Minecraft News and Discussion

  • Thread starter WallRunner
Yep! :D

We should have some derbys. I'm going to import a racecourse!

There aren't any schematics. Someone build one!

I'll build one tonight.
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Yep! :D

We should have some derbys. I'm going to import a racecourse!

There aren't any schematics. Someone build one!

I'll build one tonight.

Can I help? :D
Is it normal that it takes a while before you get a password reset email?
I have no idea what my password is :P
Apparently today, according to the Minecraft Wiki page, Minecraft Pocket Edition now has an update (Alpha 0.7.2). Here are the details:


So most of the changes are more performance-oriented rather than trying to feature as much content as the PC and XBOX 360 versions. Realms is also popular for MCPE. What I would be interested in is trying to take a Creative map and go Survival. More importantly for me, one thing I'd love to see for MCPE are time cycles and weather for both Creative and Survival. I've seen (a Minecraft clone for mobile devices) feature weather effects, so I wonder when us MCPE users will get this sort of loving of time and weather. By the way- I have tried Realms once, but couldn't connect to a server. I really don't care for Realms.

I haven't started a Survival campaign in MCPE since playing the demo. I may eventually start a Survival campaign to go along with my enjoyable Creative experience. Survival is MUCH different from Creative. You are basically trying to live on your own through crafting as well as trying to battle various hostile mobs. You're also trying to remain full (battling hunger) and stuff.

I saw two different videos. One was on horses by a girl Minecrafter, and another was on a zombie siege impacting an NPC village. Personally, one of my more recent favorite animals have been horses. They are beautiful and majestic creatures. The ones in Minecraft are very interesting. Feeding horses certain foods and certain potions yield some unique results. I thought it was cool to see unicorns and Pegasus from these horses. Even more so to see the fairy horses. I would surely enjoy riding horses in Minecraft as a substitute for no minecarts or no boats.

Now about the NPC village zombie sieges. Man! It was pretty scary seeing a hoard of zombies just try to tear down doors of NPC villager. Then when zombies were successful breaking down the doors, the NPC Villagers end up being zombie lunch since NPC villagers can't fight back. So you have two options- hope any golems can be around to defend the villagers, or get off your backside and help out the villagers yourself instead of seeing the village get decimated by zombies.

Again, I may start a Survival campaign in Minecraft Pocket Edition in the near future.
After planning my structure long ago, I finally completed my structure! A swanky inn in my Creative world was torn down, and I replaced it with a grand hotel. I had to modify a few features of it to make it better to navigate around with- namely adding stairs to reach the higher levels. It is a three-story building along with a grand room on the third floor.

I also begun a Survival campaign in Minecraft Pocket Edition. The world I was thrust into is most unusual- snow-covered sand and lots of icy sections. My first shelter was mostly just lots of dirt. I never realized how efficient a pick axe can be until I eventually crafted one. It was easier to get cobblestone and some other materials once I got going. With enough cobblestone, I ended up building a Furnace and the MCPE-exclusive Stonecutter. The Stonecutter, however, is none too special. All you can mostly make are building materials, slabs, and stairs.

Crafting in Minecraft Pocket Edition is MUCH different from the PC version. Rather than have the resources needed and map out what you are trying to create, you basically need to have the available resources and just pick out what you want to craft. You know if you have enough resources to craft something if it appears in white text from the crafting menu. For example, you know you need four wooden planks to make a Crafting Table. So you can create a Crafting Table only as long as you have enough wooden planks. You, of course, have to make wooden planks from the trees you've been whacking. I have to wonder what it would be like if us MCPE users will eventually get to use features like Brewing or Enchanting.

One thing I noted about the newer version of MCPE is that each world you've created has Seed information when you click on "Edit" when viewing your created worlds. It lets me know the Seed number of the world I created. It does come in nicely when trying to basically know about your world. Initially, I thought console commands were in MCPE, but they aren't. You still just have chat features. You can't randomly spawn anything or change any such settings real time as you could in the PC version. I still am doing pretty well with MCPE.
1.6.2 release this Monday (July 8)

  • Fixed horses starting to suffocate when touching walls
  • Fixed animals escaping their pens
  • Improved sprinting behavior
  • On Mac, holding Ctrl while left-clicking now counts as a right-click
  • Custom fonts look better

Full list of fixes:

