• Thread starter GTP_ADE
If you are reading this and you got a last night, then please tell us how. If you don't tell us how then we can only assume that you are using hacks. :mischievous:
It's just a tuning contest trust me!
Maxed out cars are VERY DIFFICULT to tune and drive.
The fastest racers were on the edge of wiping out constantly!
It's just a tuning contest trust me!
Maxed out cars are VERY DIFFICULT to tune and drive.
The fastest racers were on the edge of wiping out constantly!

In that case I guess it's more of 'being willing to take a risk' then. Since I was achieving 1:25 laps yesterday, I could probably get a if I stop trail braking like I normally do. Only problem with that is the Mini will be more unstable since the Deceleration part of the LSD doesn't work as strongly.
In other news... my gearing is nasty getting off the start, and I keep lighting up my right front tire on the sweeping turn.

Anyone have any tips for me?
I finally got things mostly under control... But that lift-off at the start... :(
How is everyone else taking off like they're jet-propelled???

Yeah I noticed you were consistently getting bad starts, I don't know what the best set up for gearing is but having looked at the one replay I saved I noticed you started with max throttle. During the countdown I have the throttle balanced at about 4,000 - 5,000 rpm then max the throttle a fraction after I release the brake. Not sure if this is the best method but I seemed to get a decent start in every race last night.

I kept lighting up all through that corner too, I think the best thing to do is to not take the corner flat and concentrate on keeping a tight line to the inside, obviously the reduction in throttle helps to reduce the wheels spinning but more importantly the camber of the road seems slightly more aggressive closer to the inside.

hi lads,

as i missed practice last night i have no idea what pace i will need to be doing to keep up, can somebody tell me what lap times i should be aiming for ?
its just so i can get some laps in before saturday and hopefully be competitive..

I think the best time was 1:23.8something, something set by James.
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Yeah I think the best time I saw up on the board was 1:24, but I haven't gotten that myself!!! :scared:


I think it takes unusually high risk taking immediately before that tight corridor, to get a powerful run up the hill.

I don't have the stomach for that in a gaggle of minis crammed into that space! :lol:

And indeed, that's where I saw MANY of the fastest racers wiping out regularly. :eek:

And this was just a practice with 9 cars, whats it going to be like with 16..MADNESS..:nervous:
OK, Senor Bolsa cant make the race, so we are back to 15 on the grid.
So one more space up for grabs, any takers?

15 Racers.

the question of getting a 1:24 sec lap is all about the getting the little chicane right .

personally i use this method .
Rome : out of the tight cobbled corner i make my way to the right of the track before the downhill part of the dip,then aim for the left barrier and brake at the start of the kerbing down 2 gears ,and try to keep as much speed as possible (85/90mph)
Rome reverse: getting as much speed as i can down the hill i keep right (not over the kerbing)i brake early then down to 4th and let the car ease into the corner of the gas (85mph) it seems to be better than braking later as that seems to make the car run wider.

this is just the way i see it and if it helps all the better

BTW best time on reverse was a 23.5 in qualifying
Just 1 pic from last nights practice, what a lovely sight. All 9 Minis at rome. It will be even more spectacular with a full grid. One place left for the full 16. Roll on Saturday.👍

BTW best time on reverse was a 23.5 in qualifying
Thats one quick time.
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On request, german FURY shall be unleashed to keep the house full.

Now, off to set up a Mini...there shall be MADNESS!
On request, german FURY shall be unleashed to keep the house full.

Now, off to set up a Mini...there shall be MADNESS!

👍 Great news 👍

Full house again.

16 Racers.

Managed 1:23.4 last night the right way around and a 1:24.1 with a bit more to come the wrong way around.

Can't see that happening with 16 cars on track,should be fun though. :):)
Managed 1:23.4 last night the right way around and a 1:24.1 with a bit more to come the wrong way around.

Can't see that happening with 16 cars on track,should be fun though. :):)

With that sort of pace, it looks like you may well be looking at 1 or 2 places on the Mini Madness Wall of fame. Could you be the first to get to 3, or will Jamesybograt be looking to get there first.


