Mon 20:00-21:30 UK time - PC2 - Hosted by @IfAndOr - Please refer to new threadPS4 

Good race. I enjoyed that.

Congratulations @lancerevoo. I was closing in when you hit a lot of traffic. Trouble was I hit the traffic too. :)

I think I beat you with my pitstop @AndreasR, you were ahead before that. That was my tactics of coarse. (Not really :P)

And well done to the slower cars for giving way the best they could. Very courteous.
Good to see @slthree on track again. Funnily enough I think it was at Watkins Glen I last saw you.

*** Good going team Hill for getting more points on the board. ***
It was a lot of fun. Thank you for including me. Got home earlier today than usual so it was nice to race with you guys.


I've now discovered a few tracks and cars (in this case a car) that I never saw before thanks to this series.

That car was tough for me to control at speed. It definitely tested my force feedback!

It's a bit of a panic feeling when the fast red dots are closing in then flying past you because all I can think of is trying to stay out of the way
all I can think of is trying to stay out of the way
Dont panic! :P
Just stay calm and move over if/when you can. It's the faster cars/drivers who should have to get past you when they can - without pressure.

It definitely tested my force feedback!
I find lightening the wheel (volume) helps with these older cars. You don't have to fight them as much.
I find lightening the wheel (volume) helps with these older cars. You don't have to fight them as much.

Yeah, I agree on the 300sl. I change my volume for each car and the Merc worked out best at 31. By comparison, the Ferrari I use on Wednesdays comes out at 51.

@Sick Cylinder , is there any chance we can remove track limits on your series? I got completely screwed over by them today. After an early crash when I got squeezed out and after the contact with John I was fighting back through the field well. LC lost it before the last corner and was across the road, a few of us were forced to go around him. I went around the outside, dipped my wheels over the rumble to avoid him and got a 2 second penalty. The next lap I dipped a tyre onto the grass on the exit of the downhill right hander after the chicanes, another 2 second penalty. I had lost half a second having to lift off doing that anyway. Next thing I know, I've been given a drive through penalty.
I'll leave it up to you to decide and will of course go along with that, just getting fed up of being in a group of tight clean racers for once and getting screwed over by the ridiculous track limits in this game. No one in these groups will cut the corners intentionally, and I'm guessing, certainly in my case, the penalties are dished out when a mistake has been made and time has already been lost trying to rectify it.

Moaning aside, well done everyone, don't know what was going on at the front but there was some great racing at the back. Well done Harsk as well, it was a great few laps attempting to get past you. Sorry for squeezing you on the last corner on one lap, I was watching for the Ferrari coming out wide and neglected what I was doing to you.
31 and 51 - that's very precise @rj5992! I think mine are 35 and 40 but I have my gain at 86 so it's slightly different.

I agree with you about the track limits. They can often spoil the racing. Although SMS have improved them over time they still seem very random. You never know if your slowing down enough to cancel them out and slowing down isn't realistic anyway - plus it hinders drivers behind you.

We've been racing together long enough to know that nobody should take advantage of it. In fact going off track often slows you down!

Leave all other penalties on but turn the limits off?
Perhaps we could try it for a few meetings @Sick Cylinder and see how it goes. You could always switch them back on if it all goes to pot.
31 and 51 - that's very precise @rj5992! I think mine are 35 and 40 but I have my gain at 86 so it's slightly different.

It just happens to be what the + and - keys I have mapped go between. They kind of decide whether it'll end in a 1 or a 6/7, despite it being meant to be increments of 5! My gain is at 99 so that would explain it. It's amazing the difference the volume has, being able to change it on the fly really unlocks the FFB in this game. It's a shame that SMS didn't properly explain that the volume needs to change to the car rather than the car adjusting to your settings.

In fact going off track often slows you down!

I quite agree. Even rumble strips slow you down due to the decreased traction. In fact the only instance I can think of cutting a corner being beneficial is the first corner at Hockenheim if you really cut the apex a stupid amount.
Does anyone know if there’s a way to turn off PSN messaging whilst in-game?

I won’t lie, I was glad my router died last night after the first 3 corners in qualifying.

It was the third race in a row where I’ve been messaged whilst driving. Being new I find the messaging distracting, last night I was being reminded about race starting procedure (during quali) and slammed into a wall as the little message box popped up.

I didn’t even think there was a start procedure in quali? Or is this another rule I’ve missed?

If anyone is interested, and if there’s available video, watch me back. My starts are perfect ....even if I do say so myself :lol:

I put my foot on the brake, stick it into first and wait for the guy in front to move. I then wait for the single line to form...not that this ever happens...and I don’t overtake until after the first corner (which, let’s face it, being new overtaking anyone isn’t really a risk for me anyway!)

In quali I didn’t think there was any start procedure? I just get out as early as possible, to be in as few people’s way as possible....then get back into the pit as soon as I feel I’ve done as much as I can. Is this the wrong way of doing it?

Now.. to the person that messaged me last night...this is not me frustrated at you. I always appreciate the pointers and advice! I just need my PlayStation to stop distracting me once racing has started.

I’d had a long day at work...the Aston Martin is a terribly unforgiving beast to someone new to the multiplayer (more challenging) aspect of the game....and having been 16 seconds off the pace during the pre-quali practice session...when my router died I wasn’t inclined to try and fix it. I cracked a beer and turned my PlayStation off! :cheers:
Does anyone know if there’s a way to turn off PSN messaging whilst in-game?

