Mini Cooper Mix-Up Mini Sprint Cup

Jammy said his "tires" would be white. So I posted that to be funny :P.

What about tyres for them CS? :)

Edit: I like Sgt. Litchi but oh well ;).
@ paulmac2k9 - I messed up that sentence :dunce: :lol:
I mean to say:
That's' funny that you found a car with white tires because Jammy21 said that.
Is that a Fiat 500 with white tires? (and why!? lol)
Somehow I mushed it up in one sentence and it made no sense.. :guilty: :lol:

@ Litchi ... nobody will know I'm talking about you!!
I'm quite bad on custom tracks. I need loooot of time to learn only one track :scared:
This proves my point!! You say you're bad on custom tracks... Yet you kept up with me driving a better car when I knew the track!! :scared:
I recall the race because I was thinking when you passed me... "Who does that French guy think he is passing me in that old car? I will pass again!!"
And then I did pass once again, but it wasn't easy! :odd:
And I think it was only because the French driver made a mistake in a narrow part of the track.

Append: Point being... the difference in cars is not gargantuan. And a lot of other factors will interfere with lap times.
Ah ok. I just searched it, pretty sure it's to do with the Fiat 500 being a fashion accessory and white being all hipster. :lol: (Dem Italians with their style obsession)
Ah ok. I just searched it, pretty sure it's to do with the Fiat 500 being a fashion accessory and white being all hipster. :lol: (Dem Italians with their style obsession)
And here I would hesitate to buy a white car because of it getting looking dirty easily! :lol: Never mind tires. :boggled:
Don't think I've seen white tires before TBH.
Hey, I'm all for punishing faster drivers. :sly:

In all honesty, handicap systems are great, if done well. My only concern was, that, if you're starting in a 1.3i and in the back, the field might have vanished on the horizon by the time you shift into second. But I could be wrong. I don't mind fighting the other 1.3i's for a whole race either. It's not about overall positions anyway. 👍

My colors: (straight out of the OCD, because I'm too lazy to change them):

Flame red
Indi Blue Metallic
:lol: Jammy! :)
If there were white tires... I bet a LOT of people would use them.
They do appear quite interesting & stylish in a way...
I suspect the reason there is not that option is because the dirt simulation would be a nightmare. :lol:
I was recently testing the Alfa Romeo Spider '01 at a Toscana tarmac track in Practice area 1-make race... and immediately upon starting the race - like right off the starting grid, all the cars were dirty!! :boggled: I don't know why, except that the track must've been really really dirty that day. :lol: :rolleyes:

@ tongo - probably is good enough here. No stone monuments nor blood signatures required. :lol::sly:
Submit your track 👍 👍 👎 👎 ;)

@ snowgt - It's not punishment!! :lol::boggled::lol: Stop using that word!! :lol::sly::lol:

Anyway, yeah, I think more than just having historic mini coopers bringing up the rear battling each other... I think by halfway through the races - it will be very mixed what drivers are in what cars for which tracks.
A driver in a historic mini cooper will have to be careful to not make mistakes to keep up, waiting to gain a position by attrition.
This is what I ordinarily do in every race. :lol:
Sometimes you are rewarded with drivers ahead making some tragic error. :lol::mischievous::lol:
I think what will make this most interesting is that the races will be short enough that if a driver makes a mistake, it will be difficult in many circumstances, to make up for it - no matter which Mini, but particularly in the historic Mini.
And of course, no matter what, there will be more than one of each model on the track. So that simply rules out the possibility of a parade.
Though that's why I did not consider Monte Carlo for this... because I saw the possibility of a parade. :yuck:
I would love to got those white tires on my Mini's :)

perhaps I should start a thread complaining that PD won't let us paint our tyres.

I want Gold chrome tyres!!

by the way ... who is Will?
Hey Melon, sign me up please.

👍 Rome
👍 Grand Valley East
👎 London
👎 Tsukuba Circuit
I will not be able to make this now.
Alert: We're approaching poll closing deadline!!

