NASCAR Heat: Evolution

  • Thread starter Suzumiya
From the few prerelease video's I've seen, the cars almost look hard to break loose, like they have tons of downforce just holding them to the track. How are the physics in general?

The ETX games seemed like they gave the cars a bit of weight behind them, something I can't really tell if this game has.
The exact opposite. I have and will play on Simulation, and if you so much as touch wheels with someone, chances are you are going to be in a wall. My biggest gripe so far is it is far too twitchy on controller. I will need to check the settings for sensitivity. Also AI Awareness of the players car is hit and miss, but its better than ETX

Also fun fact, You can have a genderfluid avatar if you so wish, as you can edit your driver at any time, including sex, car number (there are only four options for some stupid reason), and manufacturer.
The exact opposite. I have and will play on Simulation, and if you so much as touch wheels with someone, chances are you are going to be in a wall. My biggest gripe so far is it is far too twitchy on controller. I will need to check the settings for sensitivity. Also AI Awareness of the players car is hit and miss, but its better than ETX

Also fun fact, You can have a genderfluid avatar if you so wish, as you can edit your driver at any time, including sex, car number (there are only four options for some stupid reason), and manufacturer.
Lol meh
I disagree with PRC's graphic opinions. Theres little antialiasing, and it reminds me a bit of the mobile game, Real Racing 3. Framerate on my PS4 is about 25-40 with the mirror on and 50-60 with the mirror off. Locking away tracks is so stupid, but the game has a NASCAR Thunder-and-D2D-had-a-baby feel, which is nice.
I disagree with PRC's graphic opinions. Theres little antialiasing, and it reminds me a bit of the mobile game, Real Racing 3. Framerate on my PS4 is about 25-40 with the mirror on and 50-60 with the mirror off. Locking away tracks is so stupid, but the game has a NASCAR Thunder-and-D2D-had-a-baby feel, which is nice.
Can you tune your car in an online race?
Just watched a video with some gameplay. I'm either, A) Going to wait until the price drops to, like, $20, which shouldn't take too long with current reviews, or B) skip on this game all together.

The game looks like a first wave PS3 release IMO. The graphics aren't that great, the whole "unlock tracks" is just stupid, and the physics appear to be over the top arcade-y.

I've heard there's quite a few bugs as well, which at this point, has become a staple of NASCAR games.
Are you 🤬 kidding me? So we all get to drive around a stock car. No camber,toe,or wedge adjustments. 🤬 me.

Part of me can understand it. Races weren't very fun with one guy with a 210+ MPH setup kicking everyone's behind, but this'll hurt some of the guys wanting to do serious league racing, dor sure.
After playing it for awhile, online is fun and smooth, ran across very few glitches, physics need a big update (if slightly hit someone you spin), Need a track map, AI is really good, and damage looks good. I hope the patch they come out with is a big update and a list of additions, improvements and fixes which ain't much. Looking pass that the game is solid. 6.5/10......ehh maybe 7.
Part of me can understand it. Races weren't very fun with one guy with a 210+ MPH setup kicking everyone's behind, but this'll hurt some of the guys wanting to do serious league racing, dor sure.
that's why you have hardcore and casual lobbies. such a simple and easy solution to implement
think i'm going to wait until the first price drop before I get this game, which shouldn't be long based on reviews

new destiny expansion drops next week so i probably wouldn't be playing much anyways
TO ALL PEOPLE WHO AGREE 105 AI IS TOO EASY - Career mode on Hard is actually a legitimate challenge. You start much like NT2004 - Struggling to get top 15s due to poor equipment. There is a lot of fun to be had.
Yeah, I'm not gonna get this game brand new, I may pick it up on sale on PSN or used if it's cheap
ordered it,... unbiased review in a few days,.......
last nascar game i got was 08 i think....


Its also a lot of satire lol

So far I give the game a C+ its not fantastic but it can at least tide me over for a year. Its what we asked for, a copy of D2D on ps4.

from me was also sarcasm about the master race ;)
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some of the things left out are just mind boggling inexcusable

not being able to choose between right or left side tires when pitting? only options are " 2 tires" or "4 tires" i mean wtf is that? even eutechnyx got that part right

no bonus points for wins added to chase standings???

if this game was priced at $30-40 then these kinds of things could be forgiven. but not for $60 AAA title price
some of the things left out are just mind boggling inexcusable

not being able to choose between right or left side tires when pitting? only options are " 2 tires" or "4 tires" i mean wtf is that? even eutechnyx got that part right

no bonus points for wins added to chase standings???

if this game was priced at $30-40 then these kinds of things could be forgiven. but not for $60 AAA title price
I think there are two "Two Tires" options.
I'd like to know where all the development time went to. Surely the staff meeting didn't go like this;
"So look, I've thought of a brilliant idea. Instead of bringing quality NASCAR content, let's rehash only the Cup part of Dirt to Daytona with updated graphics and car bodies and then charge everyone for extra schemes!"
"**** it, no one will know the difference. We'll still be better than ETX, right?"
"Absolutely. It's not like they provided paint studio, online options, and realistic car stats..."
I'd like to know where all the development time went to. Surely the staff meeting didn't go like this;
"So look, I've thought of a brilliant idea. Instead of bringing quality NASCAR content, let's rehash only the Cup part of Dirt to Daytona with updated graphics and car bodies and then charge everyone for extra schemes!"
"**** it, no one will know the difference. We'll still be better than ETX, right?"
"Absolutely. It's not like they provided paint studio, online options, and realistic car stats..."
So the PRC review was correct about the cars literally driving and performing like 2002 cars?
Ther's no livery editor? You can't be seeious... The Eutechnyx games had a livery editor!
This was discussed pages back. Late to the party.
So the PRC review was correct about the cars literally driving and performing like 2002 cars?
From what I've seen, the performance as far as speed is concerned is definitely pre-2010 at best.