My theory on the world trade centre

  • Thread starter Dudebusta
Originally posted by M5Power


Okay, I know the thread has moved on from this, but ignorance like this just can't go unchecked.

I'm going to spell this out for you in big, bold letters and I'll try to use short words so you have a chance of understnading it:

first of all, you didn't save our Necks, we had already repulsed the German advance by winning the Battle of Brittain. Secondly, you had every reason to get into the war - its the moral responsibility of free and just nations to stand together against Genocide and terror. Thirdly, as Slip so eloquently pointed out, it was Russia more than any other single nation who won the war by blunting the German war machine on the Eastern front and then rolling up to Berlin. They lost over 20 Million people in that war. I'd argue that we didmore to win the war than you did cos we were in it from the start. you may have snet more planes and tanks at the end, but we had to fight it out, pretty much on our own for a bit and we did it form start to finish.

If you wanted to claim credit for winning WW2 then you should have pitched in from the start. Joining a marathon for the last ten miles and then claiming to be the winner doesn't make you the best runner. get over it.

we appreciate your help - all the nations who stood together were partners and allies, but don't go around shouting how you saved everyone's necks cos it just reinforces the (largely unjustified) stereotype of arrogant and ignorant Americans whch makes people not like you.

Originally posted by M5Power

And the Falkland Islands were like two bald men fighting over a comb Why did the UK want the Falklands so much??

Again, props to Slip for already clearing this one up, but is it not obvious why we fought - Oil and access to Antarctica aside, they invaded our land and nobody ****s with this nation or they get their asses kicked.

And again - don't try to take too much credit for that one too. We appreciate the use of a few satellites, but if you want full credit then send a ****ing carrier next time!

Originally posted by M5Power

Oh, and about the people who crashed the planes into the towers: I'll agree they're stupid. Who won't?

And I've saved my most controversial point for last becasue the simple answer is 'me'. I don't think they're stupid. I may think they are wrong and I think they are misguided, but in terms of fighting for what they believe in and achieving their goals I'd say they were pretty damn effective really.


Originally posted by Dudebusta

if you all dislike it so much, why keep it going by posting? :dunce:

I'll only post in it if it's at the very top again.

Got to say i had real hopes it was going to drop off this time.

Never mind 'ay me little toad licker!
i dont think that any president would purposely kill thousands of his fellow countrymen to rase the economy. osama bin laden admitted days after 9/11 about his involement in the attacks in a video that was aired on an arab tv show. also, osama tried to destroy the wtc in 1993 with a car bomb in the basement parking lot.

anyway, the american economy still sucks now, the stocks are going down,up,down,down,up. the stocks slammed down the second good 'ol george said they were good. so how can you say the us economy thrives on war?
Larger scale war's ARE profitable to the US economy. Rosie the Rivoter, War Bonds, large scale production across the board. However this might not be considered "large scale" how much have you heard on the news that leads you to beleive that it will be one day. And perhaps soon.
i guess i'm assuming that the terrorists will attack more frequently and with more power or that this really will take a long time. but no one knows what'll happen next year, or even tommorrow.
It has been happening more frequently, but you have to know that there is alot of media attention pointed in that direction now. So it seems to be like the world is going to hell in a hand basket.
Originally posted by Dudebusta
ok now i know a lot of americans are going to get pissed off and go nuts in here but id like to have my say.

my theory about the world trade centre is that the u.s government was involved in the planes crashing into the wtc.

america is a country where the econemy is based on war. until now the american econemy has been going downhill, now that they are fighting again, the econemy is getting better.

whenever america hits the skids, a war breaks out and then all this money comes flowing into the econemy and things are better for another 30 or 40 years. its bad again. lets go start some **** somewhere.

it is all a little to coincidental for me. george bush has always wanted to get his missile system into use but has never been given the funding. now he has the funding and can pay for it with tax dollars and say he needs it to protect america.

he really couldnt give 2 ****s about america, all he cares about is being a god infront of a nation and killing the people that were 'supposidly' responsible for the planes crashing into the wtc.

there is no proof of osama bin laden, taliban or the al quaeda's involvement in the plane crashes. nobody has claimed them. all it took was george bush to say that it was osama and that he is involved with the taliban and alqueda and a bunch of trigger happy, pissed off americans went after him.

why hasnt he been caught??? because the u.s government has no ****ing clue where he is.

now george bush couldnt give a rats ass about the taliban and the rest of em. all he wants is for the whole world to bow down to the u.s. i can tell you, its not going to happen. he is screwing around with a time bomb at the moment and its only a matter of time before it blows up in his face.

george bush and colin powell are war mongers. all they like is war because killing people makes them gods infront of his niaeve followers - the american public. they arent going to do anything about isreal, plaestine or iraq, they need to keep the wars going for another 30 or 40 years to build up their econemy to full strength again.

they had the chance to wipe out saddam in the gulf, did they, hell no they didnt. they knew if their econemy was to survive, they needed to keep the pot boiling and wait till they were stuffed again, then they would go ruff him up again.

its all a big pile of crap to me. i just hope that none of my american GTP members families get hurt because of george bush's arrogance. :nervous:

actually my dad figures it all out 4 hours after it all happend.....and he likes to figure out those kinds of things. and he said what you said..... FEAKY AINT IT
Originally posted by boombexus
Larger scale war's ARE profitable to the US economy. Rosie the Rivoter, War Bonds, large scale production across the board. However this might not be considered "large scale" how much have you heard on the news that leads you to beleive that it will be one day. And perhaps soon.

Right, when you have a war the size of World War II it jump-starts the economy. But I don't think anyone is hoping (much less trying) for a conflict of that size. No economy boost is worth that.
Originally posted by risingson77

Right, when you have a war the size of World War II it jump-starts the economy. But I don't think anyone is hoping (much less trying) for a conflict of that size. No economy boost is worth that.


But there is a boost in areas that we don't see when a small scale conflict is concerned.
New weapons testing and development. Those companies see alot of increased activity!
My dad has worked both for the CIA and is now currently working for a defense contractor Lockheed Martin. He has had MANY a new project come his company's way.

While that might not effect either me or you, it does play a role. Albeit a small one, but there is a difinate reason behind everything that this country does.

Let's say for instance, this situation does escalte to say the size Desert Storm did. The economy boost that me and you would see is still negligable, but as far as the boost to the military and military defense contractors like Lockheed Martin, and not to mention increased funding that the US gov. would dole out, would certainly be substantial to them! And that's a big bonus for them considering the way the military has been cut back in past years.
you have no i know why they all have those incence sticks burning everywhere. its nothing to do with religeon, its all to get rid of the smell :lol: