That Treehouse would be the perfect place to sit in an empty bathtub and eat almonds...
Looking good.
Decided to take pictures of my house. Still a work in progress though. It's a A-Frame house style from the USA that I've built some ideas over.
This will be quite a premium house compared to the ones I've made before.
Did something change on the server? I can't open any of my chests, break blocks etc. Items on my bar just move to inventory when I select one.
Nothing has changed. Is this still an issue?
Yeah. When I type nothing comes up either.Never had these kind of issues before.
Those pictures of Rapture bring back memories. We need another town with the same single path format with plots of land for everyone.
@nick09 - Wasn't your Rapture version of that house burned down during some dispute between pretty much everyone?
I've found you in the logs. It's a bit odd that no permissions entry was created for you. I'll delete your dat file. Try again when you can.
I also had a friend on that couldn't talk in the chat. I will be on later tonight to see if it's still happening.
Your house is still there, but you'll sadly lose your items. No worries, I can give you some of them back if you want.I'm at spawn now. I went to do the trial thing, but the buttons after answering the question didn't do anything. I also can't talk and my items move to inventory again.
Have I lost my little house and items now?
Oh so guests can't chat?
Oh so guests can't chat?