Mogshots [Updated 2/07 - Last ever shot]

  • Thread starter Moglet
Amazing sunset feeling, it's always amazing to see those lighting conversions. But I'd say the rims and reflections are very unreal, but everyone know why. That sucks because your idea could be perfect, there are no many photos with that special darkness in the "face" of the car and so superhot ambient. Hope to see more Mog!

Ah, and what happened with your logo-signature?

Very nice Moglet, but I like this image because of the lighting and the colour you picked for the Golf GTi.
Wow, that is pure superbness. I really like how the road turn out, it's got as much shine as the car. Did you add color to the background seperate from the car? One last question, how long does it usually take you to find the right spot for the center of the zoom blur, it seems like it takes me forever and I still don't ever get it right.
I think that is a great shot, you really do these style shots amazingly well.

The tarmac looks just awesome, both in texture as in color, and it looks even better due to the contrasting darker background.
The car itself is also great, sweet reflections, and I find it amazing that you got it to look so 'high-contrast', while managing to keep all the details and subtle nuances in the darker areas, specially on the area surrounding the headlight.
Excellent work, Mog! 👍
I Love Golfs!
Well, to a certain degree anyway.
Awesome pic.
I might just use it as wallpaper on my pc if that's ok.
This is delicious. This shot don't know what to say! Just one of the best shots I have ever seen. The colours, the blur, the contrast, the rims, the cleanup...! 👍 👍

Where's it taken? After the sharp turn to the left around half distance?

Btw you get my first +rep ever given to anyone! 👍
Wow, that is pure superbness. I really like how the road turn out, it's got as much shine as the car. Did you add color to the background seperate from the car? One last question, how long does it usually take you to find the right spot for the center of the zoom blur, it seems like it takes me forever and I still don't ever get it right.

In my photos I don't tend to add colour to the image in sections, always in one big block. The colour was added right at the very end, after all the blurring and cleaning. I simply enhanced the colours that were already there though.

The right spot for the zoom blur was difficult to find on this one, I ended up using one spot for the road and barrier and another one for the background, then simply combined the two to form one image. So there are two points of focus for the zoom blur. 👍

Onto my update;

Buick Special photos

Some of you may have noticed my entry for the Drift contest week 10 which is a Buick Special. I've decided to post that photo here along with a shot which was rejected for it that I also quite like.

Here's the reject shot, I was going for an old fashioned photo style with this one;

Click to enlarge

Here's what I chose for the final entry

Please click the image above to view the fully detailed photo

Wow. Another great update. The second one is amazing. The detail on the chrome bumper and the reflections look superb, and the headlights give it a really nice feel.
Thanks for answering my questions Moglet.👍 I'm really liking the interesting angles you've used on this one. The B&W is really nice but I love the one in color. The chrome just looks so good. It looks like the smoke coming from the drift is on fire, like you were scraping the rear end a bit on that one. The noise you added aswell I think works very good with this shot.
I love them both 👍 It's right to choose the 2nd one because it looks very interesting and sharper too, but the car looks 2D to me for some strange reasons, maybe lacking depth of view or something to do with the colour. Anyhow good luck with the comp :)
Wow. Another great update. The second one is amazing. The detail on the chrome bumper and the reflections look superb, and the headlights give it a really nice feel.

Thanks Krame, I was very happy with the chrome bumper. 👍

Thanks for answering my questions Moglet.👍 I'm really liking the interesting angles you've used on this one. The B&W is really nice but I love the one in color. The chrome just looks so good. It looks like the smoke coming from the drift is on fire, like you were scraping the rear end a bit on that one. The noise you added aswell I think works very good with this shot.

Hehe, I think I was scraping the rear end a bit, I was actually drifting uphill with the car sat right on the floor so I'm surprised there were no sparks.

I love them both 👍 It's right to choose the 2nd one because it looks very interesting and sharper too, but the car looks 2D to me for some strange reasons, maybe lacking depth of view or something to do with the colour. Anyhow good luck with the comp :)

Thanks for your feedback franz, about the 2D thing, I think it might be to do with the headlight glare giving the image too much of a focal point and therefore failing to lead your eye around. I'm still happy with it though.

