Motorstorm Pacific Rift - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter Robin
I'll get flamed by Ricci again but anyway... Yeah, waste of time like I thought.

Right, and I'm sure you spent what, all of 3 minutes playing it? This is without a doubt the best arcade racer releasing this holiday season. Midnight Club is garbage, and there is nothing else coming out.

But, I can understand why people wouldn't enjoy a visceral arcade racer that requires skill when you could play other trash that just requires you hold down the gas button.
Right, and I'm sure you spent what, all of 3 minutes playing it? This is without a doubt the best arcade racer releasing this holiday season. Midnight Club is garbage, and there is nothing else coming out.

: shrugs: If you ever wandered outside of PS3 exclusive games you'd see I didn't like MC:LA either... As for this game, sorry if I don't like when a developer blatantly puts obstacles so that all you do is crash like Nascrap cars and if that doesn't get you the stupid AI that is programed to run you off the road does.

But, I can understand why people wouldn't enjoy a visceral arcade racer that requires skill when you could play other trash that just requires you hold down the gas button.

:lol: Nice job offending GT5p and the people that play that game.
This is without a doubt the best arcade racer releasing this holiday season. Midnight Club is garbage, and there is nothing else coming out.

*cough* Undercover *cough*

If thats isnt arcade then I dont know what is! :sly:

Well my pops will want the game so im going to pick it up in a few minutes along with LBP. I didn't know it had photomode so that has made my day.
*cough* Undercover *cough*

If thats isnt arcade then I dont know what is! :sly:


It's not arcade. NFS: Undercover is in a category all of it's own.

It's called "SUCK". Seriously, Carbon, Most Wanted, ProStreet. They were all absolutely terrible games.
Got my copy of the game today, a week early (released on the 14th?)

But I haven't tried it yet because of my PS3 not working...which is annoying because despite the comments, I really enjoyed the demo. Although monster trucks don't really suit Motorstorm, they're too slow and don't fit in the game.
I didn't care much for the demo either (although demos rarely reveal the overall quality of a game, and understandably are limited so that you can't grasp the depth of gameplay and options), but I also didn't like the demo for the original MotorStorm, and that turned out not only to be a very entertaining arcade racing game, but got the most gameplay in our household for over a year due to its easy pick up and play style. My only major complaint was the lack of any offline multiplayer splitscreen option. Our only option was to take turns and compare times... which while competitive, isn't nearly as fun.

Now with MotorStorm 2 adding offline 4-player splitscreen mode, new vehicles, and new enviroments, for me this was one of the easist purchase decisions I had to make despite all the great games that have been coming out lately.

Now if only I can tear myself and my family away from LBP long enough to play it, then I'll come back and let you know what I think of the full game. :)
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Well I've just played a couple of races and its great, I love the graphics, although it seems they are have traded HDR for Aliasing which in my opinion is a good thing as it makes for a prettier game. The tracks I've been on are mental and really challenging and the physics are spot on for this type of racer, not too floaty but not really real either, it makes for a well balanced and well rounded racer.
Actually HDR is still very much in the game Sprite, you should check out some of the other times of day, that's where the game really shines visually.

I don't understand how folks can say it doesn't look as good as the first, it's visually a step above it.
Actually HDR is still very much in the game Sprite, you should check out some of the other times of day, that's where the game really shines visually.

I don't understand how folks can say it doesn't look as good as the first, it's visually a step above it.

I agree, I think its so much prettier than the first game by a long way, maybe they have just got a handle on the HDR as it isn't as bright as the first game. Either way HDR or No HDR its still a looker of a game.
Actually HDR is still very much in the game Sprite, you should check out some of the other times of day, that's where the game really shines visually.

I don't understand how folks can say it doesn't look as good as the first, it's visually a step above it.

People don't seem to appreciate that the first one was supposed to look like a bare desert, i.e. no foliage, in the new one due to the foliage perhaps not being photo realistic they seem to complain. When I played the demo, after I finished I immediately booted up Motorstorm the original and compared. The graphics are far improved, and that was just from the demo! I'm hopefully going to get this game for Christmas, I can't see anything else coming along and knocking it from the "Want" list.
I thought the graphics in MotorStorm were already pretty darn good, especially for an arcade racer, so any graphical improvement in MS2 had no impact on my decision to buy it.

