Minecraft News and Discussion

  • Thread starter WallRunner
The temple draining was done in small sections. A friend started it as I’d already got some sponges from draining the interior of a couple of other temples. I drained the interior of it (now have that down to a fine art)!

A good temple will provide up to 7 Sponge rooms. A good run can get almost 4 stacks of sponges.
The temple draining was done in small sections. A friend started it as I’d already got some sponges from draining the interior of a couple of other temples. I drained the interior of it (now have that down to a fine art)!

Interesting.. do you use it as a base or home? Or just there for looting? Haha
We now have a third base at a Jungle Temple. There is a horse friendly road to get there and it is on one of the rail lines.

I seem to have a knack of finding mines. The rail line past the Jungle Temple provided about four mines for a friend to explore. On having a wander and going down a cave yesterday I found a mine and on creating a rail tunnel to that mine I found another mine!
Tour of muh latest home base

Entryway. Little outcropping is temporary stable for my horsie, Paul.


Directly ahead of little lobby nook


To the right


To the left (to the left)


Right behind the crafting room


Serves double duty as map room.

Deep mine isn't pictured because it isn't special yet. Last major addition penciled in is an indoor tree farm somewhere on my spiral staircase behind my storeroom.




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I play on the PS4 version of Minecraft. It sounds like PS4 is going to be getting a Bedrock version of the game at some point. I have only played the PS4 version and hadn’t really thought about it much, kind of assuming that Bedrock would just be an update to the PS4 version itself, but read over the weekend that it will more likely be a seperate version of Minecraft. My question is does anyone have any idea if I’ll be able to import my existing PS4 world into a new Bedrock world and explore outward from there? I’ve been building my PS4 world for years now (started as a PS3 world) and would love to use it again as a starting point for my eventual Bedrock save with the ability to just keep going outward beyond my existing maps.
I play on the PS4 version of Minecraft. It sounds like PS4 is going to be getting a Bedrock version of the game at some point. I have only played the PS4 version and hadn’t really thought about it much, kind of assuming that Bedrock would just be an update to the PS4 version itself, but read over the weekend that it will more likely be a seperate version of Minecraft. My question is does anyone have any idea if I’ll be able to import my existing PS4 world into a new Bedrock world and explore outward from there? I’ve been building my PS4 world for years now (started as a PS3 world) and would love to use it again as a starting point for my eventual Bedrock save with the ability to just keep going outward beyond my existing maps.
Yes, the Bedrock Edition will scan for old save files to import them into the new version, and the PS4 version will still be available on your system so you can transfer PS3 and Vita world's indirectly into Bedrock. As for any DLC you have, I am not sure, as currently purchases are made on Xbox Live.
Yes, the Bedrock Edition will scan for old save files to import them into the new version, and the PS4 version will still be available on your system so you can transfer PS3 and Vita world's indirectly into Bedrock. As for any DLC you have, I am not sure, as currently purchases are made on Xbox Live.

Awesome, that's great to hear. I have a few of the DLC's but it's fine with me if they don't transfer. I really just play on my main world as I've been turning it into an Adventure map and would like to continue in Bedrock. Thank you!
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I was thinking a lot over the weekend about Minecraft and the upcoming Bedrock version. I had a few more qeustions about switching to Bedrock. This turned into a bit of a long ramble about my world and for that I apologize.

I have been playing on the same world for a long time. I originally got the demo on PS3 about a month after it came out, had no idea what it was or what to do but was hooked almost immediatly. I played in survival and was soon joined by my wife. We built a few bases on the original PS3 small map, eventually making it to the Nether and The End where we killed the dragon and made it back to the Overworld. Eventually after having “beat the game” I switched to Creative and started adding to my Tower base and the surrounding area and expanding the cave below my base. I upgraded to the PS4 version and expanded my world to the medium size (3x3 maps) and explored the new area. I made some new bases and started to spread supplies out in the new areas. After playing around with books I started making an in-game search for enchanted items that I have been hidding around the map. I have been building roads connecting the main bases & villages so it’s easy to get around by horse. I moved the spawn point to a village (now called Spawn City) that I have been building up with supplies & rooms for new players to inhabit. I have since expanded the world again to the large 5x5 map size (final expansion was done after the aquatic update so the outer ring of maps have the new underwater stuff but before Village & Pillage was out so I have no pillagers to worry about) and have been building up the world around the idea of new players coming in, spawning in the city and having a decent amount of supplies to start going after the hidden items & exploring in general.