Denso Supra @ Apricot Hill

I took my newly acquired Denso Supra out for a spin today, having bolted on a Stage 4 turbo to take it to around 800hp. :D Here's a simple shot of it's wonderful rear end with a partial blur. Enjoy!

Click the image above to view the full photograph

OMG, what a beautie! It's been a long time since I've seen something that original and beautiful here on GTPlanet!

I love how you mixed the GT4 in-game blur and the road blur out of PS there 👍 The car looks extremely clean and the colours are fan-tastic!

The only things I could say though are the body lines, you forgot to re-draw or whatever you do to it, rooflines. The lines on the rear could use a little more dodge or something, they don't stand out enough for me.

But who am I? That's brilliant work! :cheers:
Awesome!!! It's quite simple, yup, and it works great! I don't know how but you make photos wich everyone love. Sweet colors btw :D

it's great to be able to see pictures again. and OH MY GOD!!!! They are amazing! the buick special shots are sharp, specially the second one, the GTi is looking so smooth. love the sunset scene that you chose for the shot. and this latest supra update is so darn sexy!!!! pure jdm right there! love the colors and the partial motion blur just completes the whole picture. and to think that i almost missed out on all of these, would have made me get a new pc. you rock man!
Very nice, it is very clean. Especially all the livery and logos look very sharp. Good work, lets see some more.👍
Thankyou to everyone who has given feedback!

@ Bram; I might revisit this shot at a later date to clean up the body panel lines as I couldn't be bothered to do them first time round! :lol:

'MogShots' one year birthday!

That's right, today my gallery has been running for exactly one year. It doesn't seem that long since I first posted those little thumbnails with the image sizes still on them! LGForce was the first to reply if I remember correctly, and he expected 'big things'. Well I'm not so sure about that, but here's the birthday update for you all.

It's a bit similar to the Elise shot shown in my avatar, but it has a different mood to it and I tried a few different cleanup methods in this one.


Click the preview to enlarge the photo


Only 1 year?! Oh your gallery, you must have been working with PS for years!

Err, anyway, congrats Moglet, I really hope you'll carry on for a long time 👍

But seriously dude! Stop making such clean updates, images like these make me look like a n00b...:lol:
Happy Birthday to your gallery Mog!

The Fiat Coupe looks fantastic. Like you said it is very similar to the Elise BUT the one looks much much better. Things like the rims cleanup plus the reflection on the lip (the top and bottom needs more distortion though), those small spotlights, glow on the gas tank cap ... this is really close to perfection! Another thing I noticed is the rear light, I know this location is a real disaster with the rear lights. Most of the time I have to turn the white balance all the way to the blue to minimize the red glares, and you seem totally removed them which is really amazing 👍
Wow man, you don't stop to amaze us. Extremely clean Coupe! I love the tailights on, that spot light is great in the whole dark image. It's difficult to find a good rims for that car imo, so you used a nice choice actually.

Only the bright points over the painting look a bit overdone, but quite spectacular at the same time!

I was analyzing the pic with my microscope and I think you applied a very suuubtle noise filter, wich at full res size works definitively well.

First of all, congratulations on the one year mark for your gallery. :cheers:

:drool: This shot is perfection. I honestly cant stop looking at it. First of all I really like the blue colors in the entire shot and the whole mood that it creates. As expected from you the car and wheels are cleaned up extremely well. The body of the car and the wheels have a nice metallic shine look to them that makes it look so realistic. And I really love the small light reflections that you added. If you don't mind me asking, how do you make those light reflections anyway. Always wanted to try doing it but was to lazy to figure out how. Amazing update mog.
Wow, I never knew that car could look so damn tasty. Every time I see a new shot from you I always wanna go get the exact car and see if I can replicate the effect, it never works of course but seeing what is possible is helpful.

This shot is extremly smooth and metallic sort of feel to it. The little flares look light bright shining starts, as a matter of fact, that shot would look awesome with the sky a bit darker and the moon showing in the corner with those little flares all over the place.

EDIT: Like this here-Click Me.I hope you don't mind, I couldn't resist.