Minecraft News and Discussion

  • Thread starter WallRunner
I take more of us are active on the server again? Its very well put together, even if the spawn town does feel a bit communist :lol:
I think I read something about Minecraft Pocket perhaps getting a future update to include rails and redstone circuits. It would make for better for travel to see those get included. Same would apply for boats.
Working on a tree farm with an ICE RINK on the top! Me and another GTP member(Don't know username) is working on it. We are gonna finish it tomorrow.
Found a beat up abandoned mineshaft and plan on restoring it. It looks like it is 2 of them intersecting so this is gonna take a while.
I've been playing around with 1.6.1 prerelease, and I haven't gone into any new stuff, but I do have iron horse armor from a dungeon.
Last project for the day turned into a tree house! Still in the very early stages of development currently.



So it turned from one big tree house idea to a smaller house but it has a nice little deck to take a look at the view. Quite a prime location too. I'd have to guess about 50-60 blocks in the air with views to regular grassland, jungle, and the desert!
That Treehouse would be the perfect place to sit in an empty bathtub and eat almonds...

Looking good.

Sure... and among other things. I plan on adding some decorative elements to make it look pretty. In fact I may turn it into a Tree tower. Which seems like an awesome idea.
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I learned a little bit about schematics in Minecraft as I was watching a video. Basically, schematics allow you to copy-and-paste pre-designed structures into your Minecraft world. These can range from simple structures to massive masterpieces. Let me tell you- I will NOT be making any extreme structures like what I've seen in a video! One thing I learned is that schematics will be loaded into Minecraft releative to where you are standing at the time of copying the structure. So it may not be racing the correct direction if you copy the schematic wrong. I saw someone make a large Japanese temple using a schematic. Someone made a massive castle schematic. MCEdit could be used to view schematics.

I am using a little-known voxel editing program called Qubicle Constructor (you have to pay for the program to use the Minecraft schematic features) to make my own small schematics. They give me an idea of just how the block layout works. I am thinking of using this program to sort of plan certain experimental floor plans for future buildings and structures I plan to make in Minecraft. Again- I will use this stuff mostly for smaller structures. Nothing larger than about... maybe 25 blocks in length, width, or height in any created structures.
Schematics are also very useful for Redstone creations (big ones) which as you said are coming to Minecraft PE soon. You should try it, it's really fun building with it once you get the hang of it.
Did something change on the server? I can't open any of my chests, break blocks etc. Items on my bar just move to inventory when I select one.
Decided to take pictures of my house. Still a work in progress though. It's a A-Frame house style from the USA that I've built some ideas over.




This will be quite a premium house compared to the ones I've made before.

Well since rapture is no longer around; I plan on recreating this piece of gem because it has a special place in my heart. I won't be creating it on the server however I will be creating it on a creative world so everyone can enjoy it(quicker and easier this way). The plan is to recreate as close as I can and add some fixes, share the world, and then everyone can play in it or export the house to their own world(Perhaps Dunc would like to have several of these on the server too!).

In other news, I've helped my friend recover his minecraft account(Shared his account with a neighbor and she stole his account by changing the password).

Edit: So far after about 20 minutes laying out the 50x30 base. I'll be doing the rest tomorrow.


Edit2: It will be modeled after this house.
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Those pictures of Rapture bring back memories. We need another town with the same single path format with plots of land for everyone.

@nick09 - Wasn't your Rapture version of that house burned down during some dispute between pretty much everyone?
Yeah. When I type nothing comes up either. :confused: Never had these kind of issues before.

Can you try connecting again so I can see what's happening?

I don't see any evidence of you connecting to the server!

You have the right address yes?

Your MC username is also nine_hundred correct?


I've found you in the logs. It's a bit odd that no permissions entry was created for you. I'll delete your dat file. Try again when you can.
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Those pictures of Rapture bring back memories. We need another town with the same single path format with plots of land for everyone.

@nick09 - Wasn't your Rapture version of that house burned down during some dispute between pretty much everyone?

