Modified Track Path Editor + Tracks/Discussion

Nice work, but are the TED files are replay files? I'm confused on how to get it exactly..

The TED files are contained in the replay files. You need to get a tool to extract the file from the replay. Unfortunately, there's an encryption key involved there, so I'm not sure to what extent we're allowed to discuss it here.
The TED files are contained in the replay files. You need to get a tool to extract the file from the replay. Unfortunately, there's an encryption key involved there, so I'm not sure to what extent we're allowed to discuss it here.

Oh, can we PM then? I mean when I search for the extraction tool I get TEDx talks uploader.
Hi all, I don't want to open a thread for just a question. How to read the height map ingame? Expecially for Andalucia and the Death Valley, I can't figure how the altitude changes, and this make me think that it's flat when actually it's uphill. Also, minor elevations changes can't be seen in the Andalucia map as they figure as flat
Hi all, I don't want to open a thread for just a question. How to read the height map ingame? Expecially for Andalucia and the Death Valley, I can't figure how the altitude changes, and this make me think that it's flat when actually it's uphill. Also, minor elevations changes can't be seen in the Andalucia map as they figure as flat

Assuming that you've got the contour maps, following the direction of the contour lines = remain at the same elevation; going across the contour lines = climb / drop. The closer the contour lines are, the steeper the slope.
I found the ones in b&w in the .zip file, but I really can't figure where it's higher and when it's lower... Plus I forgot how to import images in the editor
There are some great color ones where low lying areas are represented in cool colors and high points are illustrated with warm tones. Should be lower on the same thread page.
There's only for Andalusia, or at least I didn't manage to find the other ones (I searched contour maps)

Here are the contour maps in colour. I made them black and white for use in the custom APK, because the colour made it difficult to see the lines.

Red = high
Green = low

Andalusia_contour_grid_3.jpg Death_Valley.png Eifel_full.png
LOL...... I give you Destruction Junction V2 :)
150mph+ (dependent on downforce) needed for online use (due to physics) less for offline obviously. Have fun & dont crash :)!/friend/Mr-6rumpy1/course/2408410/

EDIT: new version & link available above :)
Notes: a bit more user friendly.

Hey, I was wondering if you could make a V3? Use a different radius on Each of the 4 corners, and make one or two of them a Decreasing radius, or an Increasing Radius.. I'd Like the Decreasing radius, fast in, and then you'd have to watch your speed so it doesn't catch you up near the end...
I guess as a minimum you'd have to go with no less then they are now.. Speed wise...

good stuff....
That's the issue. :(

Either the banking cannot be really extreme, or either it should go back to normal in straight lines so the player can get back on the road.
I'm looking for the first modded TPE apk, i guess it was 1.00. Is there anybody out there who still has got the old apk or a download link for me?