Motor Trend Interview with Mr. Yamauchi, accepting your questions

  • Thread starter Snaeper


United States
Phoenix, AZ
Hey guys, after I read MTOnline's review of the CES Demo, I decided to PM the blogs author about his mention of Motor Trends interview with Mr. Yamauchi. I cautioned him about making sure that they had a list of GOOD un-answered or vaguely answered questions in which to possibly oust some serious info on the game to avoid the interview falling into mediocrity.

Whether by my influence or not (man I'm full of myself) the same Editor has just posted a WOT discussion asking the readers what they want to know from Mr. Yamauchi.

If anyone has an MTOnline account get over there and ask for the good questions, if anyone doesn't, I'll be checking back on this blog and I'll make a list of questions as they come, I'll post as often as I can but I wont just post single questions so hit me with them!

This is a great opportunity to get some serious info I think.
  • Will GT5 be released world wide at the same time? If so, when?
  • WRC is licensed. Will there be any real WRC pont to point rally stages?
  • Will the online mode be much improved from GT5 Prologue?
  • Will the time of day and weather be dynamic, or will you just be able to choose between night/day and sunshine/rain?
  • We are many confused about how many tracks to be included. Do you think you can clear this up a bit?

How about those? :)
Hey guys, after I read MTOnline's review of the CES Demo, I decided to PM the blogs author about his mention of Motor Trends interview with Mr. Yamauchi. I cautioned him about making sure that they had a list of GOOD un-answered or vaguely answered questions in which to possibly oust some serious info on the game to avoid the interview falling into mediocrity.

Whether by my influence or not (man I'm full of myself) the same Editor has just posted a WOT discussion asking the readers what they want to know from Mr. Yamauchi.

If anyone has an MTOnline account get over there and ask for the good questions, if anyone doesn't, I'll be checking back on this blog and I'll make a list of questions as they come, I'll post as often as I can but I wont just post single questions so hit me with them!

This is a great opportunity to get some serious info I think.

Thanks, but I'm more intrigued about your signature, IT ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
- Any new manufactuers you can talk about?
- Will Super GT follow a season structure or is the license just for cars?
- Will there be another demo after GT Academy finishes?
- Will Touge/Hillclimb be featured?
- Any open areas to drive around and have fun on (not racetracks or street circuits)?
- Any unannouced race series licenses secured (not counting IRL)?
- What's in the 3-disc boxset seen in the SLS AMG video?
- Were the GT Academy demo graphics reduced in quality at all to keep filesize down?
To start with a bang:

"Mr Yamauchi, Porsche's deal with EA is expiring on march. What does this mean?"

Will the classic original courses from previous GT's make their way into the game?

The licenses you secured (Super GT, IRL, WRC, Nascar) will it be just for the cars or we will have full championships with them?
- How extensive is vehicle customization going to be?
- Will there be mandatory installations?

That's pretty much all I've got right now. :ill:
- What can you discuss in the way of car customization, such as race modifications, body kits or a livery paint editor?
- Are there any improvements to Photo Mode you'd like to reveal to us?
- Do you have any plans for a special Anniversary Edition, or will the stock GT5 game come loaded with special features? Anything you would like to divulge?
- Will gameplay be expanded in any sort of Season or Career Mode? What sort of fine details in regard to real world motorsports will be included to excite the true racing and PC sim fans?
To clarify, what do you mean by mandatory installations?

Larger games such as MGS4 (the only basis of comparison that I honestly have) requires that you install game data throughout different points of the game.
There are a few games that require an installation of a few gigs when you start up the game for the first time.
Are there future plans to release DLC for cars and tracks?

Although he didn't seem to react too happily when it was asked in the past:
"Let me be clear on this. There is a massive amount of content in this game, I don't think there are many teams that can put as much into a game as we can." he said. "The launch of the game isn't a start, we are releasing the full game"

"Everything we want to put in the game is on the disc when it ships," he continued. "Having said that, we do have a sizable online team that will look after it once it's launched"
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Motor Trend is a car magazine, not a gaming site. They aren't going to ask all these technical gaming questions like mandatory install, and graphics from the time trial demo etc. Keep it to questions a car magazine would likely ask and we might actually get some information. Number of tracks is a good example and is something many on this board are dying to know more about. Asking about the racing series and how they will be implemented makes sense too.
Well hey, they opened the doors for us to ask whatever, they'll be slimming the list to things they want to know.

Frankly, I think if MT starts asking technical gaming questions it might catch KY with his pants down.
- Are they planning to interact more with the fanbase/audience/customers?
- What is the best way for a community to give feedback to PD - even if those would be ignored :D

-Will the draft be more real (not as big) in final version of GT5 than in GT5p?
-Will 1:1 steering animation be in?