BTW: While I still have not had a chance to play it, I did come across a few screen shots of some of the vehicles, and one in particular caught my eye:

That sure looks like a 1950's Cooper GP race car inspired vehicle. Not exactly off-road worthy (it's an aracde game, so I'm OK with that) :) , but one of my favorite race car manufacturers of all time. 👍

I also like how they have added buidings into the mix:

Now MotorStorm had a lot of vehicles that were not only based on very recognizable models, but also famous unique cars from movies and TV shows. Is that the same with MS2? I have not seen a list wih pics of all the vehicles in MS2, if there is one, can someone post a link to it? Thanks!
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Does Pacific Rift have all the cars plus downloadable ones from the first game? I have some spare cash and was looking to get a new game(lord knows i dont need anymore). The demo was ok. but the 16 tracks have my attention seeing the first game had 8.

Let me know if they improved the online lobbies and room setup. was not a fan of the first ones online design.
Im in love with the game, it just so much fun, as far as i seen the game it looks really good (fire levels impress the less). amount of cars is great for such a game and its all so close. multiplayer offline has been a blast so far. havent tried the game online yet so dont know if thats any good but offline entertainment is hugh. :)
Got this game for Christmas, so far so good. I love it, I don't agree with what the poster above says about the Fire levels not being the best looking, "Wildfire" is in my own opinion the best looking track on the game especially on the evening setting. I'm not very far in the game yet so I haven't got many cars, although though whole car select is much improved compared to Motorstorm: Monument Valley, instead of the 3D spin-around view which, If I might add, took forever to load therefore making car selection somewhat daunting. However now its a much more simple process using a 2D Menu screen, less flashy admitedly but much quicker. The ability to run a custom soundtracks is also a great feature, I mean I find music track list on Motorstorm tolerable, I'm not a fan but I don't dislike it. By using my custom soundtrack means I can get the best music for me. So far, most of the races have been...well amazing. As an example; I did a race this afternoon on a track called "Riptide", this track is small tight track in the style of Moto Cross track. It was a race mainly consisting of big rigs and monster trucks. Although I was in a mud plugger. This meant huge tossles over who got in and out of the corners first and most importantly avoiding the huge wheels and crushing capabilities of the monster trucks. In all a awesome action packed race. I'll give a full review another time but so far so good.

I saved some images of photomode and copied them from the PS3 to my computer. I had a fiddle with this one in photoshop.


Hope to see some of you guys online soon!
I've downloaded the demo for Pacific Rift and it's been more fun already than the original IMO but I've found it VERY difficult. I'm struggling to get any higher than 8th!
I love this game, if any of you fancy a spin feel free to add me, with wee message saying you are from GTP.

Th first game was great but I feel Pacific Rift is underrated, I have not met anyone wh has played it to feel disappointed with it and online works very well
I've downloaded the demo for Pacific Rift and it's been more fun already than the original IMO but I've found it VERY difficult. I'm struggling to get any higher than 8th!

It is quite hard, but thing with Motorstorm is learning your different routes to take. As an example I wouldn't take a big rig up on the high routes, thats where I'd take a nimble lightweigh bike or ATV. Take some time to learn the track as its something valuable to know in the world of Motorstorm. I must admit although the demo was quite good it didn't make me want to come back and play it very often. The full game is completely different whenever I'm on the PS3 at the moment I'm on it. The game shows good progression from the easier races to harder ones without a sudden huge leap. If your not sure about the full game, maybe give it a rent?

I love this game, if any of you fancy a spin feel free to add me, with wee message saying you are from GTP.