I am now building towards an eventual Bedrock world that would have my built up and well stocked current world at the center, with new endless terrain outward for long explorations & new survival only builds. Is it safe to assume that all items in my world will transfer? I have made several different enchanted items & shulker box kits (starter kits, food, potions, etc.) that I’m assuming will all be there in the Bedrock world. Can Bedrock switch between survival & creative like the conole versions? I am stockpiling supplies for a survival only world in bedrock but was wondering whether or not I’d be able to re-supply things in creative if needed.

With the Bedrock servers, am I correct in assuming that anyone would potentially be able to just join my world without needing to be on my friends list like with the current PS4 version? I don’t really play with anyone so I’m unfamiliar with how this will work.

I have been reading about redstone builds from the console version not working in bedrock. Is this true and what should I expect? I have several redstone builds spread around the world, but I think most are some form of piston doors ( I love secret doors/rooms and have them hidden all over). Are none of my restone things going to work? Is the redstone not working even accurate? What should I look out for in general and/or adjust so they will work in bedrock?

I understand that a lot of info seems to be unconfirmed and so solid answers might not be possible to all questions. Thank you to anyone who responds and/or made it through all this rambling.
I am now building towards an eventual Bedrock world that would have my built up and well stocked current world at the center, with new endless terrain outward for long explorations & new survival only builds. Is it safe to assume that all items in my world will transfer? I have made several different enchanted items & shulker box kits (starter kits, food, potions, etc.) that I’m assuming will all be there in the Bedrock world. Can Bedrock switch between survival & creative like the conole versions? I am stockpiling supplies for a survival only world in bedrock but was wondering whether or not I’d be able to re-supply things in creative if needed.
Yes, all items and buildings are safe. You can switch between Creative and Survival, but not through menus like you used to. The player list menu is now part of the pause menu but you cannot change other players' modes, just the default and your own - there are also different 'levels':
  • Visitors (or something like that) can move around the world but not do any building.
  • Members can do most things except admin stuff (that in the past you could get by having host permissions).
  • Operators have full control on the game world.
  • It is also possible to change individual players' permissions.
To change other players' game modes from what I can see, they have to do it themselves or you need to use commands to change it. By opening the chat by pressing right on the d-pad, then pressing / on the keyboard, you can use the commands. The command for yourself is /gamemode x, where x is the mode (this can either be the full name, the first letter or the numbers used in Java). I can't remember it exactly, but at some point in the command you'll need to have @playername to affect the player you want (there are also shortcuts like @a which affects everyone in the game, or @s which is yourself). Commands are best done with a keyboard, which is useful as the Bedrock Edition (on Xbox at least) is fully compatible with a mouse and keyboard.

In the chat menu you can use the chat (obviously), use commands or, by pressing the / button on the left (I think) have access to basic commands like teleporting or changing the time of day or weather. Note that to teleport, you'll need to select what player is being teleported, then the player you are teleporting to, which actually is quite useful which means if you need to teleport someone else somewhere, it is much easier than asking them to do it. Commands are quite useful (but different to host permissions) and allow you to do useful and stupid things, like level 255 speed effect. Try it, you won't regret it. With the addition of commands is also command blocks. Oh yeah, they're in Bedrock.

Remember that, like in the PS4 version, going into Creative mode will stop achievements from being earnt. However, strangely, so does making a superflat world. Strange.
With the Bedrock servers, am I correct in assuming that anyone would potentially be able to just join my world without needing to be on my friends list like with the current PS4 version? I don’t really play with anyone so I’m unfamiliar with how this will work.
This is wibble. Players need to be at least friends of friends to join you. This can be changed to friends only. I believe it is possible to make a world invite only as well, as usually your friends will just see you in their world select screen. LAN players can also join you, so if Mrs jstickboy13 didn't like using a split screen, she could just get the Pocket Edition or a different console. However, as I said previously, we do not know how cross-platform play will work yet as I don't think Sony will want Xbox Live to be featured in one of the biggest games on their system.
I have been reading about redstone builds from the console version not working in bedrock. Is this true and what should I expect? I have several redstone builds spread around the world, but I think most are some form of piston doors ( I love secret doors/rooms and have them hidden all over). Are none of my restone things going to work? Is the redstone not working even accurate? What should I look out for in general and/or adjust so they will work in bedrock?
Redstone generally works the same, but some differences will arise, both for better and worse. For example, block updates don't exist and redtone (from what Mumbo Jumbo has seen) tries to redirect itself into things unlike Java where it just loiters around until you make it go into things (however, I have not notices this myself).

