Mon 20:00-21:30 UK time - PC2 - Hosted by @IfAndOr - Please refer to new threadPS4 

Just found this by accident, but there's finally competitive GT endurance racing at Kyalami again after a 37-years hiatus.

Thanks for that WiSchmo - Kyalami is definitely a track which should be added to the game - preferably a historic version appropriate to the older cars plus the current layout. So much history at this track!
I noticed, that in the race footage GT cars moved really fast and generally looked agile. In all the sims we currently have it's not the case. I also noticed that in-car view (I actually always use helmet view) looks slow, despite all my efforts to configure POV/FOV settings. So much for realism in our sims :(
I wouldn't worry too much about it looking slow from your cockpit view. If your FOV settings are correct, meaning they try to replicate the real FOV you would have when driving your road car, it almost always feels like that to begin with. But in time you'll get used to it, as your feeling of speed will adjust. You will also get faster, because your brain doesn't have to recalculate all the time, so there's real speed to be gained here instead of just the feeling of it :D Maybe you also noticed that the cars do look quite fast when watched i.e. from the TV angles in a replay (at least I think so).

The problem, I think, is that we're so used to wide FOVs from games like NfS or GT/Forza (even "sim" games like Dirt Rally have a huge FOV on standard settings), as they try to create a sensation of going fast. It certainly works, but it is not very realistic (or can you see both the side and rear view mirror at the same time in a real car without turning your head ;)).

Would be great to have some helmet cam footage from a real race, then we could compare properly.
I wouldn't worry too much about it looking slow from your cockpit view. If your FOV settings are correct, meaning they try to replicate the real FOV you would have when driving your road car, it almost always feels like that to begin with. But in time you'll get used to it, as your feeling of speed will adjust. You will also get faster, because your brain doesn't have to recalculate all the time, so there's real speed to be gained here instead of just the feeling of it :D Maybe you also noticed that the cars do look quite fast when watched i.e. from the TV angles in a replay (at least I think so).

The problem, I think, is that we're so used to wide FOVs from games like NfS or GT/Forza (even "sim" games like Dirt Rally have a huge FOV on standard settings), as they try to create a sensation of going fast. It certainly works, but it is not very realistic (or can you see both the side and rear view mirror at the same time in a real car without turning your head ;)).

Would be great to have some helmet cam footage from a real race, then we could compare properly.

Well, when I drive a real car it feels faster than in a sim. I often feel like I might be going, say, 80 kph and the in-game speedo says I'm doing 153 kph or close to 200 kph. Perhaps, there's a great disconnect due to (missing) physical sensations in addition to the visual aspect.

I'm eagerly waiting for the day when VR racing and direct drive become the norm for PlayStation sim racing. As you all probably know Fanatec stepped up their game and rolled out a DD wheelbase for the consoles. The next step is a decent VR helmet. Hopefully Sony makes their PSVR good enough in the next product iteration.

Sooner or later this will happen and.. oh boy what a great fun will that be!

Everyone, save up your money. The day is coming!
Perhaps, there's a great disconnect due to (missing) physical sensations in addition to the visual aspect.
Good point! Pretty sure that's a major factor, especially the g-forces. When I go carting, I might go 50 km/h and it feels like 200 km/h :lol:

Sooner or later this will happen and.. oh boy what a great fun will that be!
So looking forward to that!!! Let's hope the next console generation makes a big step in that direction.
Good point! Pretty sure that's a major factor, especially the g-forces. When I go carting, I might go 50 km/h and it feels like 200 km/h :lol:

Yeah, I was going to bring that up as an example too but that's so much different experience than your typical daily driver. Karts are amazing, though. So thrilling!

Anyone fancy getting all together one day for a kart race?

So looking forward to that!!! Let's hope the next console generation makes a big step in that direction.

Yep, yep fingers crossed!
Results from Zolder

Zolder MON.jpg
Found it for under 30 quid
This is not a bad price. It's cheaper than the current PS store Black Friday offer.

You can buy and "top up" your Plus membership at any time so if anyone's Plus membership is running within a couple of months (it doesn't need to be that soon) it might be worth thinking about saving the £20.

Here's a direct link to the ShopTo page if anyone is interested.

Since it's nearing Christmas and me being Stooge Scrooge I'm hanging on until the last moment just in case a better offer appears. I don't suppose it will though.
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This is not a bad price. It's cheaper than the current PS store Black Friday offer.

You can buy and "top up" your Plus membership at any time so if anyone's Plus membership is running within a couple of months (it doesn't need to be that soon) it might be worth thinking about saving the £20.

Here's a direct link to the ShopTo page if anyone is interested.

Since it's nearing Christmas and me being Stooge I'm hanging on until the last moment just in case a better offer appears. I don't suppose it will though.

Will that work only in UK?
Yes, I think that was what @IanBell was hinting at.

I'm generally looking positively on it. I agree that the additional money and manpower will be a good thing.
I enjoy both the F1 and Dirt Rally series, so Codies are no strangers to making "simish" racing titles. But those games are also supposed to appeal to a more general audience, and I hope that they keep Project Cars really focused on the sim part and don't try to improve sales by making compromises in that direction.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see :)

Quick question: Is PC3 supposed to be for this generation of consoles, still?
Is this sale the big news that Ian Bell promised us?
I don't think it was Ian who mentioned that it was his lad Nathan I believe. Ian's lips apparently are now sealed. Not sure how strong the glue is though. :)

Although there's a lot of the usual doomsayers on the other thread I can't myself see a problem, as long as it all amiable. There's a good knowledge base between the two companies which could benefit both.

Is PC3 supposed to be for this generation of consoles, still?
A release date hasn't really been stated but everyone assumes it'll be be next gen. However as I mentioned on the other thread there's around 103 million PS4s they'll miss out on then. A big user base to ignore for a business - particularly now Codemasters are onboard.
A release date hasn't really been stated but everyone assumes it'll be be next gen. However as I mentioned on the other thread there's around 103 million PS4s they'll miss out on then. A big user base to ignore for a business - particularly now Codemasters are onboard.

That is true, but I can't see it being anything other than next generation. PC2 already exceeds the capabilities of the current consoles.

The backwards compatibility of the PS5 might mean that early adopters can get an enhanced PC2 experience until the new game launches.

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