For anyone who missed the practice on Tuesday, here is a little taster of what you missed on the night, but what you are in for on Saturday, sorry about the grainy video, but its the best I could do with my PSP.

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And this was just a practice with 9 cars, whats it going to be like with 16..MADNESS..:nervous:

Yes, well hopefully there won't be 2 yellow cars backward in a poof of smoke in the corridor as I come through this time around. :lol: :lol: :lol:


At any rate, I tried several different ways of getting off from the grid start.
Full throttle, half throttle, just a tad throttle until the flag, not starting at all until I take the brake off...
It seems I can't make my gear 1 the right "size".
So thanks for the tips for everyone who posted or PM'd me.
I'm going to try every transmission setting suggested to see if I can work better with any of them.
As we are looking at a very high number of racers for this Saturdays Mini Madness race, I will open the room earlier than was advertised on the OP. The room will be open from 7.45pm BST, not 8.15pm, so everyone can get in and run a few test laps, and we can make sure everyone can see each other. The track will be set to Rome reverse when you enter, and when everyone is in, and the room is stable it will be switched to Rome(the right way around). This is because there is a glitch that puts the room host on poll position until you change the track. The glitch disappears once you change the track. Qualifying will then start once the track has been changed. I hope you are all looking forward to this as much as I am, its gonna be MADNESS!!!!:crazy::crazy::crazy:
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Hi, I cant do tommorrow :(
Team Galaxy need me for something important... sorry, maybe next time ;)
^ LOL :lol: I can't come either because I have a drift comp at 8... but the team meeting geeky is at seven and hopefully will finish half an hour in so you would still have time to do this.
Hi, I cant do tommorrow :(
Team Galaxy need me for something important... sorry, maybe next time ;)

^ LOL :lol: I can't come either because I have a drift comp at 8... but the team meeting geeky is at seven and hopefully will finish half an hour in so you would still have time to do this.

Does this mean that there are 2 free places on the grid?
Does this mean that there are 2 free places on the grid?

One because I can't come tomorrow but because my team meeting starts at 7pm and the race starts at 8:30 there is more than enough time for me to talk to my team and then for Geeky to race afterwards.
Mini Madness night is here. Who will earn their place on the Mini Madness wall of fame tonight? There is 1 available spot on the grid.

15 Racers.

Looking forward to this evenings race, its going to be interesting to see how far the fast guys are going to push the times.
Sorry I'll not be around today, by the time your Mini's are drinking the fuel, I'll be drinking a different type of 'fuel' Ha, ha!

Have a good race and I'm sure the next MM I'll get the chance to dust off the green bug for and get it's engine broken in!
Awww man the event I was talking about got cancelled. Is it too late to sign back up for this?
Awww man the event I was talking about got cancelled. Is it too late to sign back up for this?

16 Racers.

Thanks for that 👍 .

No problem mate.

Just in case anyone missed my post from a few days ago regarding opening time, I will post it again. I have also added it to the OP.

As we are looking at a very high number of racers for this Saturdays Mini Madness race, I will open the room earlier than was advertised on the OP. The room will be open from 7.45pm BST, not 8.15pm, so everyone can get in and run a few test laps, and we can make sure everyone can see each other. The track will be set to Rome reverse when you enter, and when everyone is in, and the room is stable it will be switched to Rome(the right way around). This is because there is a glitch that puts the room host on poll position until you change the track. The glitch disappears once you change the track. Qualifying will then start once the track has been changed. I hope you are all looking forward to this as much as I am, its gonna be MADNESS!!!!:crazy::crazy::crazy:

Also as its looking likely to be a full room please remember the clean driving rules mentioned in the OP. It was crowded on Tuesday during practice and its going to be even more crowded tonight.

Lastly, thanks to each of you for signing up for this, I think its going to be the best Mini Madness yet! I cant wait. See you all tonight.👍👍👍
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Switching the track when the room gets full often leads to the room freezing up these days...
Switching the track when the room gets full often leads to the room freezing up these days...

Does this happen only in full rooms? I always do this in The Sunday Cup and mini madness to avoid the qualifying bug, and havnt had any problems to date, but ive never had a totally full room, usually 12/13 racers. If it affects full rooms, I will change the track before everyone gets in.