My theory on the world trade centre

  • Thread starter Dudebusta
I don't agree with the rest of the world, i agreed with Dude since the begining, i think i was the first one that agreed, his theorey isn't perfect but it sounds pretty coherent to me
Actually, reading the news at the moment it seems like there's been a monumental ****-up at the FBI - seems the rule for government is the same for private enterprise - if there's a big SNAFU, suspect incompetence before conspiracy...
The US is so naive and so unaware what goes on in other countries, they have blinded themselves with "the american dream", now you guys can't think outside the box.
Ok, as a Canadian (we really *aren't* just one more big US state)...

I can honestly say that I was obviously devastated by the bombings - not 'cause I'm an American ('cause I'm not), not 'cause I had family and friends in the building ('cause I didn't). I was devestated because I'm a human being. This type of senseless violence just boggles the mind.

Now... Al-Quida (I'm not bothering to check whether I spelt that correctly) has declared this a war, and since it is a war, there's going to be casualties on both sides (as this is inevitable). The big difference is, in the fight in Afghanistan, the US and gang are doing all they can to avoid civilian casualties... The Taliban can make no such claims. Their "war" was only against civilians...

<shrug> I'm a neutral party here. The only thing that binds me with those that suffered because of terrorist acts, is being human.

Which oughtta be enough.

puffy where do you live? because you live here you have no room to say anything about "thinking outside of the box". ;)

so let me try and understand your little theory.....

you think that bush and osama with al quida got into an agreement that went something like this

BUSH: Hey Osama, get a couple of your guys to kill themselves by hijacking a couple of planes and crashing into a couple of landmarks here in my homeland

OSAMA: Sounds like a deal, what's in it for me?

BUSH: Well I'll get the us airforce army and military to go to your homeland and bomb the **** out of it, killing a lot more people then you would kill here

OSAMA: hmmm, well okay why not, just don't kill me, say you lost me alright?

BUSH: No prob

is this what you are trying to say dude?
Firstly: the US has a service based economy. One needs only to see the number of McJobs here to confirm that fact.

Secondly: I have read 1984 and entertain these paranoid little theories from time to time. However, to think that US leaders are so callous that they would kill thousands of people for an insignificant economy boost is ridiculous. I'm not a GW fan either, but please don't allow your prejudices to completely skew your judgement.

Thirdly: There are always conflicts in the world. Sometimes the US gets involved. Being a superpower is a b*tch 'cos everyone's aiming for you.
Originally posted by Puffy

A McJob is a menial, low-paying, low-or-no-benefit job. It is usually a service position (e.g., waiting on customers at McDonald's). The term was first used during the Clinton administration. Clinton boasted of the many jobs he'd created; but many of these positions were the aforementioned "McJobs" that don't really allow you to make a successful life for yourself or your family.
Well guys, I must admit that I have avoided this thread for some time now but decided to take a look and I'm very dissapointed.

It is certainly well within all of our rights to speak our minds and our opinions. But all this schemeing and conspiring or theory or whatever, that is being thrown around should not really be the point.
I would hope that the point would be that almost 3,000 people lost there lives, and no matter what you think might have happened or who conspired with who, the fact remains that 3,000 people died and that should not be diminished by anyone and there theories. If this had happened in any other country the same retaliations would have been taken by them. And you can damn well be sure they would have asked for help from the USA.
I have lived in very diverse areas, where I have come in contact with people from all over the world and there common opinion of the USA is rather poor. These poor opinions of the USA are sometimes rational and logical and based in fact and some are just plain ridiculous. But that is something that is always associated with being a world power. Attention is always focused on the USA by the rest of the world and our actions are always scrutinized.
We Americans got our noses bloodied on September 11th, and the rest of the world thinks that we deserved it. It seems that the world enjoys seeing the Big Bad Bully get what it had coming to it, and I think that is why this poor excuse for a thread was started.
If a terrorist attack like this one had happened in Australia or any other part of the world this thread would never had appeared. You wouldnt have started this if it happened in Uganda.

We Americans would never had concockted such a lame theory about why the leader of Australia had conspired with the terrorists to boost the economy at the expense of peoples lives.
This is what PISSES you off. The world thinks that we don't think about them. There common perception of Americans is that we are all self centered, arrogant and care only for ourselfs. Maby it's true and maby it isn't, but i'd like to think that it isn't. The fact is that the United States is the last of the Super Powers and the rest of the world is not. They want to be, but there not and it is a sore spot for them. Thats why we have to see stupid threads like this. This thread is only here for that reason. It is here because the USA is #1 and you know it and you know that your not. If this had happened in your country I would be sending you my deepest sympathies for all those lives lost and not trying to stir the proverbial S**T Pot that you are trying to do here. You knew exactly what was going to happen in here by stating that lame "theory." You can't possibly believe your theory, because if you do you need to re-think your life cus the colour of the sky where you are, sure isn't blue. Your just trying to press the buttons of us Americans and you ended up pressing about 3,000 of them.
Just dont diminish the lives of all those people that died because your happy to see the USA get what was coming to them.