- Fixed horses starting to suffocate when touching walls
- Fixed animals escaping their pens
- Improved sprinting behavior
- On Mac, holding Ctrl while left-clicking now counts as a right-click
- Custom fonts look better
Full list of fixes:
[MC-149] – Powered pistons drop as items in creative
[MC-1545] – Player's and Horses head while riding having strange behaviour when looking at the skin in the inventory
[MC-2025] – Animals going out of fenced areas/suffocate in blocks when loading chunks
[MC-2840] – Chat concurrency issues
[MC-2841] – Packet flood degrades server peformance
[MC-5770] – When putting a sign in front of water it keeps running
[MC-7486] – Trapped Chest looks like Regular Chest in inventory / item frame
[MC-12962] – Attacking wild Wolves with any kind of projectiles (Arrows, Snowballs, Potions) will cause any nearby tamed Wolves to attack their owner
[MC-13167] – Reloading a world while player is in moving Minecart or riding a horse is glitchy in F5 mode
[MC-13632] – Horses can be pushed into blocks and then take suffocation damage
[MC-13695] – Ctrl+Click = Right Click on Mac not working
[MC-13949] – Leads attached to mobs drop as items when right clicked in creative
[MC-14157] – Numlock Enter not recognized as Return
[MC-14359] – Direct Connect does not remember port
[MC-14415] – rope part of the leash turns invisible in some angles
[MC-15024] – Hay blocks can not be crafted back into wheat
[MC-15161] – Gliding crosshair when on a saddled horse
[MC-15547] – "Nether-Fortress-Only" Mobs no longer spawning in previously generated Fortresses
[MC-16170] – Unarmored horses appear as wearing diamong armor
[MC-16222] – Baby Zombies are far too fast
[MC-16267] – Cannot change Horse Armor like Player Armor by clicking with another armor piece on slot
[MC-16761] – Sprint does not happen straight away
[MC-17673] – Distorted fonts when using a converted texturepack on startup
[MC-18365] – Breaking sound and particles appear when placing water/lava into another source block
[MC-18627] – The "clear" command is causing a player in creative mode to be unable to move items in their inventory.
[MC-18828] – /clear command causes problems with animations of held items
[MC-18976] – Health boost resets additional health every 30 seconds
[MC-19082] – Signs placed on Fences don't have Text
[MC-19585] – Trying to jump on an unsaddled Horse, then equipping it with a saddle makes the Horse jump automatically
[MC-19592] – 1.5.2 clients show server 1.6.1 as 1.3 in Multiplayer screen
[MC-19599] – Item Dupe
[MC-19605] – the /playsound command does not work with @a when >1 player passes the query
[MC-20050] – Minecraft 1.6.1 demo has crashed
[MC-21145] – Demo crashes when unable to find 'name' of a bound mousebutton
[MC-21172] – resourcepack crashes
[MC-21436] – nested colors in json chat don't work
[MC-22315] – Item Duplication by Mules/Donkeys
[MC-22401] – Cannot pick block lead in creative.