Modified Track Path Editor + Tracks/Discussion

Finally got it working :)
Spa 1960 Enjoy.

Got a lobby open now if you fella's fancy it. Don't forget your brown leather gloves & goggles :)

Also I may have figured out how to have the pits on the opposite side of the track but I need to do more testing to see if it's stable. I managed it on the sprint start line, just gotta test it on a circuit start line :)
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That's awesome!

I've had this github repo open for a while now but to be honest, I don't even remember what all the code in there does :D And I know there is alot of code that is not doing anything/is there twice because I had an idea and then didn't have time to finish it.

I've got this other tool to extract TED from replay and upload the modified one back to PD servers. Unfortunately I don't think I'm allowed to share it here since there is encryption key inside to decrypt the replay.

Some of the features (alot more in the code but doesn't have GUI yet):


Then I stopped developing any of that and instead started working on this:

But now I'm busy with school so not sure if I have time to contribute much for

But I still have ALOT of code from the time I was porting the GT6TPE from that Unity s*it to full C# tool. Like *.Bin and *.Meta -> *.Ted or *.Obj.

Asset editor for rail_def and coursemaker -xml files.

Is there a way to put this track in online lobbies? :scared:
Also I may have figured out how to have the pits on the opposite side of the track but I need to do more testing to see if it's stable. I managed it on the sprint start line, just gotta test it on a circuit start line

Hope you figure out a way :). I tested it once but it worked the wrong way :D. Haven't tried since but it's something I've wondered if could've been possible.

Is there a way to put this track in online lobbies? :scared:

No/(maybe)... There is no files in the GT6 for that track, I took them from GT5 and added to GT6 (and that is not just copy paste to add files :)). I can add it to the online tracks list but there is no way others could join me when they don't have the files and database entries for it.

As for the "maybe"... It could be possible if I shared the files but this kind of requires the CFW console (ps3xport for OFW but it takes quite some time).

And I haven't tried going online with that tracks since I don't connect to PSN with my CFW console.
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@Razerman I think I know what you mean, although I can get it to appear on the opposite side, the pit autodrive will throw you out the wrong way ?

Unless I try to enter the 6x codes in reverse 1st then changing the 2 on all 6 parts for a 3.

I don't know, I'll see what happens.

Hopefully my PS3 will hold out, it took an absolute kicking making that Spa track, I've probably reduced it's life span by 50% lol.
I'm a bit out of the loop now, it's been a few months since I've touched GT6.
So I was looking at the elevation tool by @eran0004, and I'm having a bit of trouble with it
I can't seem to even run the .py file with Python installed, what am I doing wrong?
I can't seem to even run the .py file with Python installed, what am I doing wrong?

Are you getting "Import Error: no module named tkinter"? Then you have Python 2 installed, but Python 3 is required. You can run with Python 2 if you make the following changes:

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog
import Tkinter as tk
import tkFileDialog as filedialog
in elevation editor and Hope this helps. 👍
Yeap, that's what I mean.

No joy mate :(
I managed to get the car to drive through but scraping along the wall in a buggy sort of way which wouldn't be acceptable for online (even if it would work online for that matter).
Oh well, we can't have everything our way I guess :)

On a positive note, now that GTSport has been delayed, (hopefully) the GT6 servers will stay open long enough for me to mod all my tracks with the correct elevation. Including my Isle of Man TT course :)
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No joy mate :(
I managed to get the car to drive through but scraping along the wall in a buggy sort of way which wouldn't be acceptable for online (even if it would work online for that matter).
Oh well, we can't have everything our way I guess :)

On a positive note, now that GTSport has been delayed, (hopefully) the GT6 servers will stay open long enough for me to mod all my tracks with the correct elevation. Including my Isle of Man TT course :)

Looking forward to Isle of Man!
Are you getting "Import Error: no module named tkinter"? Then you have Python 2 installed, but Python 3 is required. You can run with Python 2 if you make the following changes:

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog
import Tkinter as tk
import tkFileDialog as filedialog
in elevation editor and Hope this helps. 👍
I have Python 3.5 installed, here's the picture of the error:
@Razerman Can you mod so any of GT5 Custom Track layouts are imported to GT6?

You mean the coursemaker tracks from GT5? I could add the files but the coursemaker system is a bit different so I'm not sure how it would work. And I can't really test it without internet connection.

Or do you mean different versions of the existing tracks? I thought only TGTT is missing from GT6 opposed to GT5 but is there more?
You mean the coursemaker tracks from GT5? I could add the files but the coursemaker system is a bit different so I'm not sure how it would work. And I can't really test it without internet connection.

Or do you mean different versions of the existing tracks? I thought only TGTT is missing from GT6 opposed to GT5 but is there more?
Course maker environments.
Course maker environments.

Unfortunately it would need Internet connection to test anything after getting the files added so not possible for me :/

Btw, if my memory isn't failing me, there was a few extra coursemaker layouts hidden in GT5.

And also I'm remembering that moon tracks in GT6 were "coursemaker" compatible. Like they had something like scenery -files, just like Andalusia, Eifel, etc...
And also I'm remembering that moon tracks in GT6 were "coursemaker" compatible. Like they had something like scenery -files, just like Andalusia, Eifel, etc...

Oh god. I remember QK talking about that a while ago on some "other" forum. If that could be really used, it'll be fun (but also a big mess.)
Oh god. I remember QK talking about that a while ago on some "other" forum. If that could be really used, it'll be fun (but also a big mess.)

I remember something about this aswell.
Something about Eifel & Eifel flat being 1 & 2, Andalusia Being 4 & Death Valley being 5.
Meaning the Moon is 3. Or something to that effect I think :)
Well instead of sleeping, I've been fiddling again :) this time working on @J24681357's idea on rallying :)
Check this out. Works online aswell.
Rally di Amalfi :)

Just found out it's a bit unstable on exit so, expect an update fix shortly :)!/friend/Mr-6rumpy1/course/2489239/

View attachment 586677 View attachment 586678 View attachment 586679

I tried the Amalfi track, the same approach + a jump or two should work for making rallycross tracks :)

The only problem is the S/F straight and the way that it changes from tarmac to dirt. Would it be possible to insert a segment from the point-to-point start/finish and make it super short (like, 0.001 meters) to get a sharper change from dirt to tarmac and vice versa?
I tried the Amalfi track, the same approach + a jump or two should work for making rallycross tracks :)

The only problem is the S/F straight and the way that it changes from tarmac to dirt. Would it be possible to insert a segment from the point-to-point start/finish and make it super short (like, 0.001 meters) to get a sharper change from dirt to tarmac and vice versa?

It don't work, I already tried with the sprint start segments & they follow the same width rule as the normal track (which I got set at 0.01) so you wouldn't be able to drive through it.

Updated version available now by the way eran.