Most intense fight scenes

For me what makes a great action movie is that one single fight scene that lingers in your mind days after you've seen the movie. I've seen a lot of bull**** ones like the one in Mr. and Mrs. smith.

But the best fight scenes that I've seen to date would have to be from Gladiator, the last samurai and Saving private Ryan. Those movies not only had great fight scenes, but they were classy battles along with it. I haven't seen every single action movie yet so....What do you think is the most intense fight scene in a movie?

One that had you on the edge of your seat?
The battle between the Bride and Vernita Green in Kill Bill Vol. 1 was a great, violent fight. One of my favourites.

Also, has anyone seen Ong Bak? That movie has some of the best fight sequences ever. I especially like the battle in the boxing area where the opponent guy starts ripping things off the wall and throwing them and throwing chairs and anything he can get his hands on. I recommend it to anyone.
But the best fight scenes that I've seen to date would have to be from Gladiator, the last samurai and Saving private Ryan. Those movies not only had great fight scenes, but they were classy battles along with it. I haven't seen every single action movie yet so....What do you think is the most intense fight scene in a movie?
Gladiator and the Last Samurai didn't do anything for me, but that D-Day scene from Saving Private Ryan....... One of the finest scenes in the history of films IMO. 👍

As far as the hand to hand combat goes, I liked the Matrix and the Brotherhood of the Wolf.
Gladiator and the Last Samurai didn't do anything for me, but that D-Day scene from Saving Private Ryan....... One of the finest scenes in the history of films IMO. 👍

As far as the hand to hand combat goes, I liked the Matrix and the Brotherhood of the Wolf.

Yes, that scene was something special.

I also enjoyed the bank robbing scene in HEAT very much, the first time I saw that movie on video I had to rerun it a couple of times.
Yes, that scene was something special.

I also enjoyed the bank robbing scene in HEAT very much, the first time I saw that movie on video I had to rerun it a couple of times.
Is that towards the end of the movie, when everybody's(bad guys) getting gunned down? That was intense. I especially remember the part, when the one of the detectives goes down(shot in the neck?) with his eyes wide open. I think the actor was the "leather face" from the movie, "Silence of the Lambs".
When We Were Soldiers
Three Kings
Black Hawk Down
Saving Private Ryan
Full Metal Jacket
Fight Club
Fist Full Of Dollars
Big Trouble In Little China
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Star Wars Episode IV
Srar Wars Episode II
Is that towards the end of the movie, when everybody's(bad guys) getting gunned down? That was intense. I especially remember the part, when the one of the detectives goes down(shot in the neck?) with his eyes wide open. I think the actor was the "leather face" from the movie, "Silence of the Lambs".

It's quite long and is in the middle of the movie, the robbing scene evolves into a street shooting that never ends. Lots of goodies in HEAT.
It's quite long and is in the middle of the movie, the robbing scene evolves into a street shooting that never ends. Lots of goodies in HEAT.
OK, maybe it was in the middle. Getaway car gets surrounded by cops, De Niro and Kilmer shoots their way out, carjacks a Taurus wagon to get away. Quite a cast in that movie, I have it on DVD. Also, Duke's favorite actress, Natalie Portman plays Pacino's daughter. 👍
Anybody from New Zealand would have to agree the wife bashing scene between Temuera Morrison and Rena Owen from Once Were Warriors hits home pretty hard.
Battle Royale had some fights that made me shiver. School girls + guns + lighthouse... anyone?

Band of Brothers ... so real it's gruesome.

City of God ... kids shooting each other...

True Romance ... the title would make you think otherwise, but some great fire fights in this movie.

Braindead ... not a "real" fight but the final scene with a lawnmower and lots of walking dead is a scene I won't ever forget.

By the way if you thought the Last Samurai had great fights you haven't seen **** yet.
Omg I completely forgot about kill bill vol1 all the fight scenes in that were awesome. I love fight scenes where they get masses of extras no special effects. Star wars battle scenes
Battle Royale had some fights that made me shiver. School girls + guns + lighthouse... anyone?

Band of Brothers ... so real it's gruesome.

City of God ... kids shooting each other...

True Romance ... the title would make you think otherwise, but some great fire fights in this movie.

Braindead ... not a "real" fight but the final scene with a lawnmower and lots of walking dead is a scene I won't ever forget.

some of the best film's you mentioned there. Aslo Battle Royale 2 has some good scenes, House of flying daggers, croutching tiger hidden dragon & Hero has some of the best fight scenes in the history of film making, not particulaly grusome but more of a dance sequence and stunning to watch. Aslo some of the scenes in Leon are very good.