Some other things to note:
  • Worlds can now be infinite.
  • Keyboards and mice can be used to control the game, including in menus where a mouse will appear (on Xbox it is just the Xbox mouse used on Microsoft Edge, so I'd expect the PS4 version to use the web browser's mouse symbol).
  • When the Bedrock Edition is available, the PS4 version will not be updated. On the main menu you will see an icon that says something like 'get the latest game version', which will link you to the PlayStation Store and a free copy of the game. The PS4 version, however, is still completely functional and can be used at will.
  • The version you get from the Store is the 'free' version. The starter pack can be bought separately and includes various things like 700 Minecoins and the Plastic Texture pack, which I bought when I got the Xbox version of the game (these things transferred to all other Bedrock versions I had). However, unlike me buying the Xbox version for the first time, the starter pack (or the master pack or whatever it's called) may be a no-go.
  • If, once you have imported worlds into the new version, you go to the old version of Minecraft and make changes to the world, I am not sure how Bedrock will react to this. It's probably best not to try.
  • Minecoins and the Marketplace have been added. Minecoins (basically like Microsoft Points) allow you to buy stuff for the game, like official DLCs but also stuff made by selected community members (but they are mostly not as good as the 4J/Mojang stuff). In the starter pack you get 700 which can get you about two packs. Minecoins can be purchased as well.
  • There is a new menu system. The console crafting screen is not there anymore. Instead, you get classic crafting, with the recipe book on the side which semi-automates it. Creative mode now only has four categories: building, tools, items and nature. It is stupid, but you will get used to it after a while.
  • Some content from updates is missing, like foxes. These will presumably be added later on.
  • A new control scheme has been introduced, which I have elected to ignore. Feel free to change the control scheme to whatever you want - I went for the console scheme.
  • In Creative mode, from what I can see, you cannot clear the hotbar in the menu with a keyboard (the delete item box from Java is also missing), except when using a controller (press square), but the game doesn't tell you that.
  • In Creative Mode from what I know, selecting an item gives a full stack.
Wow, thank you for such a detailed response. That’s awesome and gives me a lot to think about.

- Great to hear about the levels/permissions. I like the idea of people being able to explore but not be able to alter. I have shaped a lot of the landscape, especially in the area around my tower base, and there are also several hidden doors and tunnels that could probably stumbled upon if people just started digging everywhere. Being able to still build in creative on the map is awesome as well, even if the method for switching is different. I’m not worred about achievements since I knew I was giving those up on PS3 when I first entered creative there. The ability to continue to shape the my existing map is more important to me.

- It sounds like people joining works about the same which is fine. I’m hoping that my cousin who plays on PC will be able to join, but who knows until it actually gets here and we see what crossplay we get, if any. I really mostly play alone so I’m not too worried about this but it’s nice to know.

- I’ll have to wait and see how it will effect my existing redstone. Nothing is all that complex so I think I’m probably ok, but I’ll probably hold off building new redstone stuff for a bit & focus on other things.

- The infinite world, along with the apparently much faster loading, are two of the things I am most excited about. I started on the PS3’s 850ish block square and played for a while getting pretty familiar with the map. Then I upgraded to PS4 and expanding to the medium size gave me 8x my existing world more to explore. Then expanding to large gave me 16 new maps worth of area to explore. Each time I stocked up on supplies and set off in survival for an initial exploration. And now I’ll be able to explore indefinitely which is really exciting. My minecrat track and elytra flying both have issues loading if I move too fast so an improvement on that will be amazing as well.

- Keyboard and mouse control is nice and I’ll probably try it out, but I’m so used to the controller that I’ll most likely end up using that. The last thing I played with keyboard and mouse was UT2k4, which was awesome but it’s been quite a while.

- I like that the PS4 console version should remain seperate and I can still go back to it, although I suspect I’ll just make the jump and stay on Bedrock. Everything sounds cool and the differences seem to be largely things I was hoping for anyway.

