the world is 256×256 in size. It just feels like the world is much bigger in Minecraft PE than what the 256×256 dimensions entail. To give you some perspective, I read on the Minecraft Wiki site that the XBOX 360 edition of the Minecraft overworld is 862×862 in dimensions. Doing some rough math, that is about triple the dimensions (and change) of Minecraft PE's worlds..

I've just set a limit on the server, it has a radius of 5000. :)

You can have a look at it by going to http://www.torinet.eu/minecraft.html and clicking on the dynmap link at the bottom.
Is there a white list? Because I can't get anything from chests and the given tools to me just disappear when I use them!

Edit: Now the server seems to be down.

Edit2: Never mind. It must of been my connection.
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It's a realtime dynamic map so you can use it to see player movements, builds and chat as they happen. :)
Wow... the Torinet world is quite fascinating. I just clicked on the world map and saw how massive this place is. Lots of wide-open spaces and some massive areas. Big forests, lots of icy areas, big snow fields... Quite an unreal world. I'd easily be lost in it.

In one part of my Minecraft PE world, I started trying to convert some of the land to desert land so that I have a proper desert part of the world. I have added lots of sand and made another small shrine as part of
my RPG-esque world (the Desert Shrine, obviously). I will later make a desert village.

[UPDATE] I forgot to mention- the Far Lands deal is just insane as I was reading about it.
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I added some decorative bits to my house(The roof), made an attic, and access to said attic. Plan on making several chests and putting them in the attic for extra storage(Backup weapons and such). I also have to make some glass panels to really add to the look of the house and I will be happy when I have some real windows.
I saw a YouTube video of the Far Lands. After looking at it... wow. I don't even see how you can even live in the Far Lands, let alone trying to mine something.

I made the little desert setting in the part of my Minecraft PE world including another shrine in my world. I even made the desert village. It was so much near an edge of the world map that I can't do too much. So I basically had to reshape parts of the world to try to expand the village as much as I could. Since this is a desert setting, most of the village buildings- including the shrine- were made out of sandstone. I initially had just the Desert Shrine as regular stone, but I then made it out of sandstone. I made a pretty nice NPC Village style apartment for the desert village.

One other project I may attempt for my world is a certain underground cavern. I'm thinking of a tunnel that leads to an underground temple. Nothing TOO detailed or anything.
I saw a YouTube video of the Far Lands. After looking at it... wow. I don't even see how you can even live in the Far Lands, let alone trying to mine something.
The bigger question is how you'd get to that place without cheating.

The playable PC minecraft area with 30M x 30M blocks is 1.764 times as big as the surface of the real world. Big enough I think.

Wow... the Torinet world is quite fascinating. I just clicked on the world map and saw how massive this place is. Lots of wide-open spaces and some massive areas. Big forests, lots of icy areas, big snow fields... Quite an unreal world. I'd easily be lost in it.

When you finally get connected you'll find that there are lots of plugins to help you along. There are warp commands and the /home command will instantly teleport you back to wherever you have set your home.

Oh and there's always the dynmap to help. :)