I won’t lie, I was glad my router died last night after the first 3 corners in qualifying.

It was the third race in a row where I’ve been messaged whilst driving. Being new I find the messaging distracting, last night I was being reminded about race starting procedure (during quali) and slammed into a wall as the little message box popped up.

I didn’t even think there was a start procedure in quali? Or is this another rule I’ve missed?

If anyone is interested, and if there’s available video, watch me back. My starts are perfect ....even if I do say so myself :lol:

I put my foot on the brake, stick it into first and wait for the guy in front to move. I then wait for the single line to form...not that this ever happens...and I don’t overtake until after the first corner (which, let’s face it, being new overtaking anyone isn’t really a risk for me anyway!)

In quali I didn’t think there was any start procedure? I just get out as early as possible, to be in as few people’s way as possible....then get back into the pit as soon as I feel I’ve done as much as I can. Is this the wrong way of doing it?

Now.. to the person that messaged me last night...this is not me frustrated at you. I always appreciate the pointers and advice! I just need my PlayStation to stop distracting me once racing has started.

I’d had a long day at work...the Aston Martin is a terribly unforgiving beast to someone new to the multiplayer (more challenging) aspect of the game....and having been 16 seconds off the pace during the pre-quali practice session...when my router died I wasn’t inclined to try and fix it. I cracked a beer and turned my PlayStation off! :cheers:

It's most likely the group chat message that are popping up. I'm pretty sure there is a setting to turn off message notifications, anyone else able to confirm this? I use the ps messages app as well, so I don't know if that is overiding the console and stopping the notifications flashing up on screen rather than a setting.
Does anyone know if there’s a way to turn off PSN messaging whilst in-game?
Indeed there is. It's under settings (top row on the right) notifications.

There's all the information about it HERE.

And sorry, when I quickly typed Shaun on the message it was supposed to be for slthree - who I think is also called Shaun - since he was new to the starts. Oops!
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when I quickly typed Shaun on the message it was supposed to be for slthree - who I think is also called Shaun - since he was new to the starts. Oops!
And, boy did I appreciate the messages If and! Thank you

I would have used headset to communicate but I noticed nobody else had one so I figured it was against the rules and chose not to use it

If any of you guys are going to be on later today, I'm going to be getting home in about an hour oh
Haha, from here on in just call me ‘Kimi’...
KimiB it is then. ;)

it was against the rules
Mics aren't against the rules as such and can prove useful at times for giving out information. Just don't use them in qualy or racing since it can be distracting. In PC2 the voice chat can be quite loud so if you did want to speak it's best to turn the mic down first. I'd use mine occasionally but it's a cheap one that buzzes and also hurts my ears. I thought it was a bargain. It turned out otherwise!
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Thought I'd get some practise in for Monday seeing as I'm swapping cars. Really started to lose grip towards the end, don't know whether the track temperature is going to influence the race at all. I can't decide whether to take the hill up to the corkscrew in 2nd or 3rd, I'll have to get the delta up to see the difference.

Thought I'd get some practise in for Monday seeing as I'm swapping cars. Really started to lose grip towards the end, don't know whether the track temperature is going to influence the race at all. I can't decide whether to take the hill up to the corkscrew in 2nd or 3rd, I'll have to get the delta up to see the difference.
Dedication is what you need !
Great pictures of the bikes @John Wells - it looks very exciting! I love bikes, but I'm useless with a hand controller so I avoid bike games - maybe a movement sensitive controller would work better and be slightly more realistic?

Lovely videos @rj5992 - I've enjoyed the one of Moss with the Cooper before, but had to watch it again!

I'm just coming towards the end of a really great book by the Belgian Amateur racing driver Paul Frere, "Starting Grid to Chequered Flag" (a Batsford paperback printed in 1962). He was an amazing driver - probably the best amateur European driver of the 1950's. This weekend I reached the chapters describing his races with Cooper cars - he won the South African F2 Grand Prix (Stirling Moss was ahead, but retired) - this was his first GP since coming second in the F1 GP at Spa in 1956 driving a V8 Ferrari. He describes the Cooper as being driven with the finger tips!

He raced an incredible variety of cars - mainly sports, but also saloons and single seaters for Ferrari, Jaguar, Aston Martin, Porsche, HWM, Lister, Gordini, Chrysler, Oldsmobile, Mercedes, Abarth and Renault. He raced both the Aston Martin DBR1 and DBR2 (used at Nassau) as well as a range of Ferrari 250 models so the book contains many interesting nuggets of information. Hopefully I will remember to add the odd one to the thread from time to time.

As we will be racing at Laguna Seca I have decided to post this video of the 1963 Monterey Grand Prix (for Sports Cars) onto both threads. The footage is faded and a bit blurry, but there is an excellent post race interview with the incredibly talented Dave MacDonald who sadly lost his life in the Indy 500. Racing was so dangerous in those days - there is even a moment in the commentary when a driver is referred to as "the late" as he had been killed before there had been a chance to edit and add sound to the film.

Note - no changes to starting procedure on Monday - please set off slowly and sensibly to avoid contact and avoid overtaking until after the first corner.

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