I honestly can't remember for the life of me. Those images are 2 years old after all! Though yeah, I remember there was a lot of heated arguments back then.
The notion of redstone for Minecraft Pocket Edition and all came from what I've read from the Minecraft Wiki page. In the next update for Minecraft Pocket Edition, I read most of the upcoming changes involve mostly multiplayer-based issues like chatting and stuff. Stuff like redstone is still in the pipeline for Minecraft PE along with (I believe) time cycles for Creative mode based on what I read from the Minecraft Wiki.
I've found you in the logs. It's a bit odd that no permissions entry was created for you. I'll delete your dat file. Try again when you can.

I'm at spawn now. I went to do the trial thing, but the buttons after answering the question didn't do anything. I also can't talk and my items move to inventory again.

Have I lost my little house and items now :nervous: ?
I was having problems yesterday afternoon. I couldn't break blocks underwater, but I could build just fine. I also had a friend on that couldn't talk in the chat. I will be on later tonight to see if it's still happening.
I also had a friend on that couldn't talk in the chat. I will be on later tonight to see if it's still happening.

When I was a guest I could not do anything and my comments would not appear for me but other people could read my messages and on the map it would actually post the message.
I'm at spawn now. I went to do the trial thing, but the buttons after answering the question didn't do anything. I also can't talk and my items move to inventory again.

Have I lost my little house and items now :nervous: ?
Your house is still there, but you'll sadly lose your items. No worries, I can give you some of them back if you want.

I know you already gave it up, but Minecraft got just updated to 1.6 and with it a brand new launcher was introduced. It's really a massive change and who knows? Maybe it runs on your computer.

It only takes a few seconds, so it's worth a try I think. It's up to you though.

Download: https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/launcher/Minecraft.jar


Waiting for the first stable 1.6 bukkit build... :drool:
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Am I crazy if I am building structures for things not implemented or not yet implemented yet? I know I've talked about making NPC Village buildings and wanting to see NPC Villagers, something NOT in Minecraft Pocket Edition. So what am I thinking of next? Boats and boat harbors- also not in Minecraft PE at present. I did build two marinas in my current Minecraft PE world. I may design some makeshift harbors in the hopes that boats can be implemented in Minecraft Pocket Edition. Who knows? I may even decide to include something for if minecarts get implemented in Minecraft Pocket Edition. I saw a YouTube video of someone who made a race course using the boats that you build, and it got me a bit interested wondering what boat travel in Minecraft would be like.

Then again and as an analogy, something like this yields one of the don'ts of SimCity- don't build anything important (like an airport or a train station) if your city and its citizens don't require or ask for it. Likewise, it would seem pointless to build anything if it isn't yet implemented or will ever be implemented. Keep in mind that I've been playing more Minecraft Pocket Edition than find a solution to playing Minecraft on my PC. This is what I've got. This is all I've got. Also, I'm loving my mobile Minecraft experience.

I downloaded that new 1.6.1 stuff, same result. No "get a new PC talk" or anything- just the same old song and dance. I'm staying with Minecraft Pocket Edition.

[UPDATE] A few times, my device will say Minecraft PE isn't installed on it. It is on there perfectly. I don't know if the game is updated on my device or if the program just gets missing somehow. Either way, it can be a nuisance a few times when wanting to play Minecraft PE and it's *not installed*.
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Oh so guests can't chat?

They CAN but they don't see their comments. I had a conversation with a person while I was a guest. They were able to read my comments in-game but after I pressed the enter key it didn't show the comments that I made while playing the game. I confirmed this by having the dynamic map page open(Open in my second monitor) and I saw my comments there while I was a guest.
Ok, I think I've found the chat issue and sorted it. We'll just have to wait for a guest!
From now on, I'll stop using the lava bucket. My three-story inn in one of my villages caught on fire after I've tried to use the lava bucket to make some little pit for a kitchen. The lava ended up (and not to my attention) burning up almost the entire inn as well as parts of the village. The last time I attempted to fill a section with lava, it burned up most of the "evil shrine" in my Minecraft world. I'm basically not going to use the lava bucket anymore unless I am trying to intentionally kill off parts of my world.

The inspiration for lava building came from the NPC village structures like the Blacksmith.

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