Motorstorm Pacific Rift - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter Robin
The game turned out to be NOTHING like the video everyone saw and the gameplay was just as boring. They go and show all this crazy racing where motorcycles get trampled, parts are flying, and everything gets trashed. The we get how the gameplay looks in the actual game and it's just another racing game in a circle... oh, with nitro. yay.

All I'm saying is don't promise something you can't deliver. What they WANT you to get excided about in the CGI is NOTHING like what the game actually gives you.

: Shrugs: Callin it as I see it.

No, you're calling it like you see it through your green tinted glasses with a giant x on them.

The game, online, in 1st person, was amazing. Incredibly intense. It felt like that trailer.

Of course, I'm certain i don't see you on crusades against RB6 V2 when they released TONS of CG footage to promote the game early on, and it's simply an expansion pack to the first game.

Continue to dig yourself deeper man, but it's blatantly obvious you come in most of these threads to say 'lol look it's not that great PS3 sucks" or "I'll sell my PS3 version, it sucks and look like dog poop lololol you guys are suckers".

It's old.
No, you're calling it like you see it through your green tinted glasses with a giant x on them.

The game, online, in 1st person, was amazing. Incredibly intense. It felt like that trailer.

Of course, I'm certain i don't see you on crusades against RB6 V2 when they released TONS of CG footage to promote the game early on, and it's simply an expansion pack to the first game.

Continue to dig yourself deeper man, but it's blatantly obvious you come in most of these threads to say 'lol look it's not that great PS3 sucks" or "I'll sell my PS3 version, it sucks and look like dog poop lololol you guys are suckers".

It's old.

Hmm... apparently, you didn't read what I posted and also, you look at me with "your green tinted glasses with a giant x on them". If you look at my "history" I'll bash games all over, I could give a crap what system they are. Unfortunately, because the PS3 has so little games it looks like I bash them more. Even if it's on both systems I have explained why as in the case like NHL 08.

As for my beloved RSV2 I have no idea what your talking about. I don't care if people think it's an expansion pack or not, it's a lot more refined and improved... As for the CGI promos, I don't remember if I mentioned it or not but sure fine... I'll say it now. Going into a theater and standing out in the open waiting to get shot then using the theater chairs as cover is the most retarted thing I've heard of.

There are a lot of FPS that seem to miss that concept... but, the biggest offender? Army of two which is EA which is more 360 than for the PS3 which I bashed the hell out of all the way up to it's release and do people play it these days? no... why? because they realize how much standing out in an open field back to back with their partner getting shot at is retarded. lol
: Shrugs: Callin it as I see it.

We get the picture.

Fair enough, and considering even you admit you are in the minority, and have shown a certain lack of understanding on many of the capabilities and usable features of the PS3, both promised and deliver; and considering what examples you have used in past cases when making similar judgments; at least we now can use this to determine how much/little validity to place on your current and future opinions about anything that has to do with the PS3...

Although I assume that won't be necessary, as it would make no sense for someone who actually believes what you are saying to keep using or even owning a PS3, and thus if such a person continued to post visceral biased and often unfounded attacks on the PS3 platform, especially when they are based on such little amount of info, and often unture, then they are likely just being a troll looking to stir up trouble... and I'm sure you wouldn't want to be that kind of person.

Thanks for clearing all this up though. 👍
Hmm... apparently, you didn't read what I posted and also, you look at me with "your green tinted glasses with a giant x on them". If you look at my "history" I'll bash games all over, I could give a crap what system they are. Unfortunately, because the PS3 has so little games it looks like I bash them more. Even if it's on both systems I have explained why as in the case like NHL 08.

As for my beloved RSV2 I have no idea what your talking about. I don't care if people think it's an expansion pack or not, it's a lot more refined and improved... As for the CGI promos, I don't remember if I mentioned it or not but sure fine... I'll say it now. Going into a theater and standing out in the open waiting to get shot then using the theater chairs as cover is the most retarted thing I've heard of.

There are a lot of FPS that seem to miss that concept... but, the biggest offender? Army of two which is EA which is more 360 than for the PS3 which I bashed the hell out of all the way up to it's release and do people play it these days? no... why? because they realize how much standing out in an open field back to back with their partner getting shot at is retarded. lol

Well, facts are facts man, all games promise a lot, you've been holding PS3 to this higher standard for games, thinking that's what the higher price got you, when in reality, it got you a multi-functional system with a bunch of capabilities you don't take advantage of, that's your fault. I love my PS3, especially when I remote play Pixel Junk Monsters at work.
Great Pics, game looks great! I think it was first True Next gen game with awesome car crashes.. I hope this time Roll cages gets a lot more damage .
:sly:I'm just hoping for more steering wheel support. Id love to be able to use my DFP with 900 degree steering.:sly:
Last year I wrote an email to Evolution studios to ask if MotorStorm 2 would have wheel compatibility and they said that it probably would.

I have the G25 wheel, but even if it does come out with the option to play with wheel i wont. Its a arcade and im sticking with Controller, I don't wanna blow off MOTORS from wheel because i crash every 10 seconds LOL.
I think they mention right after finishing teh first one.. It was a hit so why the heck not?

I really hope that this time for Single Player driving/racing you can this time choose your track and ride and Computer rides... as well REPLAY and Instant replay (free cam, swich cams for other drivers etc)

I really disliked that once you finished all the tickets, you still could not choose a ride you like with race track you like.. stupid ticket systems! its only good for campaign
Ok, now being a motorcycle freak (dirtbikes anyways) i had to take notice on the dirtbike in the trailer on the first page... now is it just me, or is this a Trials bike? (I Ride Trials IRL)


Looks like it. I noticed a lot of new vehicles, many which can be easily associated to a real world counterpart just as it was with the first MotorStorm. 👍
E3 trailer is really great. there is still time to improve the graphic quality. I hope they will a bit more.

I will be very surprised if they don't as the footage in that trailer doesn't look as good the original MotorStorm, and it's been over a year. Although it looks nice, compared to MotorStorm, I'm not terribly impressed by the graphic quality as it stands right now, but then again, it's just an early trailer so I'm also not at all concerned nor believe this is what we can expect, graphic wise from the release version.
I dont mind the lower graphic quality since they've nearly doubled the amount of cars on screen and in online mode and added a 4 player split screen mode

Gameplay > Graphics
I dont mind the lower graphic quality since they've nearly doubled the amount of cars on screen and in online mode and added a 4 player split screen mode

Gameplay > Graphics

That's a good point, although I still think they will be able to improve upon the graphics, but at the end of the day, I'll take better gameplay over graphics. 👍
yeah, got to have wheel for a driving game. whats up with that?
awesome!! i loved MS..i met alot of cool people and had some great wrecks and races. That's a game where you definitley have to earn your wins. Can't wait for the release, the music in the trailer fits the game perfectly :) gotta love pendelum :)
That's really disappointing.

Even though I don't have a steering wheel. The devs shouldn't disappoint fans like that.
A steering wheel with this is a bit mental im pretty sure i used one on the last one but still Motorstorm is one of the best games ever made along with COD4,would any of you agree?
I played COD4 only once, and thought it was horribly overrated.

Otherwise, you speak sense.

But you missed out GTA4.