- The marketplace, or whatever PS4 gets, sounds interesting. Being able to explore other peoples creations would be cool. I like watching base tours and stuff on youtube and would love to be able to run around and explore other peoples stuff. I have played on most of the PS4 versions pre-made maps (Greek, Pirates, Norse, Chinese, Toy Story, etc.) and have even built a few houses from those maps into my own. I’m working on building a few of the pirate ships as well.

- I’ll have to look online & see how the crafting screens differ. Good to know, I assumed they were the same. Creative will be different but I’ll get used to it. After seeing your response I do kinda remember my cousin commenting about creative’s items being seperated more.

- By control scheme I’m assuming you mean controller layout, and it’s nice to know that I should be able to use the same controls I’m already used to.

Thank you so much for all the info!
So.. now that we have cross play across the major methods of playing Minecraft. Any interest in the group for getting a shared world going?
So.. now that we have cross play across the major methods of playing Minecraft. Any interest in the group for getting a shared world going?
We could, but currently the crossplay is broken and not worth playing, and Bedrock likes to crash if someone stays in a game too long idle, so we'd have to have designated times for the game (unless someone wants to pay for Realms).
We could, but currently the crossplay is broken and not worth.

Yeah... So, as of last night the game crashes on the main menu for PS4 bedrock. I'm unable to get a game started. I submitted a bug report, hopefully it gets fixed soon.

Realms might be an option if there's enough of a group interest. I'll look into getting one going once the PS4 issue clears up. I'm also on Minecraft mobile but I'm in the Beta program so realms is not available to that version.
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I'd personally prefer Creative Mode but if my friend (not on GTP sadly) was allowed in I'd do Survival with him, but I think the biggest Realm you can get is 10 people so that might be a no-go.
I'd personally prefer Creative Mode but if my friend (not on GTP sadly) was allowed in I'd do Survival with him, but I think the biggest Realm you can get is 10 people so that might be a no-go.

10 at a time on the server or 10 total for the white list?
Considering all the different time zones involved with everyone in the group, I can't imagine there would be more then 10 players trying to get on at the same time if we started a world.

I'll look into starting a realm and make a post when I've got it up an going.
If I delete Minecraft off of my PS4 will my world's still be saved somewhere on the hard drive or will I need to back them up?
So.. I'm at a standstill with the PS4 version. Looks like the cause of the crash is when the game is trying to sign in to my Microsoft account. Although I can play offline just fine if I disconnect the internet connection to the PS4.
So.. I'm at a standstill with the PS4 version. Looks like the cause of the crash is when the game is trying to sign in to my Microsoft account. Although I can play offline just fine if I disconnect the internet connection to the PS4.
Yeah, this happened to me, and those who do make it through usually break their worlds. The game is in a state right now.
Yeah, this happened to me, and those who do make it through usually break their worlds. The game is in a state right now.

That is... Disappointing. Having to sign into both Sony and Microsoft accounts at the same time feels like a solution that to a problem that shouldn't exist in the first place. My Sony account should have all the needed information to access the game servers.
That is... Disappointing. Having to sign into both Sony and Microsoft accounts at the same time feels like a solution that to a problem that shouldn't exist in the first place. My Sony account should have all the needed information to access the game servers.
I believe these issues happened when the original Better Together update was launched. It will be fixed, but nobody knows when.

It also doesn't help that the PS4 update has also affected other platforms and now I can barely play multiplayer, even if we're both on PC.
A few days ago I finally tried the Editions button in Minecraft and loaded up my last pre-Bedrock world. It was great having all my piston doors working again among other things. In Bedrock I easily found a rocket with no firework that was great for flying with the Elytra. Is there any way to make this rocket in the PS4 Edition Version of the game? I couldn't find it anywhere but thought I would double check, I have got great replies here before. I use fireworks to keep flying but you take some damage from them.
It was great having all my piston doors working again among other things.
Redstone works very differently on the Bedrock version of the game. You may need to redo every bit of complex redstone in your worlds.
In Bedrock I easily found a rocket with no firework that was great for flying with the Elytra. Is there any way to make this rocket in the PS4 Edition Version of the game? I couldn't find it anywhere but thought I would double check, I have got great replies here before. I use fireworks to keep flying but you take some damage from them.
I believe this is a Bedrock-exclusive.