I see myself getting lapped at Autumn Ring Mini. :lol: :nervous:

Clearly I need to come up with a better polling method. :lol: :scared: :boggled:

  1. Grand Valley East (1.86 miles) +3 -1 = +2
  2. Deep Forest Raceway (2.24 miles) +2 = +2
  3. London (1.19 miles) +4 -3 = +1
  4. Rome (2.16 miles) +4 - 3 = +1
  5. Autumn Ring Mini (0.80 miles) +3 -2 = +1


Okay I've come up with a solution.
Since the 1st 3 people on the sign-up list ALSO happen to be the people who usually get stuck with stewardship review dirty work :lol: - I'm going to leave them to break the tie in a secret ballot.

I am sending PM msgs to snowgt, Audiman2011, and jackargent
I will await their reply.
Last edited:
Alert: The tracks have been set (now someone start throwing me some lap times)

Race #1
Mini Cooper 1.3i '98 (everyone)
TBA laps @ Circuito de Madrid Mini (1.32 miles)
Grid Start, Fastest First

Race #2
Car Assignment According to List
TBA laps @ Tarnished Toaster Road (Toscana tarmac) (2.16 miles)
Grid Start, Reverse Grid Order

Race #3
Car Assignment According to List
TBA laps @ Grand Valley East (1.86 miles)
Grid Start, Reverse Grid Order

Race #4
Car Assignment According to List
TBA laps @ London (1.19 miles)
Grid Start, Reverse Grid Order

Race #5
Car Assignment According to List
TBA laps @ Deep Forest Raceway (2.24 miles)
Grid Start, Reverse Grid Order

The tie-breaker turned out to be a COMPLETE TIE between ALL 3 tracks. :boggled: :boggled: :boggled:

The anonymous votes were thus:
steward 1
London (1.19 miles)
Autumn Ring Mini (0.80 miles)
Rome (2.16 miles)
steward 2
Rome (2.16 miles)
London (1.19 miles)
Autumn Ring Mini (0.80 miles)
steward 3
Autumn Ring Mini (0.80 miles)
Rome (2.16 miles)
London (1.19 miles)

What's the chances of that? I don't know.

So I had a test session with Litchi today - me in the One & the '02, Litchi in the '98... on Rome, London, & Autumn Ring Mini... And though Rome is my favourite... I decided that London was the most fun & unpredictable of the 3, so that's what I went with. 👍
Sign me up , if possible
and yes london was the most fun
to drive as austin powers ,,,,,
ooow behave
I would like to make a suggestion watermelon.... If the start time is 3pm and people arrive at 3:05pm then they shouldn't be allowed to race? Is that too harsh?
In my humble opinion, people who should be allowed to race if the race isn't started yet, even if they are a bit late. So yea, i think you're a bit harsh my dear.
I just hope it's understood that the rabbits thing ran a little off schedule, I apologize for the hold-ups. Things got a little bit off kilter there. I think more often than not things stay pretty much on schedule. No one is more annoyed than I when I fail to keep things on schedule. (It was a combination of things. None of which usually all happen together.)

We will be doing the vision check straight away on the hour from now on. If I forget somebody remind me!!!
Seems there's no telling when or why that happens. :grumpy:

But yeah I do encourage people to arrive a few minutes early. But some people just can't make it on time, they get held up. And some people find that they can race at the last minute. And well, we have to be willing to bend. Not break, but bend. For if we don't bend, we will break. :odd: I think that's the metaphor?! ^^
I think it was 10 posts to the forums watermelon, that's why I couldn't post here before.
I set the laps based on my lap times testing. :nervous: Which probably means we'll finish up earlier than anticipated. :lol: :dopey: :rolleyes:
Well, at least there probably won't be a danger of running overtime I suppose. :odd:

I think it was 10 posts to the forums watermelon, that's why I couldn't post here before.

Interesting. I had no idea about that!
I think I was using the forum for months before I even realized there was a profile visitor message board. Now I use it lots if it's nothing that needs to be private after all, to not stuff full people's PM inboxes. I'm always running at the limit. That said, before my premium expired - I was STILL running at the limit which was much much more. I'll basically run it to the limit no matter what the limit is, because I just don't delete until I have to.

And welcome knukken hope you can make it 👍