[MC-149] – Powered pistons drop as items in creative
[MC-1545] – Player's and Horses head while riding having strange behaviour when looking at the skin in the inventory
[MC-2025] – Animals going out of fenced areas/suffocate in blocks when loading chunks
[MC-2840] – Chat concurrency issues
[MC-2841] – Packet flood degrades server peformance
[MC-5770] – When putting a sign in front of water it keeps running
[MC-7486] – Trapped Chest looks like Regular Chest in inventory / item frame
[MC-12962] – Attacking wild Wolves with any kind of projectiles (Arrows, Snowballs, Potions) will cause any nearby tamed Wolves to attack their owner
[MC-13167] – Reloading a world while player is in moving Minecart or riding a horse is glitchy in F5 mode
[MC-13632] – Horses can be pushed into blocks and then take suffocation damage
[MC-13695] – Ctrl+Click = Right Click on Mac not working
[MC-13949] – Leads attached to mobs drop as items when right clicked in creative
[MC-14157] – Numlock Enter not recognized as Return
[MC-14359] – Direct Connect does not remember port
[MC-14415] – rope part of the leash turns invisible in some angles
[MC-15024] – Hay blocks can not be crafted back into wheat
[MC-15161] – Gliding crosshair when on a saddled horse
[MC-15547] – "Nether-Fortress-Only" Mobs no longer spawning in previously generated Fortresses
[MC-16170] – Unarmored horses appear as wearing diamong armor
[MC-16222] – Baby Zombies are far too fast
[MC-16267] – Cannot change Horse Armor like Player Armor by clicking with another armor piece on slot
[MC-16761] – Sprint does not happen straight away
[MC-17673] – Distorted fonts when using a converted texturepack on startup
[MC-18365] – Breaking sound and particles appear when placing water/lava into another source block
[MC-18627] – The "clear" command is causing a player in creative mode to be unable to move items in their inventory.
[MC-18828] – /clear command causes problems with animations of held items
[MC-18976] – Health boost resets additional health every 30 seconds
[MC-19082] – Signs placed on Fences don't have Text
[MC-19585] – Trying to jump on an unsaddled Horse, then equipping it with a saddle makes the Horse jump automatically
[MC-19592] – 1.5.2 clients show server 1.6.1 as 1.3 in Multiplayer screen
[MC-19599] – Item Dupe
[MC-19605] – the /playsound command does not work with @a when >1 player passes the query
[MC-20050] – Minecraft 1.6.1 demo has crashed
[MC-21145] – Demo crashes when unable to find 'name' of a bound mousebutton
[MC-21172] – resourcepack crashes
[MC-21436] – nested colors in json chat don't work
[MC-22315] – Item Duplication by Mules/Donkeys
[MC-22401] – Cannot pick block lead in creative.

Yay, my horses will no longer glitch into walls and die! :)

Still no craftbukkit beta build though :(
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The Torinet Victoria world still fascinates me. I know you mentioned the view radius for the Minecraft world, and it is quite massive. I couldn't imagine being in such a world with all those continents and islands. There is a little of everything seems like. I even found a big mushroom island when looking around. Something else I noticed was other worlds in addition to the regular world- namely another sort of world as well as an The End world. I actually noted the difference with the Flat and Surface views. Again- fascinating.

Viewing that world from the browser is almost like Google Earth... only much cooler (and without a bunch of irrelevant icons to mess up the world view. I'm really impressed how this massive world all comes together. Each Minecraft world makes me envision how I want to populate and modify it. Maybe this willingness to modify the environment comes from my love of the SimCity series. That probably also explains why I've always wanted to make villages and cities in various Minecraft worlds. I have always been such a city person, even being from a big city like Houston. And believe me- if I were on someone's server, I would never grief others' Minecraft worlds. I'm too classy to grief Minecraft worlds. And if I did screw up someone's world, it would likely be by accident (like accidentally taking out a block of a certain building or block of land).

Finally, you deserve immense praise for your wonderful Minecraft world, DQuaN. Cheers, mate (I know I'm an American and Americans don't say that, but who cares?)!
Sad news... my Survival campaign is no more. When my device crashed, all of my Survival material from my Survival map in Minecraft Pocket Edition was gone. All that's left is the map, and it is now just another big Creative Mode map on my device. I was really starting to get experienced in doing Survival until this happened last night. I was becoming experienced in taking on some of the monsters as well as in killing certain animals. I even saw a Creeper for the first time. I ran the hell away from it because I know what kind of damage it can do. I didn't craft a bow previously, nor did I craft any arrows previously. So I was thankful I didn't get to experience the wrath of the ever-popular Creepers. I crafted most of the essentials for Minecraft survival: Crafting Table, Furnace, Stonecutter (though nothing real special), a chest, a bed, and of course- torches.

One of the strange things about MCPE is that when you try to adjust the difficulty, it either goes all the way down to Peaceful... or all the way to the hardest setting. I turned it up to the harder settings because I actually wanted to take on the hostile mobs at night. I killed a zombie and a few spiders.

I am still sad the Survival deal is no more for me. At least I know what to expect the next time I want to do a Survival campaign in the realm of Minecraft.
I might do some building, but have no interest in the survival aspect. It wastes too much time.
I saw two reviews on YouTube that Gamespot did about Minecraft for the XBOX 360 and for the PC. One of the key points mentioned was about how (especially the PC version) Survival Mode is for those who feel like exploring the massive world should have a purpose or some sort of goal. I'm going to be honest with you- I prefer Creative Minecraft rather than any other mode. Conversely, I don't mind feeling like the worlds I create and structures that accompany my worlds should be as alive and active. So I kind of prefer an even balance between Creative and Survival. Ask me which I'd prefer, I'd definitely say Creative.

A game like Minecraft should really be whatever you want it to be, and it should be played how you want to play it. Your imagination should be the only limit when playing a game like this.
Oh, guests can't complete the 'Queen trials'. Pushing buttons as guests doesn't do anything.
Oh damnit!! Thanks I'll fix that.

I've updated the website again.

Pushing buttons should be fixed.
Thanks :)

Server updated to 1.6.2.

Damn new MC launcher always crashed when using optifine. I was 100% sure that I installed all mods correctly, then after several irritating minutes I found out that the lwjgl natives cause the problems (which automatically get installed in the respective versions folder on the fly and deleted if you quite the game).
Created manually a new folder called ""jar name"-natives" and put in the latest lwjgl 2.9.0 files. Now it works flawlessly.


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