After hearing about how bad special forces was, it questions me on why everyone wanted Tremor. I get it, everyone wants a new Lin Kuei Ninja but I never expected a character from a game panned by critics to actually have such a large fanbase.
After hearing about how bad special forces was, it questions me on why everyone wanted Tremor. I get it, everyone wants a new Lin Kuei Ninja but I never expected a character from a game panned by critics to actually have such a large fanbase.
Question.While the game was indeed horrible, people found Tremor to be the most interesting character out of the whole game and he's had a massive following since then for years. He was just such a massive departure from the other ninjas.
Do you think Cyrax and Sektor count as well, as they are part of the Lin Kuei?Scorpion & Sub-Zero are basically the closest to actual, traditional ninjas (One Chinese and one Japanese) from the classic traditional clans. Everyone else is..well, only technically "ninja" in that they are assassins and just so happen to have powers that allow them to perform their tasks (Ermac's Telekinesis, Reptile's ability to camouflage, etc).
Do you think Cyrax and Sektor count as well, as they are part of the Lin Kuei?
Official Kombat Pack 2 Gameplay Trailer:
And interestingly, a "Apocalypse" pack can be seen.