Th first game was great but I feel Pacific Rift is underrated, I have not met anyone wh has played it to feel disappointed with it and online works very well

Yeah I'll add you. I agree not enough people are praising this game for what it is, it is after all a arcade game essentially. Motorstorm Pacific Rift has much more substance to it than the original which felt as though it always needed more due to the lack of; splitscreen, more tracks, and more importantly other modes than "Festival". This game is how the first should have been in my opinion.
I wasn't going to get it, but the screenshots make it look so much fun, I think I will be of to gamestation today :P
It is quite hard, but thing with Motorstorm is learning your different routes to take. As an example I wouldn't take a big rig up on the high routes, thats where I'd take a nimble lightweigh bike or ATV. Take some time to learn the track as its something valuable to know in the world of Motorstorm. I must admit although the demo was quite good it didn't make me want to come back and play it very often. The full game is completely different whenever I'm on the PS3 at the moment I'm on it. The game shows good progression from the easier races to harder ones without a sudden huge leap. If your not sure about the full game, maybe give it a rent?

I know about the routes thing from the original Motorstorm, but in the demo it seems that the routes aren't as clearly marked..I played it again earlier and managed to get 1st using a bike, it was a very exciting race too. I really do much prefer the demo to any level from the original, it seems exciting and the races are always close whereas on the original if you crashed once you were pretty much guaranteed to lose. I'm very tempted to trade in Fallout 3 for some money towards this, maybe we could have some races? 👍
I was lucky enough to get the Beta for this but I never really hooked me as much as the original. If anyone wants to know the demo is identical to the beta. Also on the demo, all the vehicles are nice and shiny plastic looking, Heck! the bike even has slick tires! Can someone give me a good idea of what the online racing is like? I found Motorstorm so easy online, got to GOD in just over 70 races.
I know about the routes thing from the original Motorstorm, but in the demo it seems that the routes aren't as clearly marked..I played it again earlier and managed to get 1st using a bike, it was a very exciting race too. I really do much prefer the demo to any level from the original, it seems exciting and the races are always close whereas on the original if you crashed once you were pretty much guaranteed to lose.

Yeah the routes aren't clearly marked on the tracks anymore, you kind of have to use common sense to navigate around and just stick to the rules that the big rigs and monster trucks stay low and in the mud/water zones whilst everything up is placed higher up.

Races wise, so far (I'm rank 4 so far) in the game I haven't had a race which isn't exciting. Races which you thing might normal can be changed in a instance and be bikes v.s the heavier vehicles or heavy vehicles vs. heavy vehicles. The old eliminators on the original Motorstorm haven't been scrapped just adapted, now instead of the old thing of having 20 seconds before last place is eliminated it's now around 14, maybe less on certain tracks. This means there is always tossling to get out of last place. Great fun :)

I'm very tempted to trade in Fallout 3 for some money towards this, maybe we could have some races? 👍

Yeah sure, on the original Motorstorm (Which I was a fan of) I tried to organise a online event but it didn't go ahead due to lack of interest. But I'd love to meet up with some of you guys online to have some races. :)


Yesterday, I had a friend come round and we played splitscreen on it, it was the most fun and I know this is a pretty bold claim, I have ever had on the PS3. Splitscreen is a great addition to the game and was something that the original desperately needed.
Hey Speedster thanks for the add, at home for Christmas so will accept asap, as you were saying the split screen is a tonne of fun, I have actually had a go on the four player and even though the size of my part of screen was small was still great fun and the game held up admirably.

A day or two ago a friend and I were playing two player and we were only allowed to choose monster trucks, was hilarious. I was actually in tears laughing at points!
I've just got back from getting the game, going to pop it into the PS3 in a minute!
I've only done 4 races so far but it's brilliant fun! The 'Air' tracks are epic in places, and the entire game is simply gorgeous to look at. I'm loving the fact that you can get buggies that are just a rollcage, no body. I always wanted more of those in the original.
I've only done 4 races so far but it's brilliant fun! The 'Air' tracks are epic in places, and the entire game is simply gorgeous to look at. I'm loving the fact that you can get buggies that are just a rollcage, no body. I always wanted more of those in the original.

The air tracks have to be my favourite too, have raced on "The Edge" yet? Some awesomely huge jumps on that if you take the route on the right from the start :) Have fun!