Casshern has some good stuff, and one of the funniest fight scenes goes to Old Boy, where he fights loads of guys and wins with a knife stuck in his back, but the fight is very funny.
Kill Bill Vol 1 and Kill Bill Vol 2 had great fight scenes. The last fight between Beatrix and Bill was severley lacking, but the one between Beatrix and that girl with the eyepatch (I can't remember her name, I haven't seen the movie in a while) in the trailer was awsome. Vol 1 was a fight scene masterpiece.

The best fight scene in an animated movie would have to be the final battle in the Incredibles. I love that movie! :P
The Matrix sequal fights were extremely boring & limp compared to the orignal.

As this is suppost to be the most intense fight. I'd say Jackie Chans Who Am i

The final fight on top of that building is superb, the bit were they keep kicking eachothers legs, is just Ouch!!
My other fav hand to hand fights are in the following films:
Blade 1 or 2
The One
First Strike
Project A

The most intense scene in any film has to be the big LA gun fight in Heat, thats just mindblowing.
For style over substance i love Face/off's gun fights. & the finale gun battle in The Art of War, is excellent.
I'm definitely going to nominate Troy.

Hector vs. Achillies

That was one of the greatest sword combat scenes I have ever seen.

Jackie Chan also gets kudos for many of the scenes in Drunken Master.

The matrix burly brawl is one of the best hand-to-hand combat scenes of all time.
The matrix chateau scene is way up there for melee combat.

For gunfights obviously saving private ryan is up there.
The matrix lobby scene is a fantastic gunfight.
..I'm drawing a blank on anything else.

Kill Bill sucks.
Kill Bill doesn't suck, it's a tribute film. Almost all scenes were copied from other movies. Brilliant scenes, though the credit shouldn't be going to Tarantino.
I really like the fight between Uma Thurman and that japeneese school girl (forgot her name :dunce: ) in Kill Bill Vol.1 Really great fight. Also the fight between Uma and Lucy Lui was good too.
Kill Bill had some awesome fights
The Matrix with the scene in the corridor
Fight Club where the main dude gave the blonde dude one hell of a beating
Saving Private Ryan is amazingly... amazing!!
We Were Soldiers has some nice stuff to do with the Vietnam War
Rocky IV where he went against Drago is one to watch
Star Wars (cant remember which episode) the one where Luke and Vader fight for the first time
I should mention that a lot of Jackie Chan's early movie's have awesome fight scenes and great stunt work, with the addition of really bad dubbing! Drunken master and Dm2 are great examples of what Jackie was really capable of. You really got to appreciate the **** he goes through to do those stunts right and to have the balls to do all these things without a gurantee that he'll survive em. Kudos to Mr. Chan.
1. When Neo fights Agent Smith for the final and ultimate battle at the end of Matrix Revolutions. I waited so long to see these two face off for good, and the mood of the fight, together with Don Davis' epic Neodammerung track as musical accompaniment, ensured I would never forget it.

2. The Colonial Marines' last stand against the xenomorphs in Aliens. The scene where Hicks climbs up on a chair to check the cieling has to be one of the most terrifying moments in sci-fi movie history. I even felt sorry for smart-ass Hudson when he was overcome by the creatures. Equally good is Ripley's fight against the Queen in the power loader at the end of the film. "Get away from her you *****!"

3. Rocky vs. Ivan Drago in Rocky IV. Certainly the best fight in the Rocky series, and one of the best boxing matches in any film.

4. Return of the King: when the Riders of Rohan come to the rescue of Minas Tirith. They blow their horns and charge, practically obliterating the bad guys.

5. Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Keith David in They Live. One of the most entertaining fights of them all. Check it out if you haven't seen it; the film is classic John Carpenter goodness.

6. Steven Seagal squares off against a pool hall full of henchmen in Out For Justice. Yes, Seagal's movies are pretty much crap from opening credits to end credits, but this one's a bit better than the rest, and this fight scene is awesome. Classic Seagal, meaning lots of broken bones and absolutely no mercy.

7. "This is Byron Williams. Heavyweight Champion OF THE WORLD!" Jim Brown vs. the Martians in Mars Attacks!

8. Black Hawk Down. The futility the soldiers experience while trapped in the streets is gut-wrenching.

9. Commando, when Arnold storms the island and kills about 17,000 bad guys.

10. Anything from Equilibrium, particularly the scene where Christian Bale goes to return the dog to the slums or the final sword fight.

11. Luke Skywalker vs. Darth Vader in The Return of the Jedi.
Good choices, Anderton. I loved "They Live", but I haven't seen it in like over 10 years, so I don't remember the fight scene you speak of. I should get that on DVD!

On Commando, it's one of my favorite movies of all time. I've probably seen it close to 10 times(all in a theater) in Japanese, at least double that in English. Yes, I like Schwazenegger little too much. :P

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