Montreal is the worst.F1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter Peter.
Kingston, Jamaica
Any online race at Montreal is nothing but a race to see who cna cut the most corners, the best. In F1 2010, that was a problem, but much less so, because of how dangerous the kerbs used to be, and the penalty system as well. But now, with the physics allowing you to ride kerbs like Lewis Hamilton on crack, and an almost nonexistent penalty system.

It's a shame really, because otherwise, Montreal would be a fantastic track to drive on, and to race on, and a real challenge to the drivers.
No, there is a desire in every racer to be the fastest, so long as it's legal in the game's opinion. You can't leave it up to the drivers to judge how much is enough.

Canada has been made worse, due to the fact that kerbs are so friendly now. You can take the final chicane in 4th gear, literally just skipping across those high kerbs problem free. In real life, kerbs that high would destroy your car, or at least kick you into the wall of champions. It's not the only one, every kerb is too friendly, especially the corner before the hairpin.
I've had many frustrating experiences at Montreal. The only thing you can do is find a good group of racers to play against regularly.
Is there a way to turn penalty up?

Don't believe there is. As far as track parameters, they cannot be adjusted penalty wise. Would've been nice if the grass was programmed with a different grip factor at least. Maybe like gt5 or iRacing. That still wouldn't fix the whole issue though.
No, there is a desire in every racer to be the fastest, so long as it's legal in the game's opinion. You can't leave it up to the drivers to judge how much is enough.

Canada has been made worse, due to the fact that kerbs are so friendly now. You can take the final chicane in 4th gear, literally just skipping across those high kerbs problem free. In real life, kerbs that high would destroy your car, or at least kick you into the wall of champions. It's not the only one, every kerb is too friendly, especially the corner before the hairpin.

I agree, but it's still a fun track. I have a bigger gripe with turn 4 which you can almost entirely cut, by skipping over the grass. At least everyone is free to hammer over the kerbs at the final chicane and i've learnt there are clear boundaries for what is acceptable by the game and what incurs a warning at this corner.
Well, I really love it. Yet, it's a shame the AI is extremely bad at it.

Race with friends and you'll have lots of fun.
For me, Montreal is one of the tracks which I really enjoy racing on, but pretty much avoid all together.

Ive actually been having a blast lately running 100% races against legend AI in any of the Mid-Pack cars(generally Mercedes or Williams), basically in full sim mode. Lovin in. Skipped Montreal though. The AI just doesn't race well there.

But as far as online goes.. treat it like any racing game. Public lobbies=douche bags 75% of the time. If you're interested in serious, wheel-to-wheel racing against other like minded drivers, the only real way to get that is to plan races with people on forums like this one.
F1 2011's AI is still too easy for me. Not as easy as before, but still, I started a career with Williams, and had won almost every race bar the first one which I lost only because of a silly penalty. I've since started a career with Virgin instead, and can break into Q3 at Malaysia.