No the meet that the pics are from was a private day. Though if they show the drags from when Top Secret was down here I may be in it due to my extremely quick 60' times and how hard the car was launching.
I usually use Toyo T1S Proxies 255/40/17 but the last time I bought tyres I didn't have the nearly $1,500 for them so put the much cheaper and crapy Nankangs in the same size. These how ever have now went egg shaped by so much the steering wheel rocks back and forth and the car shakes pretty bad at 60mph or 100k. At 265kph it is not so bad suprisingly but getting caught doing that speed and you lose your car, lic, freedom, and a huge fine. So far the highest I've had the car up to is 273 kph or 169.6mph and I still had about another 350rpm to go to my lowered rev cut of 8,000 rpm. BTW yes it was still accelerating.